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Sensu: The Monitoring Router Peter Burkholder @pburkholder DevOpsDC MeetUp 8 May 2012 Sunday, May 13, 12

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Monitoring • #monitoringsucks • Or is it idiosyncratic? Sunday, May 13, 12

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What’s Happening? Sunday, May 13, 12

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What’s Happened? Sunday, May 13, 12

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The Problem Sunday, May 13, 12

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Careverge Sunday, May 13, 12

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Careverge Prod Exp Dev QA O O X Sunday, May 13, 12

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Nagios API-1 API NRPE LAMP-1 httpd NRPE Nagios Nagios check_api 8443 check_nrpe -c disk Sunday, May 13, 12

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Nagios primitives • Services • Hosts • ServiceGroups • HostGroups • Dependencies, Commands, Contacts, ... Sunday, May 13, 12

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Puppet + Nagios • Node comes up as Puppet client w/ ‘role’ • Puppet stashes facts in storeconfig DB • Nagios puppet run • ‘exported resources’=>‘hosts.cfg’ • host is member of hostgroups: generic, role • services are monitored across hostgroups Sunday, May 13, 12

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fail Sunday, May 13, 12

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fail • storeconfig • new nodes ... Nagios server lag • old nodes ... No API to del from DB • new roles => new hostgroup => fail Sunday, May 13, 12

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Sensu Sunday, May 13, 12

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Architecture • RabbitMQ AMQP message bus • sensu-server (Ruby) + Redis k/v store • sensu-client • sensu-api • sensu-dashboard Sunday, May 13, 12

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sensu-mq • RabbitMQ • Sonian scales to 500-1000 nodes with 1 EC2 instance Sunday, May 13, 12

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sensu-server • sensu-server (Ruby) and Redis (C) • JSON configuration • /etc/sensu/config.json (main config) • /etc/sensu/conf.d/ (JSON snippets) Sunday, May 13, 12

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{ "rabbitmq": { "host": "<%= rabbitmq_host %>", "port": <%= rabbitmq_port %> }, "redis": { "host": "<%= redis_host %>", "port": <%= redis_port %> }, "api": { "host": "<%= api_host %>", "port": <%= api_port %> }, } sensu-server Sunday, May 13, 12

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{ "rabbitmq": { "host": "<%= rabbitmq_host %>", "port": <%= rabbitmq_port %> }, "api": { "host": "<%= api_host %>", "port": <%= api_port %> }, "client": { "name": "<%= sensu_hostname %>", "address": "<%= ipaddress %>", "subscriptions": ["generic", "cvapi"] } } sensu-client Sunday, May 13, 12

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One config.json to rule them all Sunday, May 13, 12

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API-1 API client LAMP-1 httpd client sensu sensu- server RabbitMQ Sunday, May 13, 12

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{ "checks": { "careverge_api": { "handlers": ["irc", "mailer" ], "notification": "Careverge API is not responding appropriately", "command": "/etc/sensu/plugins/local/ -S", "subscribers": [ "cvapi" ], "interval": 30, "refresh": 600 } } } checks Sunday, May 13, 12

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How it works • server publishes ‘check-api’ to ‘cvapi’ • some clients subscribe ‘cvapi’ • run check • publish result • server processes results, passes to handlers Sunday, May 13, 12

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Works almost too well Sunday, May 13, 12

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Notification Handlers • subclassed from Sensu::Handler • distributed as .rb scripts with .json config • community: • mail, irc, hipchat, campfire, pagerDuty, twitter Sunday, May 13, 12

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API • thin/sinatra on port 4567 • GET/PUT/POST/DELETE k/v in Redis and • make check requests • Very handy, for, say... Sunday, May 13, 12

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Dropping a Node • sensu-client publishes keep-alive • On orderly termination: json = client_name = JSON.parse(json)['client']['name'] api_host = JSON.parse(json)['api']['host'] uri = URI.parse("http://#{api_host}/client/ #{client_name}") http =, uri.port) http.request( ) Sunday, May 13, 12

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sensu-dashboard Sunday, May 13, 12

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sensu-dashboard Sunday, May 13, 12

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So Far... • Components: RabbitMQ, Redis, Ruby • sensu-server: • pubs check requests • pushes results to handlers • sensu-client: perform checks, pushes results • sensu-api, sensu-dashboard • JSON configuration • Plugins, Handlers, Keep-Alives Sunday, May 13, 12

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• What’s Happening? • What’s Happened? Sunday, May 13, 12

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Metric Handlers • E.g. ‘vmstat_metrics’ plugin returns: • Define a check as a ‘type: metric’ • Add to a subscription 0 1336502402 stats.sensu-server.swap.out 0 1336502402 stats.sensu-server.memory.cache 1408388 1336502402 stats.sensu-server.memory.swap_used 0 1336502402 5492292 1336502402 Sunday, May 13, 12

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Metric Handlers • ‘type: metric’ is always passed to hander • On server, use a ‘graphite’ handler • Feeds to Graphite over TCP or AMQP Sunday, May 13, 12

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But wait, there’s more... • Metrics integration (Graphite, Librato) • Application Integration (port 2030) • Standalone Checks • Parameter Passing • Scheduling Downtime • Sensu and Puppet/Chef Sunday, May 13, 12

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What’s Happening? Sunday, May 13, 12

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What’s Happened? Sunday, May 13, 12

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What’s Happening • Sensu is great at adapting to changes in your operating environment • Notifies effectively across various media • Lacks: • Tactical dashboard • Notification Hours, Contact Groups Sunday, May 13, 12

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What’s Happened • Metrics integration with Graphite, Librato, Geckoboard • Applications can fire-and-forget to UDP port 2030 • Lacks: • Uptime History • Notification History Sunday, May 13, 12

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Bear in Mind • Not even a toddler (Nov 2011 open-source) • Active Community • Traction Sunday, May 13, 12

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For more: • GitHub repo and wiki: • Joe Miller’s excellent blog series: • • IRC Channel: irc:// • My interview with Sean Porter on Sensu: • Sunday, May 13, 12

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fini Sunday, May 13, 12