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PHP 5.4: The New Bits Friday, June 8, 12

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•Engineer at Engine Yard for PHP Platform as a Service (PaaS) •Author of Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide, Sitepoints PHP Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks & PHP Master: Write Cutting Edge Code •A long time contributor to PEAR, phpdoc; new contributor to internals, FRAPI, lithium •Original Contributor to Zend Framework •@dshafik •(Buy My Books!) Davey Shafik Friday, June 8, 12

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One More Thing Friday, June 8, 12

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Hard of hearing: PLEASE SPEAK UP! (Everybody Forgets This!) Friday, June 8, 12

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About These Slides Friday, June 8, 12

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About These Slides • Two slides per “slide” • Title Slide (for when I’m talking) • Details slide (for later) • Nobody likes it when you can read the slide just as well as the speaker can • I like slides that are useful Friday, June 8, 12

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The Small Stuff Friday, June 8, 12

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The Small Stuff • SessionHandlerInterface added, used with session_set_save_handler() • PHP_BINARY constant gives the path to the... PHP binary • Notice now shown on array-to-string conversions • Better Memory Usage and Performance Friday, June 8, 12

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More on SessionHandlerInterface Friday, June 8, 12

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interface SessionHandlerInterface { public function open($sessionid); public function close(); public function read($sessionid); public function write($sessiondata); public function destroy($sessionid); public function gc($maxlifetime); } // Corresponds to: session_set_save_handler( $open, $close, $read, $write, $destroy, gc ); // Implemented by new internal class: class SessionHandler { } Friday, June 8, 12

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Language Changes Friday, June 8, 12

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Short Echo Tags Friday, June 8, 12

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Short Echo Tags ="Now I Will Always Work!";?> No longer depends on short_open_tags Friday, June 8, 12

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Binary Numbers Friday, June 8, 12

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Binary Numbers $var = 0b01; // Binary (base 2) $var = 1234; // Integer $var = -123; // Signed Integer (+/-) $var = 1.23; // Float $var = 0123; // Octal (base 8) $var = 0x1A; // Hexadecimal (base 16) In Addition To: Friday, June 8, 12

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New Array Syntax Friday, June 8, 12

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New Array Syntax // Old $array = array(1, 2, 3); // New $array = [1, 2, 3]; // Old $a = array('a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd'); // New $a = ['a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd']; Friday, June 8, 12

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Array Dereferencing Friday, June 8, 12

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Array Dereferencing function returnArray() { return ['a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd']; } $foo = returnArray()['a']; // b Friday, June 8, 12

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Dynamic Method Calls Friday, June 8, 12

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Dynamic Method Calls // Variable static methods $var = "staticMethod"; ClassName::{$var}(); // Instantiation Time Access (new ClassName)->instanceMethod(); // UGLY. $var = "instanceMethod"; (new ClassName)->{$var}(); Friday, June 8, 12

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Improvements to Closures & Callbacks Friday, June 8, 12

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Closures & Callbacks • New callable type hint (closures, function names, arrays, __invoke()) • $this now accessible inside closures (based on creation location) • Array callbacks for variable function calls • Change $this and/or scope with Closure::bind() and Closure- >bindTo() Friday, June 8, 12

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Callable Type hint function invokeCallback(callable $var) { $var(); } invokeCallback(function() { }); invokeCallback("functionName"); invokeCallback(['class', 'staticMethod']); invokeCallback([$object, 'method']); class Foo { public function __invoke() { } } invokeCallback(new Foo()); Friday, June 8, 12

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$this in closures class foo { public function getClosure() { return function() { return $this; } } } class bar { public function __construct() { $foo = new foo(); $func = $foo->getClosure(); $obj = $func(); // PHP 5.3: $obj == null // PHP 5.4: $obj == foo, not bar } } Friday, June 8, 12

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Array Callbacks class ClassName { public static function staticMethod() { var_dump(__METHOD__); } public function instanceMethod() { var_dump(__METHOD__); } } $callback = ['ClassName', 'staticMethod']; $callback(); // ClassName::staticMethod $callback = [new ClassName(), 'instanceMethod']; $callback(); // ClassName::instanceMethod Friday, June 8, 12

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Rebinding $this Or: How to break the object model! Friday, June 8, 12

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Rebinding $this • Doesn’t change the original closure — creates a duplicate • $this can be any object • $this and scope are separate — $this can be a different class to the access scope. Friday, June 8, 12

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Rebinding $this class foo { public function getClosure() { return function() { echo $this->hello; $this->world(); }; } } class bar { public $hello = "Hello "; private function world() { echo "World"; } } $foo = new Foo(); $closure = $foo->getClosure(); $bar = new Bar(); $newClosure = $closure->bindTo($bar); $newClosure(); Friday, June 8, 12

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Output Hello Fatal error: Call to private method bar::world() from context 'foo' Friday, June 8, 12

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Rebinding $this class foo { public function getClosure() { return function() { echo $this->hello; $this->world(); }; } } class bar { public $hello = "Hello "; private function world() { echo "World"; } } $foo = new Foo(); $closure = $foo->getClosure(); $bar = new Bar(); $newClosure = $closure->bindTo($bar); $newClosure = $closure->bindTo($bar, $bar); $newClosure(); // Hello World Friday, June 8, 12

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Traits AKA Horizontal Re-use Friday, June 8, 12

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Traits • Compiler-level copy and paste (literally!) • New Keywords: trait, use, as and insteadof • Can use multiple traits • as and insteadof resolve conflicts • Can define methods, abstract methods, and properties Friday, June 8, 12

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Traits trait sayHello { public function hello() { echo "Hello "; } } trait sayWorld { public function world() { echo "World"; } } class sayHelloWorld { use sayHello, sayWorld; } $say = new sayHelloWorld(); $say->hello(); // Hello $say->world(); // World Friday, June 8, 12

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Inheritance/Scope trait getHello { public function hello() { return "Hello"; } } trait getWorld { public function world() { return "World"; } } trait sayHelloWorld { use getHello, getWorld; public function helloWorld() { echo $this->hello(), " ", $this->world(); } } class Greeting { use sayHelloWorld; } (new Greeting)->helloWorld(); // Hello World Friday, June 8, 12

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Precedence class say { public function sayHello() { echo 'Hello '; } } trait sayWorld { public function sayHello() { parent::sayHello(); // parent is unknown echo 'World'; } } class HelloWorld extends say { use sayWorld; // parent == say } class HiMum extends HelloWorld { public function sayHello() { parent::sayHello(); // parent == HelloWorld == sayWorld echo ", Hi mum!", PHP_EOL; } } (new HelloWorld)->sayHello(); echo PHP_EOL; // Hello World (new HiMum)->sayHello(); // Hello World, Hi mum! Friday, June 8, 12

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Method Visibility trait sayHello { public function hello() { echo "Hello "; } } trait sayWorld { private function world() { echo "World"; } } class sayHelloWorld { use sayHello, sayWorld { world as public; } } $say = new sayHelloWorld(); $say->hello(); // Hello $say->world(); // World Friday, June 8, 12

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Method Aliases trait sayHello { public function hello() { echo "Hello "; } } trait sayWorld { private function world() { echo "World"; } } class sayHelloWorld { use sayHello, sayWorld { hello as greeting; world as public planet; } } $say = new sayHelloWorld(); $say->greeting(); // Hello $say->planet(); // World Friday, June 8, 12

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Conflicts trait hello_en { public function greet() { echo "Hello "; } } trait mother_en_US { public function mother() { echo "Mom"; } } trait mother_en_UK { public function mother() { echo "Mum"; } } class HiMother { use hello_en, mother_en_US, mother_en_UK; public function sayHi($locale = 'UK') { $this->greet(); ($locale != 'US') ? $this->mother() : $this->mom(); } } (new HiMother)->sayHi('UK'); (new HiMother)->sayHi('US'); Fatal error: Trait method mother has not been applied, because there are collisions with other trait methods on HiMother on line 28 Friday, June 8, 12

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Conflict Resolution trait hello_en { public function greet() { echo "Hello "; } } trait mother_en_US { public function mother() { echo "Mom"; } } trait mother_en_UK { public function mother() { echo "Mum"; } } class HiMother { use hello_en, mother_en_US, mother_en_UK { mother_en_UK::mother insteadof mother_en_US; mother_en_US::mother as mom; } public function sayHi($locale = 'UK') { $this->greet(); ($locale != 'US') ? $this->mother() : $this->mom(); } } (new HiMother)->sayHi('UK'); // Hello Mum (new HiMother)->sayHi('US'); // Hello Mom Friday, June 8, 12

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Trait Detection Friday, June 8, 12

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Trait Detection • instanceof doesn’t work because it’s literally engine-level copy and paste • class_uses() returns an array • Both keys and values are the trait names • We can use array dereferencing (another PHP 5.4 feature) to check! Friday, June 8, 12

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Trait Detection trait HelloWorld { public function hi() { echo "Hello World", PHP_EOL; } } class greeting { use HelloWorld; } $greeting = new greeting(); // This doesn’t work if ($greeting instanceof HelloWorld) { echo "instanceof: ", $greeting->hi(); } // This does - using array dereferencing! if (isset(class_uses($greeting)['HelloWorld'])) { echo "class_uses: ", $greeting->hi(); } Friday, June 8, 12

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Built-in CLI Server Friday, June 8, 12

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Built in CLI Server • Use -S : (capital S) flag to initiate • Document Root: Current working directory • Default file: index.php • Serves static assets (e.g. images, js, css) • Allows URL routing with simple PHP script Friday, June 8, 12

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Running the CLI Server davey@maat ~ $ /usr/local/php5/bin/php -S localhost:8080 PHP 5.4.0RC6 Development Server started at Sun Jan 29 22:15:32 2012 Listening on localhost:8080 Document root is /Users/davey Press Ctrl-C to quit. [Sun Jan 29 22:15:36 2012] [200]: / [Sun Jan 29 22:15:37 2012] [404]: / favicon.ico - No such file or directory Friday, June 8, 12

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Output: /index.php array (size=21) 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => string '/Users/davey' (length=12) 'REMOTE_ADDR' => string '' (length=9) 'REMOTE_PORT' => string '49956' (length=5) 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => string 'PHP 5.4.0RC6 Development Server' (length=31) 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => string 'HTTP/1.1' (length=8) 'SERVER_NAME' => string 'localhost' (length=9) 'SERVER_PORT' => string '8080' (length=4) 'REQUEST_URI' => string '/' (length=1) 'REQUEST_METHOD' => string 'GET' (length=3) 'SCRIPT_NAME' => string '/index.php' (length=10) 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => string '/Users/davey/index.php' (length=22) 'PHP_SELF' => string '/index.php' (length=10) 'HTTP_HOST' => string 'localhost:8080' (length=14) 'HTTP_CONNECTION' => string 'keep-alive' (length=10) 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => string 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/ 535.7' (length=116) 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => string 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/ xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' (length=63) 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' => string 'gzip,deflate,sdch' (length=17) 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => string 'en-US,en;q=0.8' (length=14) 'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET' => string 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3' (length=30) 'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT' => float 1327893336.7823 'REQUEST_TIME' => int 1327893336 Friday, June 8, 12

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Using a Router davey@maat ~ $ /usr/local/php5/bin/php -S localhost:8080 router.php PHP 5.4.0RC6 Development Server started at Sun Jan 29 22:15:32 2012 Listening on localhost:8080 Document root is /Users/davey Press Ctrl-C to quit. [Sun Jan 29 22:15:36 2012] [200]: / [Sun Jan 29 22:15:41 2012] [200]: /index.php Note: custom routed URLs do not show here (might be a bug!) Friday, June 8, 12

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Using a Router if (realpath(__DIR__ . "/. {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}")) { // file exists, serve it — will execute PHP return false; } else { // route the request (could be ZF, li3, etc) MyRouter::route($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } class MyRouter { static public function route($path) { echo "Requested Resource: $path"; } // Check if we’re using the cli-server if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli-server') { ... } Example Router Friday, June 8, 12

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Output: /index.php array (size=21) 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => string '/Users/davey' (length=12) 'REMOTE_ADDR' => string '' (length=9) 'REMOTE_PORT' => string '49956' (length=5) 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => string 'PHP 5.4.0RC6 Development Server' (length=31) 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => string 'HTTP/1.1' (length=8) 'SERVER_NAME' => string 'localhost' (length=9) 'SERVER_PORT' => string '8080' (length=4) 'REQUEST_URI' => string '/' (length=1) 'REQUEST_METHOD' => string 'GET' (length=3) 'SCRIPT_NAME' => string '/index.php' (length=10) 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => string '/Users/davey/index.php' (length=22) 'PHP_SELF' => string '/index.php' (length=10) 'HTTP_HOST' => string 'localhost:8080' (length=14) 'HTTP_CONNECTION' => string 'keep-alive' (length=10) 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => string 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7' (length=116) 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => string 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/ xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' (length=63) 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' => string 'gzip,deflate,sdch' (length=17) 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => string 'en-US,en;q=0.8' (length=14) 'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET' => string 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3' (length=30) 'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT' => float 1327893336.7823 'REQUEST_TIME' => int 1327893336 Friday, June 8, 12

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Output: /foo/bar Requested Resource: /foo/bar array (size=23) 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => string '/Users/davey/Dropbox/Talks/2012/PHP 5.4 - The New Bits/ cli-server' (length=65) 'REMOTE_ADDR' => string '::1' (length=3) 'REMOTE_PORT' => string '52584' (length=5) 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => string 'PHP 5.4.0RC6 Development Server' (length=31) 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => string 'HTTP/1.1' (length=8) 'SERVER_NAME' => string 'localhost' (length=9) 'SERVER_PORT' => string '8080' (length=4) 'REQUEST_URI' => string '/foo/bar' (length=8) 'REQUEST_METHOD' => string 'GET' (length=3) 'SCRIPT_NAME' => string '/index.php' (length=10) 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => string '/Users/davey/Dropbox/Talks/2012/PHP 5.4 - The New Bits/cli-server/index.php' (length=75) 'PATH_INFO' => string '/foo/bar' (length=8) 'PHP_SELF' => string '/index.php/foo/bar' (length=18) 'HTTP_HOST' => string 'localhost:8080' (length=14) 'HTTP_CONNECTION' => string 'keep-alive' (length=10) 'HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL' => string 'max-age=0' (length=9) 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => string 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7' (length=116) 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => string 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/ *;q=0.8' (length=63) 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' => string 'gzip,deflate,sdch' (length=17) 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => string 'en-US,en;q=0.8' (length=14) 'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET' => string 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3' (length=30) 'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT' => float 1327903577.3323 'REQUEST_TIME' => int 1327903577 Friday, June 8, 12

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Thank You! • Feedback: • • @dshafik • dshafi[email protected] • Slides: • Friday, June 8, 12