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1. Overview 2. History 3. EVM to WebAssembly? 4. Solidity for NEAR 5. Future Directions Agenda

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Aurora Engine, an L2 for NEAR Protocol Aurora Engine (EVM) NEAR Runtime (WebAssembly) NEAR Protocol

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NEAR Runtime (WebAssembly bytecode runtime) Wasmer (WebAssembly→x86-64 JIT) SputnikVM (EVM bytecode interpreter) EVM Interpretation Tower x86-64 CPU (Intel/AMD μcode JIT)

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EVM Optimizations in 2021-2022 Changes to NEAR Protocol ● secp256k1 ecrecover host function ● ripemd host function ● alt_bn128 host function ● Decrease in cost per Wasm op code ● Decrease in state access cost (caching trie nodes) ● Increase the per-transaction gas limit Changes to Aurora ● Cache state access ● Optimize for performance instead of code size Changes to SputnikVM ● Implement SIGNEXTEND, MLOAD, and MSTORE more eiciently ● Specialize the PUSH1 and PUSH2 implementations (from generic PUSHN) ● Structure the interpreter loop more eiciently

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11× + (Single-transaction EVM gas limit 153K → 1.7M)

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Kudos! Contributors from Aurora ● Michael Birch (@birchmd) ● Joshua Bouw (@joshuajbouw) ● Evgeny Ukhanov (@mrLSD) Contributors from NEAR ● Aleksey Kladov (@matklad) ● Nikolay Igoi (@olonho) ● Aleksandr Logunov (@longarithm)

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Good News, Bad News Averages from a sample of all successful transactions

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Good News, Bad News Averages from a sample of expensive (200+ Tgas) transactions

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EVM to WebAssembly?

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense pragma solidity ^0.8.16; contract Counter { int private count = 0; function increment() public { count += 1; } function decrement() public { count -= 1; } function get() public view returns (int) { return count; } } increment: JUMPDEST POP PUSH1 0x01 PUSH1 0x00 SLOAD ADD DUP1 PUSH1 0x00 SSTORE PUSH1 0x00 MSTORE PUSH1 0x20 PUSH1 0x00 RETURN STOP EVM to WebAssembly (counter.sol ⇒ counter.sol.asm)

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increment: JUMPDEST POP PUSH1 0x01 PUSH1 0x00 SLOAD ADD DUP1 PUSH1 0x00 SSTORE PUSH1 0x00 MSTORE PUSH1 0x20 PUSH1 0x00 RETURN STOP pub fn increment() { evm.push1(0x01); evm.push1(0x00); evm.sload(); evm.add(); evm.dup1(); evm.push1(0x00); evm.sstore(); evm.push1(0x00); evm.mstore(); evm.push1(0x20); evm.push1(0x00); evm.r#return() } EVM to WebAssembly (counter.sol.asm ⇒

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(func $increment i32.const 1 call $evm/push1 i32.const 0 call $evm/push1 call $evm/sload call $evm/add call $evm/dup1 i32.const 0 call $evm/push1 call $evm/sstore i32.const 0 call $evm/push1 increment: JUMPDEST POP PUSH1 0x01 PUSH1 0x00 SLOAD ADD DUP1 PUSH1 0x00 SSTORE PUSH1 0x00 MSTORE PUSH1 0x20 PUSH1 0x00 RETURN STOP EVM to WebAssembly (counter.sol.asm ⇒ counter.wat) call $evm/mstore i32.const 32 call $evm i32.const 0 call $evm call $evm/return )

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Solidity for NEAR (evm2near)

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense pragma solidity ^0.8.16; contract Calc { function multiply(int a, int b) public pure returns (int) { return a * b; } }

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% evm2near test/calc.sol -o test.wasm % near dev-deploy test.wasm % near view dev-1662780277695-66709124501364 \ multiply '{"a":6, "b":7}'

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15× + (Benchmark Solidity contract 1500 Tgas → 100 Tgas)

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Michael Birch (@birchmd) Arto Bendiken (@artob) The Compiler Team

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We are hiring Junior and Senior Compiler Engineers to join this deep-tech R&D team! Apply at under “Work at Aurora”

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Future Directions

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Expensive instructions ● CODECOPY Requires embedding a copy of the original EVM bytecode into the output (bloat) ● PC Requires either instrumenting generated code for precise program-counter accounting (slowdown), or embedding a large lookup table into the output (bloat) ● GAS Requires instrumenting generated code to support precise gas accounting (slowdown) Unimplemented instructions (7) ● CREATE ● CALL ● CALLCODE ● DELEGATECALL ● CREATE2 ● STATICCALL ● SELFDESTRUCT EVM to WebAssembly: Some challenges

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Immediately past the MVP release ● Make EVM gas metering optional for a nice speedup when it isn’t required for full EVM compatibility ● Implement a test suite based on popular real-world deployed contracts and associated transactions, sanity checking that for the same inputs we get the same known-good outputs (including EVM gas metering) Future R&D directions past MVP ● Inlining EVM opcode calls for certain instructions where that would benefit ● Applying other standard compiler optimizations from the literature for leaner and meaner bytecode ● Adding NEAR host functions to beer support 256-bit machine words without the need for expensive bigint arithmetic ● Adding NEAR host functions to speed up other aspects of execution, based on extensive and convincing profiling results EVM to WebAssembly: Compiler

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Dynamically loaded WebAssembly embedded inside the Aurora Engine (“JIT”) ● Just-in-time compiled WebAssembly bytecode automatically deployed to, stored in, and maintained by the Aurora Engine for “hot” contracts ● Trusted-yet-sandboxed bytecode deployed reproducibly by trusted parties ● Zero EVM compatibility issues, just a significant speedup ● Requires a NEP process, nearcore implementation, and protocol upgrade for dynamic bytecode support (6 months minimum) Standalone static NEAR contract deployment (“AOT”) ● Ahead-of-time compiled WebAssembly bytecode manually deployed on-chain on NEAR, and authenticated with the Aurora Engine registry by the deployer ● Untrusted, arbitrary bytecode deployed directly by third parties ● Some challenges and trade-os for interacting with other EVM contracts (cross-shard calls) ● Doesn’t require anything in particular from NEAR and nearcore EVM to WebAssembly: Execution models

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Slide 27 text 2022-09-13 See you at NEAR Space in Bogota during Devcon, October 13, 2022! Thank you!