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Sarp Erdag

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What is an “App”? • Not a mobile web site! • Something you want to carry in your pocket! • Something you need to interact frequently. • Bigger suite, broken into little pieces. (Facebook app = bad) (Camera app = good!)

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585,000 apps in the App Store More than 25 billion downloads

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Average download per app: 40.000

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iOS Device Stats: 315 Million Sold, 62 Million In Q4 2011 Alone

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Around 1.000.000 iOS devices in Turkey

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2500 apps created by Turkish developers

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Most popular apps Rank Paid apps Free apps 1 Angry Birds Facebook 2 Fruit Ninja Pandora Radio 3 Doodle Jump Words With Friends Free 4 Cut the Rope Skype 5 Angry Birds Seasons The Weather Channel 6 Words With Friends Google Search 7 Tiny Wings Google Earth 8 Angry Birds Rio Angry Birds Free 9 Pocket God Shazam 10 Camera+ Netflix Retrieved May 14, 2012.

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App Distribution 1. Ad-Hoc (up to 100) 2. App Store 3. Enterprise App Store

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Prices FREE! PAID • Min Price = $0.99 • Revenue per application = $8,700 • Apple takes 30% revenue • In app purchases • No other forms of payment allowed OR

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Approval 1. Takes 7-10 days 2. App Review Guidelines 3. Strict and random

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How to Market?

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• Users can find your app by searching: • Company Name • App Name • Keywords (max 100 chars) App Store SEO

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• Company Name • App Name • Keywords (max 100 chars) • App description (max 4000) chars • 5 screenshots App Store SEO

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• Can choose the publish date • Ratings are reset when an update is released. • Astoturfing is illegal. • No way to track download locations. • Most sales in weekends. App Store SEO

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• Apple might choose your app in the features apps section. • If featured, it takes 1 to 2 weeks. • Increases sales by 20% App Store SEO

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• iAds • Google Ads • AdMob • Turkcell mobil reklam Advertising

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• Latest SDK version = 5.1 • Xcode & iOS simulator (not emulator!) • Appcelerator Titanium (Wunderlist) • PhoneGap • RubyMotion • AppMakr • Parse and Kinvey

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Human Interface Design Guidelines

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HIG • People Interact with One App at a Time • The comfortable minimum size of tappable UI elements is 44 x 44 points. • Preferences should be in Settings app • Onscreen User Help is Minimal

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HIG • People expect immediate feedback when they operate a control, and they appreciate status updates during lengthy operations. (Eg: Instagram for uploading photo) • People us apps in one hand, and gesturing with the thumb of the same hand • Consider Adding Physicality and Realism

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Status Bar

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Navigation Bar

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Tab Bar

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Popover (iPad)

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Split View (iPad)

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Grouped TableView

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Action Sheet

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Modal View

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Please, Don’t!

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Others Network activity indicator Label Page Indicator Progress Indicator Search Bar Segmented Control Slider Switch

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Notifications Badges Notifications

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Icon • Apple adds gloss automatically • Apple adds rounded corners • No transparent icons allowed

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Icon/App consistency

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Don’t include words

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Graphics • Make everything 24bit PNG • Add @2x versions for retina • Use unretinizer or iconify!

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• • UI Design Patterns

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Hello World! with IB

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Objective-C basics • Object Oriented • Methods (not functions) • Instance Variables • Accessors (get and set methods) • Properties • Directives

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Objective-C basics • Categories • Logging • Delegates

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Methods [self.view setBackgroundColor:bgColor]; - (void)increaseAmount:(int)increase : (NSString*)string{ amount = amount + increase; amountLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d TL", amount]; }

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Class Header #import @interface Photo : NSObject { NSString* caption; NSString* photographer; } @property (retain) NSString* caption; @property (retain) NSString* photographer; @end

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Class Implementation #import "Photo.h" @implementation Photo @synthesize caption; @synthesize photographer; - (id) init { if ( self = [super init] ) { self.caption = @"Default Caption"; self.photographer = @"Default Photographer"; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [self.caption release]; [self.photographer release]; [super dealloc]; } - (NSString*)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Photo caption: %@, photographer: %@", self.caption, self.photographer]; } @end

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Category #import @interface NSString (Utilities) - (BOOL) isURL; @end #import "NSString-Utilities.h" @implementation NSString (Utilities) - (BOOL) isURL { if ( self.length < 7 ) return NO; NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0,7); NSString* prefix = [self substringWithRange:range]; if ( [prefix isEqualToString:@"http://"] ) return YES; else return NO; } @end

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Logging NSLog(@"Logging something!");

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ARC ARC doesn't completely free you from worrying about memory management

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What is Cocoa? A suite of object-oriented software libraries, a runtime system, and an integrated development environment.

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Cocoa Architecture

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Hello World! with Code

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Xcode basics • Projects & Workspaces • Targets • Schemas • Debug / Release Modes • IB • Tools

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Xcode basics • Code signing • Organizer • Build settings • Frameworks • Bundling • .ipa file

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iOS Simulator • Not an emulator • Resetting • Location detection • Push notifications do not work • Non-retina by default

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Open Source Libraries • AFNetworking • JSONKit • EGOCache • SVProgressHUD • Helpers • SVWebViewController