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OPENSHIFT Workshop PRESENTED BY Shekhar Gulati Thinking Beyond RDBMS : Building Polyglot Persistence Java Applications

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WHO AM I? • Shekhar Gulati -- OpenShift Developer Evangelist • Java / NoSQL / Cloud Guy • Learning JavaScript these days ;) • Twitter Handle : shekhargulati • Facebook : shekhar.gulati.1 • Github • Slides

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There are no stupid questions only stupid answers. So ask questions ASK QUESTIONS

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Slide 6 text lists 150 databases NOW WE HAVE CHOICES ...

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● Widely used and understood ● Tested in real environments ● Efficient use of storage space if data normalized properly ● Great tools support ● ACID semantics ● Incredibly flexible and powerful query language ● Great framework support WHY RDBMS?

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● Complex object graphs does not map very well with flat tables. ● Difficult to evolve Schema with time. ● Data constraints and JOINs can be expensive at runtime. ● Difficult to scale horizontally. RDBMS LIMITATIONS

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NoSQL Databases to rescue

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● Schema-less ● Eventual consistent ● Scales writes and reads ● Easy to scale horizontally to add processing power and storage ● Tries to solve few practical use-cases NoSQL TO RESCUE

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Using multiple data storage technologies, chosen based upon the way data is being used by individual applications or components of single application. Martin Fowler POLYGLOT PERSISTENCE

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● OpenShift ● MongoDB ● MySQL ● Java – Spring framework , Spring Social, Spring MongoDB, Spring Security etc. ● Searchify : Full-text Search as a Service ● Git ● Twitter Bootstrap ● Backbone.js TECHNOLOGY CHOICES

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● Document Oriented database – JSON-style documents ● Schema-less – Each document is heterogeneous, and may have completely unique structure compared to other documents. ● Fast and horizontally scalable ● Rich query language MONGODB

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Database → Database Table → Collection Row → Document Index → Index MONGODB TERMINOLOGY MONGODB TERMINOLOGY

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● Easy to get running ● Open Source ● Active community ● Rich documents ● Geospatial indexing ● Writes are very fast. You can customize it using WriteConcern WHY MONGODB?

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20  What is it for?  Find all the MongoDB jobs near me – Proximity Queries  Find all the MongoDB jobs within Colombo – Bounded Queries  Find all the MongoDB job at this location – Exact Queries ● Supports only two dimensional indexes.  You can only have one geospatial index per collection.  By default, 2d geospatial indexes assume longitude and latitude have boundaries of -180 inclusive and 180 non-inclusive (i.e. [-180, 180)) GEOSPATIAL INDEXING BASICS

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21 1) Put your coordinates into an array { loc : [ 50 , 30 ] } //SUGGESTED OPTION { loc : { x : 50 , y : 30 } } { loc : { foo : 50 , y : 30 } } 1) { loc : { lon : 40.739037, lat: 73.992964 } } 2) Make a 2d index db.places.ensureIndex( { loc : "2d" } ) 3) If you use latitude and longitude as your coordinate system, always store longitude first. MongoDB’s 2d spherical index operators only recognize [ longitude, latitude] ordering. HOW TO MAKE IT WORK

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OpenShift is PaaS by Red Hat Multi-language, Auto-Scaling, Self-service, Elastic, Cloud Application Platform

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● Supports MongoDB , PostgreSQL ,and MySQL ● Multi-language support. Supports Java, Node.js, Perl, Python, PHP and Ruby ● Extensible via DIY and cartridges ● No need to learn anything new ● Open source – OpenShift Origin ● Scalable ● FREE! WHY OPENSHIFT?

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origin Public Cloud Service On- premise or Private Cloud Software Open Source Project FLAVORS OF OPENSHIFT

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Developer IDE Integrations Web Browser Console Command Line Tooling REST APIs INTERACTIONS

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26 Let's build the application

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28 ➢ Login to OpenShift web console ➢ Click on “My Account” ➢ Namespace – javaonein – Unique per user CREATING NAMESPACE

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29 Install Ruby 1.8.7 or greater Install Git Install rhc OpenShift gem Refer to documentation INSTALLING CLIENT TOOLS

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30 $ rhc app create localjobs jbosseap mongodb-2.2 mysql-5.1 -s OR Lot of other tasks you can do with rhc – tail log, app management, cartridge management , ssh management , namespace management, etc. Run rhc -h for details DEMO : LOCALJOBS APP RHC is only required for infrastructure tasks rhc app create localjobs jbosseap rhc cartridge add mongodb-2.2 --app localjobs rhc cartridge add mysql-5.1 --app localjobs

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31 $ git rm -rf src pom.xml $ git commit -am “delete template app” $ git remote add upstream -m master git:// $ git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master ITS All GIT Source code

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32 $ rhc app show -a localjobs $ scp jobs-data.json :app-root/data $ rhc app ssh -a localjobs $ cd app-root/data $ mongoimport -d localjobs -c jobs --file jobs- data.json -u $OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_USERNAME -p $OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_PASSWORD -h $OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_HOST -port $OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_PORT LOADING DATA IN MONGODB

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33 git push

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34 Code Walkthrough

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