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Xavier Lacot – June 2012 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects

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2 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Hello My name is Xavier Lacot ■ Web and Mobile at ■ Formerly PHP technical leader at Clever Age ■ Open Source convinced and contributor ■ In PHP, mainly Symfony ■ In javascript, etc. ■ Président of AFUP – the French PHP Users Association ( ■ Forum PHP ■ PHP Tour ■

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3 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Summary 1. PHP in 2012, a living ecosystem 2. 2005's PHP is now just pain 3. Migration strategies ■ The slow path ■ Switch progressively 4. Symfony components for your pleasure ■ Your prefered migration toolkit ■ Case Study

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4 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Before we start How many of you use a framework on a regular basis? How many of you must deal with no-framework applications?

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PHP in 2012, a living ecosystem

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6 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 A few things about PHP ■ A pragmatic language built for the Web ■ PHP5 since 2005 ■ One of the most used languages on the Web PHP – solves problems since 1995

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7 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 The language improves ■ PHP 5.3 introduced new concepts : ■ Usage of namespaces ■ Lambda and closures ■ Phar archives ■ “goto” WTF ??? namespace JoliCode\Conferences; use General\Talk\Session; class SymfonyLive extends Session { public function runPresentation() { // do something nice... } }

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8 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Namespaces manipulation ■ Pro ■ No more collisions ■ Less ambiguity ■ Ahah, short class names. No more long classnames ■ Cons ■ Don't forget the use statement use One\Full\Classname as Something; $object = new Something;

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9 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 And it still evolves ■ PHP 5.4 ■ Some deprecated features removed ■ Performance improvements ■ Instance Method Calls ■ Closures inside objects ■ Traits, aka. assisted copy/paste ■ Arrays manipulation $post = (new Post)->setTitle('Hello poneys')->save(); function fruits() { return ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']; } echo fruits()[0]; // Outputs: apple

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10 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 The ecosystem improves ■ Last years = bunch of new things ■ New (versions of) frameworks ■ New tools ■ Dependancies resolution ■ Code analysis ■ Continuous integration ■ Structuration of the projects ■ Standards ■ Discussions ■ More and more conferences

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11 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 New frameworks

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12 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 New frameworks

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13 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 ClassLoader and PSR-0 ■ PSR-0 : ■ A standardization agreement ■ Scope: classes naming and organization ■ Idea : match the path of the file containg a class to this full class name class: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request path: vendor/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Request.php class: Twig_Extension_Core path: vendor/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php

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14 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 ClassLoader and PSR-0 class: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request path: vendor/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Request.php class: Twig_Extension_Core path: vendor/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php PEAR naming style Namespaced classes style autoloading path prefix

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15 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Composer ■ A packages management tool ■ Launched in 2012 ■ Composer : a tool for managing dependancies ■ : a repository of packages ■ See the talk of Jordi Boggiano and Nils Adermann

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16 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Dependancies resolution using Composer ■ And more: ■ Post install commands ■ Configuration variables ■ etc. { "name": "joli/demo-project", "description": "A simple demo project", "require": { "php": ">=5.3.3", "symfony/symfony": "2.1.*", "seld/jsonlint": "1.0.0" } } composer.json $ php composer.phar install Installing dependencies from lock file - Updating twig/twig (dev-master)

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17 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Packagist ■ The packages repository behind packagist ■ A great resource for finding high quality contributions ■ Definitively forget about PEAR or distro packages ■ Fear that packagist might break? Build your own repository with satis -

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18 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012

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19 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 PHP gets is a professional language ■ PHP is not anymore an amateur language ■ Continuous integration (hi Jenkins, Sismo and Travis) ■ Unit tests (hi PHPUnit, SimpleTest, Atoum) ■ Code quality analysis and metrics ■ Code improvement tools (Hi PHP-CS-Fixer) ■ etc. ■ PHP developers have grew up since 2002 ■ The language is more mature ■ The community too

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20 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012

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21 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Cheers GitHub

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22 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 GitHub ■ Social coding ■ Gathers many Open Source contributions ■ Watch, fork, comment, request pulls ■ Fun and nice ■ 2,500,000 projects, ~ 150,000 PHP projects ■ A great market for the developer! PHP switched from SVN to Git

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23 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012

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24 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Summary 1. PHP in 2012, a living ecosystem 2. 2005's PHP is now just pain 3. Migration strategies ■ The slow path ■ Switch progressively 4. Symfony components for your pleasure ■ Your prefered migration toolkit ■ Case study

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2005's PHP is now just pain

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26 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Oh yes we did it... somewhere in 2002...

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27 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Oh yes we did it... somewhere in 2002... ■ HTML and PHP mix

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28 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Oh yes we did it... somewhere in 2002... ■ HTML and PHP mix ■ Direct access to superglobals

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29 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Oh yes we did it... somewhere in 2002... ■ HTML and PHP mix ■ Direct access to superglobals ■ Use of the @ operator

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30 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Oh yes we did it... somewhere in 2002... ■ HTML and PHP mix ■ Direct access to superglobals ■ Use of the @ operator ■ Urls tied to code structure

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31 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Oh yes we did it... somewhere in 2002... ■ HTML and PHP mix ■ Direct access to superglobals ■ Use of the @ operator ■ Urls tied to code structure ■ Duplicate code

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32 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012

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33 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Not bad at all ■ That was 10 years ago! ■ No PHP5 at that time ■ That was still flexible ■ Just missed some concepts

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34 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 The shit of today was great yesterday So how did we improve things?

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35 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 2004 → 2007 ■ First professional PHP frameworks ■ Zend Framework ■ Code Igniter ■ Seagull PHP ■ Cake PHP ■ symfony 1 ■ Jelix ■ Pluf ■ Yii ■ etc.

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36 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 symfony 1 ■ End 2005 : first public version (release 0.4) ■ Developers say “hurra” ORM Ajax Plugins Console Conventions Debug toolbar Documentation Functionnal and Unit tests Internationalisation Community Helpers Routing Cache MVC

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37 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Still not sufficient ■ Several limits: ■ Very monolithic ■ Not very flexible ■ Almost no components - use it all or don't use it ■ Some things were a pain to achieve ■ Extensive use of Singleton ■ Hard (impossible) to write complete test suites ■ Developers only ■ Performances... ! ■ Lots of bad contribs ■ Low average community level

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38 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012

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Migration strategies

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40 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Summary 1. PHP in 2012, a living ecosystem 2. 2005's PHP is now just pain 3. Migration strategies ■ The slow path ■ Switch progressively 4. Symfony components for your pleasure ■ Your prefered migration toolkit ■ Case study

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41 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Pre-conditions ■ You work since more than 5 years on your project ■ A bunch of functionnalities ■ The app is in production ■ Lots of users and data ■ A competent team ■ But ■ New developments are slow ■ Infrastructure problems ■ Hard to improve things ■ You want to trash it all, and code like in 2012

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42 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Your reality Pre-conditions

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43 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Your expectations Pre-conditions

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44 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Strategy #1 – big bang ■ Most natural approach : rewrite everything ■ Pro: ■ A new solid and modern framework ■ Leave away from the old crappy codebase ■ Feel more happy ■ Cons: ■ Stop the company's business ■ Spend 1y+ re-developing everything ■ Have client cry ■ Complex migration scripts ■ Very risky

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45 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 ■ Don't do that ■ Too risky ■ Lot of pressure ■ Might lead to a disaster ■ Your boss won't be happy ■ Prefer a gradual approach Strategy #1 – big bang

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46 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Strategy #2 – Be progressive ■ Being progressive : ■ Re-write step by step ■ Control the way you build things ■ Use Framework parts, not the complete framework ■ Choose which parts to use ■ Gradually raise the level of your team ■ Less risky ■ And your boss will love you

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47 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Step #1 Switch to PHP 5.3 or PHP 5.4 NOW. thanks * Historical codebase PHP x.x Historical codebase PHP 5.3

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48 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Step #1 ■ Debian users : ■ Update your distribution version (eventually) ■ Update your packages (5 seconds) ■ Mac Users : ■ Please trash wamp and go grab (kudos Liip) ■ Windows users Doh!

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49 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Step #2 ■ Create a solid foundation for your future new developments ■ Put new things in your project ■ Symfony components are up! Start with: ■ ClassLoader ■ DependencyInjection ■ HTTPFoundation Historical codebase Historical codebase ClassLoader DIC HTTPFoundation

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50 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Step #2 – install the components ■ Use composer { "autoload": { "psr-0": {} }, "name": "xavierlacot/blog", "description": "My old blog on steroids", "require": { "php": ">=5.3.3", "symfony/class-loader": "2.1.*", "symfony/dependency-injection": "2.1.*", "symfony/http-foundation": "2.1.*" } } $ php composer.phar install Installing dependencies from lock file - Updating symfony/class-loader (dev-master)

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51 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Step #2 – install the components ■ What did we install while doing this? ■ ClassLoader allows to load classes automagically, when required, if they follow a naming convention defined by PSR-0; ■ DependancyInjection provides a set of tools for building object and classes in a standardized way, and reduce the BC breaks; ■ HTTPFoundation is the basic toolkit when working with HTTP requests (all web pages, for example). ■ We'll see all three later un the presentation

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52 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Step #2 – install the components ■ Composer is great ■ It comes with an autoloader ■ Using the classes is simple : ■ And we're ready to start using the component classes!

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53 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Step #3 – start using the components ■ HTTPFoundation is the easiest component to start with – the one you can immediately use without breaking things use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); CreateFromGlobals() analyses the superglobals and populates the Request object index.php

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54 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Step #3 – use HTTPFoundation Time to change your historical code... becomes $pagename = (isset($_GET['page'])) ? $_GET['page'] : "404"; $file = sprintf('pages/%s.php', $pagename); $pagename = $request->query->get('page', '404'); $file = sprintf('pages/%s.php', $pagename);

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55 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Step #4 ■ There's no step #4 ■ The rest of the process is very similar ■ Integrate the component ■ Use it ■ Refactor your code ■ Simplify ■ Iterate – don't break everything at once. Use components gradually

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Symfony components for your pleasure

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57 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Summary 1. PHP in 2012, a living ecosystem 2. 2005's PHP is now just pain 3. Migration strategies ■ The slow path ■ Switch progressively 4. Symfony components for your pleasure ■ Your prefered migration toolkit ■ Case study

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58 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 So what are the Symfony Components ? ■ Symfony components are : ■ A set of independent libraries ■ You can use them separately ■ High quality code components, tested and documented ■ Symfony components are not : ■ A bootstrap ■ They do not provide end user fonctionnalities ■ They are the bricks of your new platform, but you will have to glue them together

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59 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Symfony components ■ The complete list is available at ■ Symfony2 is built with the Symfony components ■ You will often use the symfony standard distribution, which contains all the components plus some bundles ■ Components do not depend on any third party library ■ All kind of stuff: ■ HTTP management ■ Cache ■ Files finder ■ Routing management ■ Internationalization process ■ Templating ■ Forms management ■ etc.

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60 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Symfony components ■ Here is the list of what you can get : ■ BrowserKit ■ ClassLoader ■ Config ■ Console ■ CssSelector ■ DependencyInjection ■ DomCrawler ■ EventDispatcher ■ Finder ■ Form ■ HttpFoundation ■ HttpKernel ■ Locale ■ Process ■ Routing ■ Security ■ Serializer ■ Templating ■ Translation ■ Validator ■ Yaml

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61 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Your prefered migration toolkit ■ I won't detail all the components ■ Here are (AMHA) the most useful (and straightforward) when migrating an old application: ■ ClassLoader ■ Console ■ DependencyInjection ■ Finder ■ HttpFoundation ■ Routing ■ Templating ■ Validator ■ If you want to use more, consider using Symfony2 at some point

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62 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 ClassLoader ■ loads classes automatically if they follow PSR-0; ■ Migration process: 1. have your classes organization follow PSR-0 (renaming stuff) 2. Configure the ClassLoader

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63 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 ClassLoader ■ loads classes automatically if they follow PSR-0; ■ Migration process: 1. have your classes organization follow PSR-0 (renaming stuff) 2. Configure the ClassLoader

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64 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 ClassLoader ■ Composer's autoloader is taking care of vendors installed by composer ■ We must declare “our” classes: ■ Possible to declare several namespaces at once: registerNamespaces(array(...)) use Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader; $loader = new UniversalClassLoader(); $loader->registerNamespace('Prefix', __DIR__.'/src/'); $loader->register(); index.php

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65 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Console ■ Your best friend for writing: ■ Command line tasks ■ Cron jobs ■ Repetitive asynchron tasks ■ Pros: ■ Input / Output management ■ Colorization ■ Well written ■ Extensible

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66 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Console ■ Add the Console component to composer.json ■ Update the dependencies : "require": { "php": ">=5.3.3", "symfony/class-loader": "2.1.*", "symfony/console": "2.1.*", "symfony/dependency-injection": "2.1.*", "symfony/http-foundation": "2.1.*" } $ php composer.phar update Updating dependencies - Installing symfony/console (dev-master) Writing lock file Generating autoload files

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67 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Console ■ Write a new command: setName('joli:twitter') ->setDescription('Gets updates from twitter') ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $puller = $this->getContainer()->get('joli.twitter.puller'); $output->writeln("Contacting Twitter..."); $data = $puller->pull(); // do stuff with $data $output->writeln(sprintf('Tweets fetched. %s new tweets', count($tweets))); } } Hint: I did remove some “use” statements src/Prefix/Command/TwitterCommand.php

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68 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Console ■ Then create the executable file itself: ■ Fix this file's permissions: #!/usr/bin/env php add(new TwitterCommand); $application->run(); console.php $ chmod 755 console.php

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69 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Console ■ And finally run the command: $ ./console joli:twitter Contacting Twitter... Tweets successfuly fetched. 0 new tweets $ ./console Console Tool Usage: [options] command [arguments] Options: --help -h Display this help message. --quiet -q Do not output any message. --verbose -v Increase verbosity of messages. --version -V Display this application version. --ansi Force ANSI output. --no-ansi Disable ANSI output. --no-interaction -n Do not ask any interactive question. Available commands: help Displays help for a command list Lists commands joli joli:twitter Gets updates from twitter

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70 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Dependency Injection ■ “Dependency Injection” is a rather cryptic name ■ No drugs here, promise ■ Here is an “old school” function prototype: ■ It is bad, because: ■ The prototype will change when you will have new requirements ■ The order of the parameters is a hard constraint ■ Maybe one day you'll store menu items in a NoSQL database, and not in a relational one anymore function makeMenu($sqlConnection, $menu, $nbItems = null, $level = 0, $startingWith = null) Copyright me a long long long time ago *

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71 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012

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72 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Your existing app ■ Your existing app does a lot of things ■ Sending emails ■ Parsing data ■ Writing logs ■ Storing data in databases

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73 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Dependency Injection ■ The Dependency Injection component provides a dependency injection container ■ Imagine a large array of resources widely used in the whole application ■ This “DIC” has some capacities: ■ Resources are instantiated only when required; ■ It is extensible; ■ Each item of this DIC is called a “service” ■ The SQL connection is a service ■ Passing the DIC to a class automatically gives access to a large collection of services...!

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74 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Dependency Injection DIC DIC Initialization Execution bootstrap Create services $container->get('mailer') Instantiate a non-existing service Call the service

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75 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Implement your own services ■ In the migration plan: ■ convert the “service” functionnalities into real Symfony2 services, ■ Create binding to the existing calls ■ use them like before ■ In the future, put all your services in the container. ■ And use them from there

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76 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 DIC migration ■ Imagine we have a “Mailer” class: ■ A mail is sent in our code with: send($user->getEmail(), 'Welcome '.$user->getName(), 'A test'); }

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77 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 DIC migration ■ Create the service container: ■ Pass it to our users management class ■ Use it: use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; $container = new ContainerBuilder(); $container->register('mailer', 'Mailer'); function saveUser($name, $email) { // stuff here $mailer = $this->container->get('mailer'); $mailer->send($user->getEmail(), 'Welcome '.$user->getName(), 'A test'); }

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78 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 DIC migration ■ Benefits: ■ The Mailer object is now only created in one place ■ Its configuration is centralized ■ It is easy to override in the user management class

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79 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 HttpFoundation ■ We have already used a little the HTTP Foundation component ■ One core concept of Symfony2 is the coverage of the framework ■ It handles Requests ■ And returns Responses Application User Request Response HTTP

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80 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 HttpFoundation ■ HttpFoundation provides concepts for Request and Responses ■ Every input from the user, or output to the user should pass through this component ■ Request: ■ $request→request represents $_POST ■ $request→query represents $_GET ■ $request→cookies represents $_COOKIE ■ etc. use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; $request = Request::createFromGlobals();

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81 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 HttpFoundation ■ Response: ■ Represents the stuff returned to the user through HTTP ■ It implements HTTP 1.1, the response is customizable: use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; $response = new Response(); $response->setContent('This will be the response content'); $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html'); $response->setStatusCode(200); // send the Response $response->prepare($request); $response->send();

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82 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Migration plan for using HttpFoundation ■ HTTPFoundation will help: ■ Making your application more secure ■ Enforce a normalization of the way the output is sent ot the user ■ Migration plan: ■ Start with systematically using the Request ibject in place of the superglobals ■ Use Response objects whenever possible ■ ob_* may help you ■ Use a templating system to move view content in separate files

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83 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Routing Component – what we did before... ■ Didn't you find nasty the way we manage urls in our old app? $file = (isset($_GET['pages'])) ? "pages/".$_GET['page'].".php" : "pages/404.php"; if ( !file_exists($file) ) { @include("pages/404.php"); } else { $allowed = realpath('./pages'); if ( !@ereg($allowed."*", realpath($file)) ) { @include("pages/404.php"); } else { @include($file); } }

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84 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 ■ Yes, it is far from perfect: ■ Urls enforce code organization ■ This system may cause security problems ■ What if the “$allowed” check doesn't work? ■ It is not extensible ■ The url ↔ action matching is hardcoded, which means no possible alternative ■ Bad for SEO ■ ■ The Symfony2 Routing component helps handling urls in an abstract way Routing Component – what we did before...

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85 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Routing Component ■ Routing is a mechanism which allows to manage the address map of an application ■ Very useful: ■ Better SEO ■ Better security ■ Help reorganize the application internally ■ Do not expose the technology you use

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86 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Routing ■ There are two types of routing ■ “Descending” routing: maps an URI to an action the application must complete: ■ /blog must display the list of posts ■ /blog/2010/05/12/un-message.html must display the right post ■ /contact must display the contact form ■ “ascending” routing helps generate nice, SEO compliant URLs /blog Descending routing User

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87 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Routing component – migration plan ■ The migration plan for using this component will strongly depend on the way you developed your application. ■ Usually: ■ Add the component to composer.json, update ■ In the front controller, use the routing to match certain urls and handle the request in a clean way ■ This way, it won't affect other URLs ■ Once installed, always use the Router when exposing new URLs

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88 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 In our example... ■ First, declare the routes ■ Then, match the requests to find the page to load // declare the routes $routes = new RouteCollection(); $routes->add( 'blog_show', new Route( '/blog/{year}/{month}/{slug}', array('pagename' => 'display_blog') ) ); $context = new RequestContext(); $context->fromRequest($request); $matcher = new UrlMatcher($routes, $context); try { $route = $matcher->match($request->getRequestUri()); // do things } catch (ResourceNotFoundException $e) { // handle exception } Hint: I did remove some “use” statements $route now contains the matched route parameters

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89 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Generating URLs with the Routing Component ■ $router::generate() allows to generate a URL with parameters: ■ Of course, add the Routing as a service to the container! $generator = new UrlGenerator($routes, $context); $url = $generator->generate('blog_show', array( 'slug' => 'hello-les-poneys', 'year' => '2011', 'month' => '11' )); $response->setContent('Please go here'); $response->send();

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90 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Questions ? Contact Xavier Lacot 06 51 48 59 73 Twitter : @JoliCode

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91 Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects JoliCode | Xavier Lacot | Symfony Live 2012 Credits ■ Photos – thanks to the photographers: ■ ■ ■