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Zeldman pic by Tony Quartarolo

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(Artist's Impression)

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Mobile Web philosophy

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Three methodologies

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1. Special mobile site 2. Do nothing at all 3. Optimise for mobile

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1. Special mobile site 2. Do nothing at all 3. Optimise for mobile

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Rule of thumbs Like accessibility, retrofitting for RWD on a non-trivial site (eg, different templates, data tables etc) is an order of magnitude more expensive than building it RWD from scratch.

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refactored for small screen, not dumbed down for mobile

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offer users choice: desktop or mobile?

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beware browser sniffing photo:

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1. Special mobile site 2. Do nothing at all 3. Optimise for mobile

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not WAP or text anymore...

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1. Special mobile site 2. Do nothing at all 3. Optimise for mobile

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CSS 3 Media Queries

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CSS 3 Media Queries ● builds on CSS 2.1 Media Types concept ● more granular control (not just screen, print...)

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Media features width color height color-index device-width monochrome device-height resolution orientation scan aspect-ratio grid device-aspect-ratio

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CSS 3 Media Queries @import url("...") screen and (max-width:480px); @media screen and (max-width:480px) { // insert CSS rules here }

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Multiple expressions – and keyword @media screen and (min-width:180px) and (max- width:480px) { // screen device and width > 180px // and width < 480px }

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Multiple expressions – comma separated @media screen and (min-width:800px), print and (min-width:20em) { // screen device with width > 800px // or print device with width > 20em }

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Negative expressions – not keyword @media not screen and (min-width:800px) { // not applied to screen device // with width > 800px }

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Exclusive expressions – only keyword @media only screen and (min-width:800px) { // only applied to screen device // with width > 800px }

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Multiple media queries /* “The absence of a media query is the first media query” Bryan Rieger */ @media screen and (max-width:480px) { // screen device and width < 480px } @media screen and (max-width:980px) { // screen device and width < 980px } @media screen and (min-width:980px) { // screen device and width > 980px }

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unsolved mysteries…

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mobile devices lie

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physical vs virtual pixels

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viewport meta suggests an initial layout viewport and zoom

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Viewport properties width initial-scale height minimum-scale user-scalable maximum-scale

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This is the viewport

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Not just this, but it's almost always the width you want to control

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no viewport defined in , so fallback to default of 980px, which is squeezed inside 320px.

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viewport meta

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If you're using Media Queries: If you have an explicit width:

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high-dpi devices lie twice

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Inception-like resources ( viewport-and-viewport/

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CSS Device Adaptation @viewport { width: 320px; zoom: 2.3; user-zoom: fixed; } Opera Mobile, Opera Mini, Internet Explorer 10 with prefixes

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Viewport properties width / min-width / max-width user-zoom height / min-height / max-height orientation zoom / min-zoom / max-zoom resolution

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@viewport { width: 550px; }

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@viewport { width: 550px; max-zoom: 1; resolution: device; }

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/* selective viewport via CSS */ @media … { @-o-viewport { … /* for propellerheads */ } }

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@media screen { @-o-viewport { /* undo meta viewport settings */ width: auto; max-zoom: auto; } } @media screen and (max-device-width: 550px) { @-o-viewport { /* 550px viewport on small screen devices */ width: 550px; } }

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@media screen { @-o-viewport { /* undo meta viewport settings */ width: auto; max-zoom: auto; } } @media screen and (max-device-width: 550px) { @-o-viewport { /* 550px viewport on small screen devices */ width: 550px; } }

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@-o-viewport { /* minimum of 550px viewport width */ width: 550px auto; max-zoom: auto; }

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Testing viewport: Opera Mobile Emulator

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The future

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matchMedia if (window.matchMedia("(min-width: 400px)").matches) { /* the view port is at least 400 pixels wide */ } else { /* the view port is less than 400 pixels wide */ } For IE9+ and Opera, polyfill

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Not in older browsers

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lowsrc blah Both images are download; never in spec

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Apple way blah Both images are download; requires JS for hires image

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Slide 82 text Add .htaccess and adaptive-images.php to your document- root folder. Add one line of JavaScript into the of your site. Add your CSS Media Query values into $resolutions in the PHP file.

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Super WebKit-tastic CSS selector {background: image-set (url(foo-lowres.png) 1x, url(foo-highres.png) 2x) center;} selector {background: image-set (url(foo-lowres.png) 1x low-bandwidth, url(foo-highres.png) 2x high-bandwidth);}

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.. extrapolate to HTML? A comma-separated list of URLs each with one or more descriptors giving the maximum viewport dimensions and pixel density allowed to use the image.

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Media Query "hints" From the available options, the user agent then picks the most appropriate image. If the viewport dimensions or pixel density changes, the user agent can replace the image data with a new image on the fly.

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Good or evil?

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Good or evil? Florian Rivoal

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Script media query @media screen and (script) {...} @media screen and not (script) {…}

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hover media query The ‘hover’ media feature is used to query whether primary pointing system used on the output device can hover or not.

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pointer media query none The input mechanism of the device does not include a pointing device. coarse The input mechanism of the device includes a pointing device of limited accuracy. fine The input mechanism of the device includes an accurate pointing device.

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@media (paged) and (interactive:0) { // I am like a printer } @media (paged) and (interactive) { // I'm a projector, or like a Kindle } @media (paged) and (interactive) and (touch) { // I'm like a touch-screen Kindle }

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@media (touch) and (max-width: 480) { // looks like an smart phone } @media (touch) and (keyboard) and (min-width:600) { // looks like a touch-screen laptop }

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@media (remote) { // TV or set-top box? } @media (remote) and (hover) { // Wii? }

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Tangent about web on TV "Searching, browsing, updating and buffering are not TV- like. In fact an enormous number of people found that the technology they had purchased wasn't what they expected at all, that they were bringing the worst parts of using a computer into the television environment."

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OMG watchin TV LOL #justsayin Most consumers have up to five devices that do social media better than a TV. Consumer engagement with social media is inversely proportional to the size of the screen used for it.

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No shit, sherlock! Teenagers were "horrified at the prospect of displaying their social activities on the family TV." Image from

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@media (network: v-slow) {..} Florian: "It has been proposed. Most people agree that it would be cool, nobody has a clue about how to spec it in a way that is useful and implementable. If you find people with a clue, encourage them to submit proposals to me or to [email protected]. Use [css4-mediaqueries] in the subject line, and read style/2012Mar/0691.html first."

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“embrace the fluidity, don't fight it”

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[email protected] @brucel