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Propel Geocoder Symfony2

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No content

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+ Propel 1.6

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Propel 1.6

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No content

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Data Table Gateway + Data Row Gateway

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between table operation objects, and row instances. Clean division

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ActiveRecord setFirstname('Andrew'); $author->setLastname('Hunt'); $book = new Book(); $book->setTitle('The Pragmatic Programmer'); $book->setAuthors(array($author)); $book->save();

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ActiveQuery (1/2) filterByTitle('The Pragmatic%') ->find(); SELECT * FROM book WHERE title LIKE 'The Pragmatic%'

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ActiveQuery (2/2) _if(preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2}$/', $location)) ->filterByCanton($location) ->_else() ->filterByCity($location) ->_endif() ->find(); Smart API for conditions

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ActiveQuery (2/2) _if(preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2}$/', $location)) ->filterByCanton($location) ->_else() ->filterByCity($location) ->_endif() ->find(); Smart API for conditions

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ActiveQuery (2/2) _if(preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2}$/', $location)) ->filterByCanton($location) ->_else() ->filterByCity($location) ->_endif() ->find(); Smart API for conditions

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ActiveQuery (2/2) _if(preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2}$/', $location)) ->filterByCanton($location) ->_else() ->filterByCity($location) ->_endif() ->find(); Smart API for conditions

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Code generation

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Aggregate Column

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Aggregate Column Archivable

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Aggregate Column Archivable Delegate

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Aggregate Column Archivable Delegate i18n

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Aggregate Column Archivable Delegate i18n Nested Set

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Aggregate Column Archivable Delegate i18n Nested Set Sluggable

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Aggregate Column Archivable Delegate i18n Nested Set Sluggable Soft Delete

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Aggregate Column Archivable Delegate i18n Nested Set Sluggable Soft Delete Timestampable

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Aggregate Column Archivable Delegate i18n Nested Set Sluggable Soft Delete Timestampable Sortable

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Aggregate Column Archivable Delegate i18n Nested Set Sluggable Soft Delete Timestampable Sortable Versionable

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Aggregate Column Archivable Delegate i18n Nested Set Sluggable Soft Delete Timestampable Sortable Versionable Array Access Auditable Auto Add PK Extra Properties Geocodable Publishable Query Cache State Machine ...

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Anything else?

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Blazing Fast ! Fast

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If your ORM provides a caching layer, you should probably reconsider it!

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No content

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PHP 5.3

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Coding Standards

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No content

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Symfony2 Components Console Filesystem Finder Validator Yaml

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No content

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No content

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pushHandler( new StreamHandler( '/var/log/propel.log', Logger::WARNING ) ); Propel::getServiceContainer()->setLogger( 'defaultLogger', $defaultLogger );

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Service Container

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setAdapterClass( 'bookstore', 'mysql' ); $manager = new ConnectionManagerSingle(); $manager->setConfiguration(array ( 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=my_db', 'user' => 'my_db_user', 'password' => 's3cr3t', )); $serviceContainer->setConnectionManager( 'bookstore', $manager );

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New Adapters

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Traits support

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What’s next?

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Alpha release soon

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One more thing

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Thanks to all contributors

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Thank you! @couac