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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 ZeroMQ: Sockets on steroids Lourens Naudé RailsWayCon 2012 Berlin - Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Operations @ Bio Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Agenda 35k feet view Messages and patterns Transports Devices Resiliency Rewby Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 What’s wrong with socket I/O ? Communication Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Skills Strong dev profile required Multiplexed I/O knowledge Understand protocols Buffer management Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Not portable Standards compliance, meh Socket options Error codes Ruby abstracts most of these Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Not flexible 2 patterns Bi-directional or multicast Lock-step connection Fixed network topology Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Zero broker, admin, cost, waste and (almost) zero latency What is ZeroMQ ? Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Super (scriptable) sockets Magical sockets Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Socket types PUB SUB REQ REP PUSH PULL Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Example PUSH PULL PUSH PULL PULL PUSH PULL PUSH VENTILATOR SINK Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 IM for apps Communications / concurrency framework Async by design ( Actor Pattern ) Pipes as buffers Ex AMQP protocol Aka Crossroads I/O (fork) Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Cheap and efficient BSD sockets API Bindings for 30+ languages Lockless and FAST Automatic re-connection Multiplexed I/O ftw! Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 ENOTAMQ Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Rich bindings ecosystem Ruby Erlang ( Sergey Aleynikov ) C++ PHP Python etc. Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 In the wild Financial trading / brokers AT&T Twitter Peter Jackson - Lord of the Rings Github etc. Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Best OSS docs. Ever. Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Opaque binary data (blobs) Messages Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Message format Atomic delivery Framed wire protocol No contracts Multipart messages Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 bind() or connect() to multiple endpoints, simultaneously Multiple endpoints Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 bind() or connect() in any order Async connect Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Request / Reply Supported patterns Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Request / reply REQ REP REQ REP REP REP REQ REQ Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Request / Reply usage REQ socket load balances REP socket multiplexes Lock step Bi-directional Custom routing Downstream topology flow control Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Publish / subscribe Supported patterns Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Publish / subscribe PUB SUB SUB SUB Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Logging SUB PUB PUB PUB Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Publish / subscribe usage Market data, game state etc. PUB socket distributes SUB socket filters Subscription forwarding (3.x) Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Pipeline Supported patterns Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Pipeline PUSH PULL PULL PULL Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Pipeline usage Like REQ/REP, downstream reply Extendable - UNIX pipes Round-robin distribution Tasks with variable processing Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Parallel pipeline PUSH PULL PUSH PULL PULL PUSH PULL PUSH VENTILATOR SINK Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Transport agnostic messaging Transports Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Transports Threads in a process - inproc:// Processes on a box - ipc:// Nodes in a network - tcp:// Uniform API - it just works Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Lightweight switches Devices Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Pub/sub persistence SUB PUB PUB SUB SUB Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Proxy f = ctx.connect(:SUB, "tcp://") b = ctx.bind(:PUB, “tcp://”) loop do m = f.recv process(m) b.send(m) end Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Uses Proxy Routing (LRU) Filtering / de-dup Translation Persistence Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Interjection Principle Scalable topologies Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Saving bandwidth SUB PUB PUB SUB SUB SUB SUB Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Asynchronous external dependencies. Resiliency Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 ZeroMQ resiliency Atomic message delivery Delayed retry on failure Multi bind() and connect() Unordered bind() or connect() SOA - easy upgrades Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Water marks Throttling / flow control High Water Mark (HWM) Socket option DROPS - REP, PUB, SUB BLOCKS - REQ, PUSH Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 99% of deployments don’t need enterprise reliability Of reliability Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Then Costly transactions Small topology Large ops team Little churn Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Now Negligible transaction cost Large topology Small ops team Rapid churn rate Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Reliability as patterns Lazy Pirate (REQ / REP) Majordomo (queue) Titanic (persistence) Binary Star (High Availability) See Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Low latency, high throughput. Performance Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Lab: 6 000 000 msgs/s Ruby: 200 000 msgs/s (16 byte) Numbers Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Measured per message. Latency Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Measured at specific points Throughput Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Optimizations Dedicated I/O thread I/O model suits scripting languages Syscalls and allocations VSM (very small messages) Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Opportunistic batching Latency > TCP Throughput > TCP Avoid the network stack Scales to any pipe size Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 How to use it. Rewby. Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Available gems ffi-rzmq - FFI, most popular rzmq - MRI only, not maintained rbczmq - high level C API ZeroMQ 2.x specific Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 ctx = rep = ctx.bind(:REP, “inproc://p” req = ctx.connect(:REQ, “inproc://p” req.send(“message”) rep.receive(“message”) ctx.destroy Context Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 ctx = sub = ctx.socket(:SUB) sub.subscribe(“APPLE”) sub.connect(“tcp://”) sub.connect(“ipc://”) loop do process(sub.recv) end Socket init Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 ctx = s = ctx.bind(:PUSH, "inproc://work") 10.times{ ws << spawn_worker(ctx) } loop do msg = work.shift break if msg == “exit” s.send(msg) end Master Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 do s = ctx.connect(:PULL, “inproc:// work”) loop do msg = s.recv break if msg == "quit" process(msg) end end Workers Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Mongrel2 Case study Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 How it works Multi-protocol ZeroMQ for backends Async backend requests Language agnostic (bindings) Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Mongrel2 topology PULL PUB PULL PUB PUSH SUB BACKEND A BACKEND B MONGREL2 CLIENT Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Best practices Patterns - learn them Stable bind() Unstable connect() Interjection principle Set water marks Read Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 The Future UDP, DNS transports etc. Scalability Protocol (Linux Kernel) Mobile / embedded Monitoring support (coming soon) Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 Questions ? O fim Tuesday, June 5, 12

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Wildfire Interactive, Inc. | 1600 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 500, Redwood City, CA 94063 | (888) 274-0929 @methodmissing Thanks! Tuesday, June 5, 12