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UXPA 2012 Tribune Company Design by Committee in an Agile environment Myths, tricks & strategies... Pradeep Nayar @DesignOnMyMind UX Principal Tribune Company Kevin Leebroderick UX Architect Tribune Company

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Design by Committee in an Agile environment UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 2 Participatory Design Our Goal:

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more than 150 years old

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No content

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UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 5 AGILE We’re ...almost

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Agile = Collaboration UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 6

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A major stakeholder wants to replace our mobile sites with a responsive site. UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 7 Scenario:

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UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 8 Pam Project Manager Hey..Scott (Stakeholder) wants us to wrap our heads around this whole responsive design thing...

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...I know Sunil (Software Architect) just attended a conference where he heard someone talk about it... UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 9 Pam Project Manager

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... Patrick (product manager) spoke to Bob and told him that we’ll brainstorm some idea... UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 10 Pam Project Manager

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... I’m going to schedule a meeting for us to talk...Can you get some your “creative” UX people for the meeting? UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 11 Pam Project Manager

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UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 12 NEVER GET EVERYONE IN A ROOM TO “BRAINSTORM” A SOLUTION Why? People get excited about solutions that don’t solve the problem Some solutions are not cohesive with the overall experience

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UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 13 PEOPLE INVOLVED Stakeholders Developers UX QA Product Mgr Project Mgr

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UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 14 SPHERES OF INFLUENCE UX Team Stakeholders Project Team

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UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 15 Tip #1 Sketch several ideas Review with UX peers Critique & repeat Within the UX team

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Believe in your solution UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 16 Tip #2 Within the UX team

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Never go alone... always tag team UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 17 Tip #3 With the project team (Product, QA, Dev)

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UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 18 Step 1: WORK WITH DEVELOPERS Developers UX Remember • They can be your best friend or worst enemy • Include them early in a solution • Show them examples of what you like and don’t like • Explain the thought behind a design • Thank them for a job well done • Always remind them...we are trying to make a better product

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UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 19 Step 2: WORK WITH PRODUCT UX Remember • They are your closest ally • There is a grey it out • You are there to make them look good • They help you push “hard” features forward Product Mgr

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UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 20 Step 3: WORKING WITH QA UX Remember • If UX is the quarterback then QA is the receiver • They assure the quality of the experience • They are the final line of defense before the customer QA

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Always present, never email UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 21 Tip #4 With stakeholders

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It’s not a war We’re all in this together UXPA 2012 Tribune Company 22 Final Tip

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UXPA 2012 Tribune Company QUESTIONS?

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UXPA 2012 Tribune Company Thank You.