Let’s imagine a compound index
ingredient cooking time page
... ... ...
chicken 15 min 182, 200
chicken 25 min 199
chicken 30 min 289,316,320
chicken 45 min 290, 291, 354
... ... ...
Slide 14
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Consider the ordering of index keys
15 min
25 min
30 min
45 min
Let’s imagine a last compound index
calories cooking time page
... ... ...
250 25 min 199
250 30 min 316
300 25 min 289
300 45 min 291
425 30 min 320
... ... ...
How do you find dishes from 250 to 300 calories that cook from
30 to 40 minutes?
Slide 19
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Consider the ordering of index keys
250 cal,
25 min
250 cal,
30 min
300 cal,
25 min
300 cal,
45 min
How do you find dishes from 250 to 300 calories that cook from
30 to 40 minutes?
4 index entries will be scanned, but only 1 will match!
425 cal,
30 min
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Range queries using an index on A,
B A is a range ✔
A is constant, B is a range ✔
A is constant, order by B ✔
A is range, B is constant/range ✖
B is constant/range, A unspecified ✖✖
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It’s really that straightforward.
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On to MongoDB!
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All this is relevant to MongoDB.
MongoDB’s indexes are B-Trees, which are
designed for range queries.
Generally, the best index for your queries is
going to be a compound index.
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Key info about MongoDB’s indexes
A collection may have at most 64 indexes.
Almost all queries can use just 1 index
($and/$or queries are the exception).
Every additional index slows down inserts &
removes, and may slow updates.
The maximum index key size is 1024 bytes.
Slide 25
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When are indexes applicable?
An index on x gets used most places you’d
constant-value queries on x,
range queries on x,
$in expressions on x
count, distinct,
update, findAndModify that select on x,
regular expressions similar to /^abc.*/
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But indexes aren’t used sometimes
Most negations: $not, $nin, $ne
A few other corner cases: $mod, $where
Additionally, matching most regular
expressions involves scaning all index keys
(cf. /a/ or /foo/i).
Slide 27
Slide 27 text
Indexes do special things with
{ title : “Chicken and Rice”,
ingredients : [ “chicken”, “rice” ] }
ingredients page
chicken 42
... ...
rice 42
... ...
[ “chicken”, “rice”] 42
“MultiKey” Index on
Slide 28
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Getting a query’s plan
db.rec.find({t:{$lt: 40}}).explain()
{ "cursor" : "BtreeCursor t_1",
"nscanned" : 42,
"n" : 42,
"millis" : 0,
Pay attention to the ratio
Slide 29
Slide 29 text
Operational aspects of index builds
Building indexes is easy!
ingredient : 1, cookingTime : 1 })
Building indexes is hard!
Read through all docs, sort all index keys, write out
sorted tables... usually takes a while.
You should schedule index builds carefully.
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Rolling out an index build
for (s in secondaries)
Slide 31
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Absent or suboptimal indexes are
the most common avoidable
MongoDB performance problem...
...so take some time and get your
indexes right!
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Slide 32 text
To the future!
MongoDB will support “index intersection”.
This might make mongod’s index selection a
bit less predictable, however.
It will still be important to construct the right