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Introduction to Introduction to CodeIgniter Zeroplex 2012/06/14

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初學 PHP 買書 線上文件 2

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B U T 3

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書上不會提到 4

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重複的程式碼 $user = trim( mysql_escape_string($_POST[‘user’] ) mysql_escape_string($_POST[‘user’] ) ); $pwd = trim( mysql_escape_string($_POST[‘pwd’] ) mysql_escape_string($_POST[‘pwd’] ) ); 5

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6 參考 PHPWind 程式碼,後重新修改自用程式架構

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架構 $ tree ● ● ├── html ├── lib ├── upload ├── config.php.sample ├── ├── global.php └── index.php 7

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混亂的程式碼 8

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混亂的程式碼 HTML 9

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混亂的程式碼 CSS 10

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混亂的程式碼 HTML 11

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混亂的程式碼 HTML 12

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混亂的程式碼 PHP 13

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混亂的程式碼 Smarty Template Engine 14

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問題仍然存在 相當耗時 不夠安全 不容易重複使用 佈署困難 15

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PHP Frameworks Modules Templates Templates MVC DB Objects Validation Validation 16

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PHP Frameworks 17

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PHP Frameworks 較知名的 framework Zend CakePHP Symfony 18

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Benchmarks ab –c 100 –n 30000 19

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拿不定主意 20

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直到 直到 PHPconf 2011 21

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So .... 25

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CodeIgniter CodeIgniter

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CodeIgnter 麻雀雖小五藏俱全 27

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CodeIgnter 麻雀雖小五藏俱全 沒有複雜的設定 28

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CodeIgnter 麻雀雖小五藏俱全 沒有複雜的設定 效能佳 29

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CodeIgnter 麻雀雖小五藏俱全 沒有複雜的設定 效能佳 中文文件 30

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CodeIgnter 麻雀雖小五藏俱全 沒有複雜的設定 效能佳 中文文件 (其實只有一半是中文 XD) 31

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CodeIgniter 簡介 Installation Structure Structure Configuration URLs Controller / Model / View Controller / Model / View Built-in Functions Sparks 32

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Installation 1. wget 1. wget 2. unzip ..... Done ! 33

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如果沒有成功 35

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不要讓日落靠近 36

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Structure ─── application ├── config ├── config ├── controllers ├── models ├── views ├── ........ ├── ........ ├── system └── index.php 37

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Structure ─── application 網站程式所在位置 ├── config ├── config ├── controllers ├── models ├── views ├── ........ ├── ........ ├── system └── index.php 38

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Structure ─── application ├── config ├── config ├── controllers ├── models ├── views ├── ........ ├── ........ ├── system CodeIgniter 核心 └── index.php 39

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Configuration application/config config.php database.php autoload.php 40

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Configuration application/config site URL config.php ─── database.php autoload.php site URL charset log/cache path session / cookie 41

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Configuration application/config config.php database.php autoload.php 42

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Configuration application/config config.php database.php autoload.php ─── 在程式執行時自動 載入模組或函式 43

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URLs URL segment map to Controller index.php/post/show/2385 44

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URLs URL segment map to Controller index.php/post/show/2385 Controller Argument 45 Argument Method

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URLs class Post extends CI_Controller { class Post extends CI_Controller { public function show($id){ // Get post information } } } 46

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Controller application/controller/welcome.php: class Welcome extends CI_Controller { public function index(){ $this->load-> view('welcome_message'); } } 47

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Controller application/controller/welcome.php: class Welcome extends CI_Controller { public function index(){ $this->load-> view('welcome_message'); } } 48

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Controller application/controller/welcome.php: class Welcome extends CI_Controller { public function index(){ $this->load-> view('welcome_message'); } } 49

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Your Own Controller controller/hello.php class Hello extends CI_Controller { class Hello extends CI_Controller { public function greeting($id){ echo “Hello $id”; } } } 50

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Your Own Controller controller/hello.php class Hello extends CI_Controller { class Hello extends CI_Controller { public function greeting($id){ echo “Hello $id”; } } } Print ‘Hello C4Labs’ : index.php/hello/greeting/C4Labs 51

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Your Own Controller Deny method from URL access class Hello extends CI_Controller { public function _greeting($id){ echo “Hello $id”; echo “Hello $id”; } } 52 Underline

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View 位於 application/view/ 由 controller 載入 Template parser 53

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View application/view/hello.php

Hello Hello


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View Load view function hello($id){ $data[‘id’] = $id; $this->load->view(‘hello’, $data); $this->load->view(‘hello’, $data); } 55

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Template Parser



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Template Parser

Hello {id}

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Template Parser function hello($id){ $this->load->library(‘parser’); $this->load->library(‘parser’); $data[‘id’] = $id; $this->parser-> parse(‘hello', $data); parse(‘hello', $data); } 58

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Model Process data in database class User extends CI_Model{ function getUser($uid) { ... } function deleteUser($uid) { ... } function deleteUser($uid) { ... } } 59

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Model Load model in controller $this->load->model(‘user’); $user = $this->user->getUser(2); 60

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Built-in Functions Library Input Template Parser File Uploading Helper URL URL CAPTCHA 61

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Built-in Functions Load $this->load->library(‘upload’); $this->load->helper(‘url’); Use $this->upload->data(); $this->upload->data(); echo site_url(); 62

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No enough? 63

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Sparks ! 64

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Sparks Package management system for CodeIgniter CodeIgniter Easy to install Lots of useful packages Makes you lazy 65

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Install Sparks php -r "$(curl -fsSL" 66

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Using Sparks $ php tools/spark search redis menu - The Menu library is used to .... menu - The Menu library is used to .... redis - A CodeIgniter library to .... $ php tools/spark install redis Retrieving spark detail from ........ Spark installed to ./sparks/redis/0.3.0 - You're on fire! 67

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Using Packages Load and call $this->load->spark(‘redis/0.3.0’); $this->redis->set(‘foo’, ‘bar’); $this->redis->set(‘foo’, ‘bar’); 68

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More CodeIgniter 中文討論區 CodeIgniter Wiki 69

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Q & A 70

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Live Debug Demo 71

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Thanks You 72