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Use Web Skills To Build Mobile Apps with Matt Baxter & Nathan Smith SATURDAY — JUNE 2, 2012 — DALLAS, TX

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Put down that pen! (or not) You can get the slides here:

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Who are we?

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We do mobile/web UX & JavaScript at @mbxtr & @nathansmith (In case you want to talk smack on Twitter)

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We’re hiring JavaScript savvy developers to join our team at projekt202. (You can talk to us after the presentation) An urgent (not desperate) announcement

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The Rise of Mobile

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Slide 7 text State of mobile in 2007 — The year the iPhone was introduced

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Handset design was quite diverse “way back when.” Industrial designers were still (awkwardly) searching for the best form factor…

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Technology is cyclical. Good ideas are often “borrowed” and make their way to products from multiple vendors.

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The state of mobile in 2012 — Touch screens reign supreme

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Not everyone can rock the giant cell phone forever…

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Nowadays, it’s more about the software on the device.

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Slide 14 text 317,124 newborns begin life 1,450,000 mobile devices activated Each day, on planet Earth…

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The one thing all these phones have in common (besides Angry Birds) is they all have decent web browsers.

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“Obama orders agencies to optimize Web content for mobile…”

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Mobile web trivia time… — PhoneGap on Windows Phone uses the IE9 engine (it is pretty good) — WebKit is the dominant rendering engine across most mobile devices — iOS, Android, Blackberry, webOS — Blackberry has one of the best WebKit-based browsers available

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So, what should I build? [A] Desktop web app [B] Mobile web app [C] Mobile native app

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[D] All of the above Note: We’re not saying you have to build all-in-one… But it is possible.

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Slide 21 text Whither Responsive Web Design? Responsive web design using @media queries (with one codebase for all devices) typically works best for web “sites” (not apps). As a general rule of thumb, if your content can be read via RSS and still make sense, it is a good candidate for RWD.

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Benefits of native development — Default OS look & feel (UI conventions) — Performance (“closer to the metal”) — Access to device hardware (GPS, etc) — App store/marketplace distribution — Benefit from latest OS enhancements

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Drawbacks of native development — Tied to the particular OS you built for — Maintaining a multi OS team/skill-set — Dealing with app store approval process — Keeping app in sync with OS updates

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LinkedIn’s iPad app is 95% HTML5 We did users studies in-house, and I don’t think people noticed a big difference. Nobody said, “Oh that’s native,” or “Oh, that’s web.” As long as we can make the experience fast enough, nobody can tell the difference. It still feels right. — Kiran Prasad

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Benefits of hybrid development — Common codebase for multiple OS’s — Access to device hardware (GPS, etc) — App store/marketplace distribution — Skills you already have (HTML, CSS, JS) — Potential code reuse in web site/app

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Drawbacks of hybrid development — Build for lowest common denominator — 3rd party SDK’s might lag behind OS — Want to use feature X? Wait for an implementation in abstraction layer. — An abstraction layer can have bugs of its own. Have to determine if a bug is in your code, the abstraction layer, or OS.

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Titanium from Appcelerator

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Areas where Titanium shines — Native UI — Great for iOS, crapshoot on Android — Build for iOS, Android, and Blackberry — Some code reuse across platforms — Entirely JavaScript based — Uses CommonJS’s AMD approach — Except for WebView (HTML/CSS too)

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Abstraction layers tend to be harder to debug than “native” languages — Objective-C, C#, or Java — whilst using an IDE such as Visual Studio, Xcode, or Eclipse. With “the web,” you have familiar browser-based desktop tools in Chrome, Firebug, or Opera Dragonfly.

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Areas where PhoneGap shines — It is “the web you already know” — Debugging via desktop browser — Access to device API’s (GPS, etc) — Strives to implement W3C specs — Camera API, etc. — Supports Windows Phone 7, too

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— It embeds a WebView in a native app — Native app gives access to OS API’s — All the UI is built via HTML/CSS — JavaScript handles everything else — The app wrapper compiles via… Xcode, Eclipse, Visual Studio, or “the cloud” → How PhoneGap works

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Slide 39 text Handlebbbars demo of Handlebars.js and the Dribbble API

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Dribbble API: JSON

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Handlebars template {{#each shots}} <li> <p> <b class="big"> {{title}} </b> <img alt="{{title}}" class="frame" style="background-image:url({{image_url}})" src="data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAQAAAADCAYAAAC09K7GAAAAEklEQVQIHWP8//8/AzJgJCg AAB+ICPuLaDnAAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC" /> </p> <table> <tr> <th> Designer: </th> <td> <b>{{}}</b> </td> </tr> {{#if player.twitter_screen_name}} ... {{/if}} {{#if likes_count}} ... {{/if}} {{#if short_url}} ... {{/if}} </table> </li> {{/each}}

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{{#each shots}} <li> <p> <b class="big"> {{title}} </b> <img alt="{{title}}" class="frame" style="background-image:url({{image_url}})" src="data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAQAAAADCAYAAAC09K7GAAAAEklEQVQIHWP8//8/AzJgJCg AAB+ICPuLaDnAAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC" /> </p> <table> <tr> <th> Designer: </th> <td> <b>{{}}</b> </td> </tr> {{#if player.twitter_screen_name}} ... {{/if}} {{#if likes_count}} ... {{/if}} {{#if short_url}} ... {{/if}} </table> </li> {{/each}} Handlebars template

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... {{#if player.twitter_screen_name}} Twitter: @{{player.twitter_screen_name}} {{/if}} {{#if likes_count}} Likes: {{likes_count}} {{/if}} {{#if short_url}} URL: {{short_url}} {{/if}} ... Handlebars template

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... {{#if player.twitter_screen_name}} Twitter: @{{player.twitter_screen_name}} {{/if}} {{#if likes_count}} Likes: {{likes_count}} {{/if}} {{#if short_url}} URL: {{short_url}} {{/if}} ... Handlebars template

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Sweet, responsive Handlebbbars action

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@font-face { font-family: 'Open Sans'; // For all good browsers, including IE9. src: url('../fonts/OpenSans-Regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'), // For older IE, and Android default browser. url('../fonts/OpenSans-Regular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-weight: bold; // For all good browsers, including IE9. src: url('../fonts/OpenSans-Bold-webfont.woff') format('woff'), // For older IE, and Android default browser. url('../fonts/OpenSans-Bold-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'); } All modern browsers support *.woff or *.ttf

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Slide 51 text CSS served to browser Neatly organized *.sass

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CSS Sass Compass

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Compass makes vendor prefixes easy...

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Compass brings sanity to gradients...

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Text editors and IDE’s that support Sass/SCSS syntax Aptana BBEdit Chocolat Coda E Text Editor Eclipse Emacs Espresso GEdit Komodo Netbeans PhpStorm PyCharm RubyMine SubEthaEdit Sublime Text TextMate Vim Visual Studio ^ We  recommend

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IE9 gets jQuery, other browsers get Zepto

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// Redefine: $, window, document, undefined. var APP = (function($, window, document, undefined) { // Expose contents of APP. return { // APP.go go: function() { // ... }, // APP.init init: { // ... }, // APP.util util: { // ... } } // Parameters: Zepto/jQuery, window, document. })(typeof Zepto === 'function' ? Zepto : jQuery, this, this.document); Overview of Handlebbbars’ application.js file

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markup = $('#_template-list-item') .html() .replace(/\s\s+/g, ''); template = Handlebars.compile(markup); Where the magic of Handlebars happens Yes, this looks underwhelming. That’s the point. It’s code you don’t have to write yourself! :)

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Private “constant” variables…

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Application “skeleton” object…

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Nav shortcuts: J/K keys, swipe left/right…

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Handling “state” changes…

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Maintaining an app’s state can drive you crazy @MikeTownson dared us to use a “lolcat” — Challenge accepted!

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Pop out external links (for PhoneGap)…

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Rudimentary caching, for one hour…

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Ajax call (JSONP) to Dribbble’s API…

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PhoneGap tip: Declare “safe” domains on iOS

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Underscore.js is a power tool for working with collections of objects and arrays… — Collections — sortBy — pluck — uniq — extend — flatten — each — filter — find — Utility functions — throttle — chain — times and  much  more!

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“Real artists ship” — Steve Jobs Hopefully we have inspired you to create more rapidly shippable software today :)

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Want to reread something? You can get the slides here:

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Questions? We (might) have answers. @mbxtr & @nathansmith If you think of something later, feel free to ask us on Twitter…