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Smash the Monolith Refactoring Rails Applications

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The ‘A’ Word

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The definition, composition, and interactions of parts of a system. Software architecture is...

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A compromise between viability and perfection. Software architecture is...

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Tempered by the need to deliver a solution. Software architecture is...

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Some science. Lots of aesthetics. Software architecture is...

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Software architecture is...

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vs. An age-old conflict... Big Up-Front Design Cowboy Coding

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Then: Big Up-Front Design

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Advantages Long-term product roadmaps Rich design artifacts Guided evolution Predictability

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Disadvantages Slow implementation Resistance to change New feature friction No room for mistakes

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Now: Ad-Hoc Architecture

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Guiding Principles Convention over configuration Discrete MVC layers Good separation of concerns RESTful and resourceful

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The Best Intentions Test-driven development + pair programming + pull requests + code reviews = emergent design

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The Best Intentions

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Non-CRUD controller methods. The Road to Hell

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Logic leaking into controllers and views. The Road to Hell

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Complex object graphs. The Road to Hell

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/lib/ becomes a junk drawer. The Road to Hell

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Undocumented gem dependencies. The Road to Hell

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Bloated user model. The Road to Hell

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Signs of a Degraded Design Rigidity

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Signs of a Degraded Design Fragility

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Signs of a Degraded Design Immobility

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Signs of a Degraded Design Feature friction

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Change Gets Harder Over Time Relatively Easy Delegate If Possible Take a Sick Day KILL IT WITH FIRE Difficulty of Change Time

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How did we get here?

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How did we get here? Dozens of hands on the code.

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How did we get here? Classes naturally attract new methods.

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How did we get here? Increasingly slow test suite.

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How did we get here? Entropy.

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How did we get here? One line of code at a time.

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“Most software eventually degrades to the point where someone will declare the design to be unsound.” Uncle Bob Martin

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Values-Driven Development

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Things We Value Fresh ideas combined with best practices.

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Things We Value Solid design principles applied in novel ways.

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A Values-Based Approach Culture of innovation + best practices + solid design principles = better architecture?

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Hexagonal Design

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Theoretical Backing Layered architectures break down in practice.

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Domain Objects HTTP Command Line Testing Messaging Persistence Monitoring Sinatra Cron Test Unit Beanstalkd Postgres Honey Badger Rails Rake RSpec Rabbit MongoDB New Relic

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Design Considerations Design for all of your users, not just the obvious ones.

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Design Considerations Give every class its own distinct API.

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Design Considerations Write your application in pure Ruby.

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Theoretical Backing Achieve framework independence.

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Using APIs & Messages

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Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface. Doug McIlroy, Bell Labs CSRC HTTP

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Design Considerations Implement an ecosystem of small applications.

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Design Considerations Divide models between the applications.

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Design Considerations Persistence is a service.

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Design Considerations Bind applications together using APIs and messaging.

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Design Considerations Determine a caching strategy.

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Design Considerations Pick a messaging solution.

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Rethinking Architecture

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Roots Rock.

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A Sudden Revelation What if we think of an application... just another object?

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Object-Oriented Architecture

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Theoretical Backing Apply OO design principles to the architecture itself.

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Classes communicating via messages Applications communicating via APIs & queues ! Theoretical Backing

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Applying OO Principles An application is a group of components that perform tasks on the same data.

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Applying OO Principles An application should do one well-defined thing.

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Applying OO Principles APIs allow us to easily extend our interfaces.

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Applying OO Principles It doesn’t matter what application sends, receives or processes our messages.

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Applying OO Principles APIs and presenters allow us to easily create client-specific interfaces.

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Legacy Applications

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What is a legacy app? Age is not measured in months or years or versions.

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What is a legacy app? Legacy code is not broken.

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What is a legacy app? Don’t git blame.

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What is a legacy app? A storehouse of information about a problem space.

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Refactoring Tactics Dismantle god classes.

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Refactoring Tactics Extract behaviors into modules.

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Refactoring Tactics Extract models and business logic into engines.

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Refactoring Tactics Migrate engines into discrete applications.

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Refactoring Tactics Implement observers using a messaging service.

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Refactoring Tactics Provide persistence through asynchronous services.

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Refactoring Tactics Direct calls between applications rely on a good set of APIs.

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Refactoring Tactics Use your API as a guide to refactoring your models.

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Synchronous Calls via APIs Credentials Auth Token Auth Service Client App

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Asynchronous Calls via Message Queues Prefs Update Client App Attr Change Persistence Service

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Refactoring Tactics Find functional edges and refactor them into services.

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Refactoring Tactics Make liberal use of the presenter pattern.

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A declarative framework useful for building APIs. faceted.rb

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On the Other Side of Refactoring

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A Small App Ecosystem Consumer App Internal App 1 Internal App 2 Persistence API Messaging API Reporting API Dashboard App

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Reap the Benefits Reduced cost of change.

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Reap the Benefits Support for unexpected and novel use cases.

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Reap the Benefits Reduction of ceremony around releases.

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Reap the Benefits Low-impact downtime.

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Reap the Benefits Short ramp-up time for new developers.

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Reap the Benefits Increased performance of test suites.

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Reap the Benefits A/B testing on applications and infrastructure.

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Reap the Benefits Greater flexibility.

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Reap the Benefits Democratization of application architecture.

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Go smash your monolith.

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Slide 94 text Corey Ehmke @bantik