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Deep Dive into Gearman Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson PHPTek, Chicago, 24th May, 2012

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Co-founded Helgi

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Co-founded Work at EngineYard Helgi

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Co-founded Work at EngineYard PEAR Developer Helgi

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Co-founded Work at EngineYard PEAR Developer From Iceland Helgi

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Co-founded Work at EngineYard PEAR Developer From Iceland @h on Twitter Helgi

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What is Gearman

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Job Queue

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Task Processing

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Your Client Code Gearman Client API (C, PHP, Perl, MySQL UDF, ...) Gearman Job Server gearmand Gearman Worker API (C, PHP, Perl, Python, ...) Your Worker Code Your App Gearman

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Good for... what?

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Good for

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Good for Processing (Images, text)

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Good for Processing (Images, text) Logs (Web Server, etc)

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Good for Processing (Images, text) Logs (Web Server, etc) Data Mining

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Good for Processing (Images, text) Logs (Web Server, etc) Data Mining Mass Emails

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Good for Processing (Images, text) Logs (Web Server, etc) Data Mining Mass Emails Intensive transformation

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Good for Processing (Images, text) Logs (Web Server, etc) Data Mining Mass Emails Intensive transformation Search

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Perception Helps with

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Perception Defer intensive processes

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Perception Defer intensive processes Give instant feedback

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Perception Defer intensive processes Give instant feedback Users keep on browsing

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Perception Defer intensive processes Give instant feedback Users keep on browsing

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“It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves.” - Carl G. Jung

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Farm out work

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Language Agnostic

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Platform Agnostic

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Your Client Code Gearman Job Server gearmand Your Worker Code Your App Gearman Gearman Client API (C, PHP, Perl, MySQL UDF, ...) Gearman Worker API (C, PHP, Perl, Python, ...)

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Your Client Code Gearman Job Server gearmand Your Worker Code Your App Gearman Gearman Client API (C, PHP, Perl, MySQL UDF, ...) Gearman Worker API (C, PHP, Perl, Python, ...)

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Your Client Code Gearman Job Server gearmand Your Worker Code Your App Gearman Gearman Client API (C, PHP, Perl, MySQL UDF, ...) Gearman Worker API (C, PHP, Perl, Python, ...)

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Userland Code PHP Extension

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PHP Releases

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PHP Releases In Theory

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•Linux •RPM •DEB •Windows •OS X •Solaris Multi Platform releases

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Daily / Hourly Snapshots

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Push out to mirrors / CDNs

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A Story!

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Financial Software

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3000+ Clients

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Each one has 5 external data sources

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Each data source is a web service

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Original solution was a big PHP script

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Took over 24 hours

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New solution is gearman

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Ran every 6 hours every day

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Cron Gearman

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Cron Gearman Update

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Cron Gearman Update 1 2 3 4 5 Web Services

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Cron Gearman Update 1 2 3 4 5 Web Services 5 Processing 4 1 2 3

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But! That wasn’t enough

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Job kicked off on login

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1 2 3 4 5 Update Web Services Processing 5 4 3 2 1

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1 2 3 4 5 Update Web Services Processing 5 4 3 2 1

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Teach me the magic!

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Process Reuse

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Multiple Capabilities

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WS Update Worker-1 Process

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WS Update Worker-1 Process

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WS Update Worker-1 Worker-2 Worker-3 Process

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addAbility('Update'); $worker->beginWork(); } catch (Net_Gearman_Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; exit; }

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addAbility('Update'); $worker->addAbility('SaveDB'); $worker->addAbility('SaveMemcache'); $worker->beginWork(); } catch (Net_Gearman_Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; exit; }

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Workers pick tasks based on type from top to bottom

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Pass in -R to Server for capabilities to be assigned in a round-robin order

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Helps when one worker has many capabilities

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✓ High Priority ✓ Normal Priority (default) ✓ Low Priority Task Priorities

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Task Priorities 3 different queues

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Task Priorities 3 different queues First in - First out within each queue

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Server Persistence

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Server Persistence Local memory by default

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✓ Memcache ✓ Drizzle ✓ MySQL ✓ PostgresSQL ✓ SQLite 3 ✓ TokyoCabinet ✓ Redis (in dev) ✓ MongoDB (in dev) Server Persistence

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gearmand -d -q libsqlite3 --libsqlite3-db=/tmp/demo/gearman.db --listen=localhost --port=4370

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Server HA

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Server HA What if the server dies?

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Server HA Keep multiple servers

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gearmand -d -q libsqlite3 --libsqlite3-db=/tmp/demo/gearman.db --listen=localhost --port=4370 gearmand -d -q libsqlite3 --libsqlite3-db=/tmp/demo/gearman.db --listen=localhost --port=4371

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Server HA Workers cycle through them

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Worker 1 Client Client Server 1 Server 2 Client Client Worker 2 Worker 3

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Worker 1 Client Client Server 1 Server 2 Client Client Worker 2 Worker 3

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Worker 1 Client Client Server 1 Server 2 Client Client Worker 2 Worker 3

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Code, Code, Code...

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addAbility('Update'); $worker->addAbility('SaveDB'); $worker->addAbility('SaveMemcache'); $worker->beginWork(); } catch (Net_Gearman_Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; exit; }

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Update($c); echo "Added client $c to the queue with the handler $jobs\n"; } catch (Net_Gearman_Exception $e) { echo 'Could not connect to any server'; }

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connect(); // Fetch Salary information for this client $this->client->WebserviceSalary($args); // Fetch all the Point of Sale information for this client $this->client->WebservicePos($args); return true; } }

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Foreground vs Background

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How to keep it all alive and running?

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Manages Processes

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✓ Makes sure processes are running

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✓ Makes sure processes are running ✓ Can start more than one of same process

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✓ Makes sure processes are running ✓ Can start more than one of same process ✓ Restarts crashed processes

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✓ Makes sure processes are running ✓ Can start more than one of same process ✓ Restarts crashed processes ✓ Simple to configure and manage

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✓ Makes sure processes are running ✓ Can start more than one of same process ✓ Restarts crashed processes ✓ Simple to configure and manage ✓ Each worker type has a different config

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Great for long running process!

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[program:gearman-worker-save-update] command=php /var/www/gearman/workers/worker1.php numprocs=10 process_name=%(program_name)s-%(process_num)s autorestart=true [program:gearman-worker-ws-1] command=php /var/www/gearman/workers/worker2.php numprocs=5 process_name=%(program_name)s-%(process_num)s autorestart=true [program:gearman-worker-ws-2] command=php /var/www/gearman/workers/worker3.php numprocs=5 process_name=%(program_name)s-%(process_num)s autorestart=true

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✓ Makes sure processes are running ✓ Can start more than one of same process ✓ Restarts crashed processes ✓ Simple to configure and manage ✓ Each worker type has a different config

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Sounds familiar?

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Does the worker heavy lifting for you

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You can focus on writing amazing tasks

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[GearmanManager] host=localhost:4370,localhost:4371 ; workers can be found in this dir worker_dir=/var/www/gearman/tasks ; Reload workers as new code is available auto_update=1 ; 20 workers will do all jobs count=20 ; Each job will have minimum 1 worker that does only that job dedicated_count=1 [Webservice_Pos] count=10 [Webservice_Salary] count=10

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No content

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gearman_manager + Supervisord = Awesome!

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No content

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Another Story!

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Near Real Time Cloud Analytics

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Clients install logging agent locally

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Public API

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Multiple Persistent Gearman Servers

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Internal DB API

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Agent syslogd

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Agent syslogd API

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Agent syslogd API Load Balanced

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Agent syslogd API Gearman Gearman Load Balanced

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Agent syslogd API Gearman Gearman Load Balanced Persistent

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Agent syslogd API Gearman Gearman Worker Worker Worker Load Balanced Persistent

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Agent syslogd API Gearman Gearman Worker Worker Worker Internal API Load Balanced Persistent

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Agent syslogd API Gearman Gearman Worker Worker Worker Internal API Load Balanced Load Balanced Persistent

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Agent syslogd API Gearman Gearman CouchDB Worker Worker Worker Internal API Load Balanced Load Balanced Persistent

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Questions? @h [email protected] Please rate at