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Sand Piles and Software Zach Dennis

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The Hobbyist. The Professional. Graphic based on work from

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tacking on stuff today, probably tacking on stuff tomorrow

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tests today, probably tests tomorrow

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refactoring today, probably refactoring tomorrow

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simple today, probably simple tomorrow

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none of these today, probably none of these tomorrow

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As unpredictable as software is, we are actually quite predictable in producing it.

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Past habits often predict future behavior. Art by Naolito @ DeviantArt

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Falling back into rhythm

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Gut feel

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Gut feel Peer review

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Gut feel Peer review Tests

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Gut feel Peer review Tests Metrics

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Gut feel Peer review Tests Metrics Etc

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what we intuit what often happens

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what we intuit what often happens broken window

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what we intuit what often happens cascaded broken windows

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We need to talk to SOLR. Currently, there we’re using an Array to store results.

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It’d be simple to just subclass Array. Then we don’t have to change anything outside of the subclass!

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SOLR’s HTTP calls sometimes fail. Update our Array subclass!

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We need to be able to pass in more options when querying. Update our Array subclass!

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We want to query SOLR for multiple models in our system. Let’s have our Array know about all of those. Then nothing else has to change!

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Even more options and model specific requirements. Add them all!

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Query SOLR for slightly different kinds of models? Well, shucks, we’ve got a working implementation. Let’s go ahead and follow that approach!

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X software is not linear

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software is non-linear

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Software feeds back into itself Sx = ... (Sx - 1)

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a previous change impacts future changes

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0.2 compared to 0.2000000001

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sensitive to conditions

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sensitive to conditions

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sensitive to conditions

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sensitive to conditions

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sensitive to conditions

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sensitive to conditions

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For the want of a nail, the shoe was lost; For the want of a shoe, the horse was lost; For the want of a horse, the rider was lost; For the want of a rider, the battle was lost; For the want of a battle, the war was lost! Art by CSnyder @ DeviantArt

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Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld Sand Pile Model

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imagine you’re dropping a grain of sand

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It la nd sl id e s.

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self-organized criticality A property of a system that has a critical state (point) as an attractor.

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Systems can only sustain so much stress.

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macro from the micro

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a trigger of any size can cause large-scale change

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Predicting is hard.

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Slide 56 text Software is a dynamical system, just like a sand pile!

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Adding functionality to the system is a bit like dropping a grain of sand.

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Adding a feature is like dropping multiple grains of sand.

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Software is attracted to its critical point. critical point attraction Functionality Difficulty

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• The critical point represents a system that can no longer be added to as-is. • The state of the system is REALLY BAD • Development must stop, cleaning must occur. (this isn’t cleaning up as you go, this is waiting for a mess)

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Oversimplified Example

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Real software is more interesting. It has more of everything.

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Sand Piles and Sand Boxes

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Many parts of the system.

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And sub-systems.

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Teams often get caught by starting out at a rapid pace only to be halted not to long thereafter.

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Big piles.

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Jagged peaks.

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The simple act of adding something to the system moves the system closer to its critical point; it’s edge of chaos.

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The Vicious Stop n Go. Vicious Stop / Go Cycle critical point Functionality Difficulty

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Misconception of Pragmatism

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Initially, it requires more effort to avoid the critical point than to work towards it.

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The Vicious Stop n Go. More effort initially. critical point Functionality Difficulty

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The Vicious Stop n Go. Smaller apps get away with it. critical point Functionality Difficulty small app large app

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complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity

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How do we keep software away from its critical point?

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Fall in love with simplicity.

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Loathe complication. ^ unnecessary

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Champion complexity.

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feedback. Listen, feel, respond, learn.

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Earlier code example

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Rather than jump to sub-classing Array, make the concept of a SolrRequest explicit. Also, rely on simple JSON support for converting SOLR results to objects.

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For more powerful query support make SolrQuery explicit. Update SolrRequest to use SolrQuery.

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Wrap the interactions of the SolrQuery, SolrRequest, and converting JSON in a coordinating class.

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Makes it easy to re-use (Ruby module pattern example)

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More importantly, makes it easy to re-use or decorate in general.

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Values P r a c t i c e s over

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If you actively seek ways to exploit your values, practices will come naturally.

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good bad refactoring

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good bad writing tests

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good bad

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Practices are important but values are at their core, whether plentiful or lacking, they impact every practice that you do.

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Practices often change. But values rarely do.

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Values help determine where we drop our grains of sand.

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May be tough to swallow.

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What we’re really fighting against is complexity.

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If we can afford ourselves the humility to accept it may help us be better served as curators and caretakers of our systems, much like a gardener with their garden.

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How’s the landscape of your software? twitter: @zachdennis github: zdennis Sand Piles & Software Article in April PragPub