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Functional Programming for the Uninitiated gavin bong pycon asia 2012, Singapore le 7 juin 2012 2229 jeudi

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2 roadmap functional way high order functions recursion folds curry / partial app. parser combinators closing 30 mins mins 02 02 08 08 mins 06 mins 03 mins mins mins min 01

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“ ” Purely functional is the right default. Imperative constructs .. must be exposed through explicit effects-typing constructs. Tim Sweeney, EPIC games (2006)

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No matter what language you work in, programming in a functional style provides benefits. You should do it whenever it is convenient, and you should think hard about the decision when it isn’t convenient. “ ” John Carmack, ID Software 26th april 2012

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The functional way

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Side effect free: Use immutable containers. Recursion over iteration First-class functions & closures. Higher-order functions everywhere Lazy evaluation Functional way: a cook's tour Pure functions (referential transparency) sin(n), log2(n) Composable Execution order insignificant Data transformations e.g. XSLT etc...

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Is python a functional language? anonymous functions (a.k.a lambdas) map, filter, reduce itertools functools list comprehensions, generators It is an imperative language that has acquired some functional features. No

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Functional aspects #1 Immutable containers in python tuple frozenset lambdas in python are limited to a single expression. Types (haskell as a reference): Pattern matching does not exist in python. Unlike python, haskell has static type checking with type inference. sum :: (Num a) => [a] -> a

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High order functions

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In python 3.x, map returns an iterator. Thus itertools.imap is removed. High order functions Accept functions as arguments and/or return functions. map map(f, [a1, a2])  [f(a1), f(a2)] filter filter(predicate, [a1, a2]) reduce Detail treatment in upcoming slides.

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Functional aspects #2 [(x, y) for x in xrange(1, 6) for y in xrange(6, 11) if y-x == 3] List comprehension in python [(x, y) | x <- [1..5], y <- [6..10], y-x == 3] is inspired by haskell's syntax: List comprehension has largely superceded the utility of the filter HOF.

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Recursion Functional languages do NOT have looping constructs. e.g. for, while Execution of recursive functions typically uses a stack. e.g. naïve sum function. sum :: [Integer] -> Integer sum [] = 0 sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs # haskell

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def sum_(seq): if not seq: return 0 else: return seq[0] + sum_(seq[1:]) # python naïve sum function This does not work if you pass in an iterator (e.g. generator expression) as the argument. We will fix this in upcoming slides.

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NOT tail recursive sum_([1, 2, 3]) 1 + sum_([2, 3]) 1 + (2 + sum_([3])) 1 + (2 + (3 + sum_([]))) 1 + (2 + (3 + 0)) 1 + (2 + 3) 1 + 5 6 Stack frames have to be kept around to maintain intermediate values. >>> import sys; sys.getrecursionlimit() 1000 The “stack” is a scarce resource.

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Old technique: use an accumulator argument to make it tail-recursive. A recursive function is tail recursive if the return value of the recursive call is the final result of the function. tail recursive conversion >>> sum_([i for i in xrange(1000)]) RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded fibonacci(n-1) * fibonacci(n-2) seq[0] + sum_(seq[1:]) Example of non tail-recursive calls. sum :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer sum [] acc = acc sum (x:xs) acc = sum xs (x + acc) # haskell

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Many functional languages (like Scheme) can support an unbounded number of active tail calls (recursive or otherwise). Haskell being a lazy language has a different approach. tail recursion elimination def sum_(seq): def tail_sum(seq, acc): if not seq: return acc else: return tail_sum(seq[1:], seq[0]+acc) return tail_sum(seq, 0) Python does not perform Tail Call Optimization (a.k.a Tail Recursion Elimination). The BDFL objects to this. O(n) => O(1)

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Recursion in Python? In CPython, Prefer iteration over recursion. Avoid the python stack. Trampoline technique Use core python features. e.g. __builtins__.sum A trampoline is a function executor. Works for tail-recursive functions (and also coroutines with tail-calls). Avoids stack overflow.

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trampoline #1 thunk = lambda fn: lambda *args: lambda: fn(*args) def tail_sum(seq, acc): it = iter(seq) try: first, rest = (next(it), list(it)) except StopIteration: return acc else: return thunk(tail_sum)(rest, first + acc) Delayed computation Trampoline code is based on example by James Tauber @jtauber

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trampoline #2 In python 3.x (see PEP3132), we can simplify the code that extracts the head & tail of the iterator. def tail_sum(seq, acc): it = iter(seq) try: first, *rest = it except ValueError: return acc else: return thunk(tail_sum)(rest, first + acc) #python 3

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trampoline #3 def trampoline(bouncer): while callable(bouncer): # should we land yet? bouncer = bouncer() return bouncer def sum_(seq): return trampoline(thunk(tail_sum)(seq, 0)) Trampoline code is based on example by @jtauber bounce land >>> sum_(i for i in range(2000)) 1999000

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trampoline #4 Trampoline version highly inefficient. 784 μsecs >>> sum( i for i in xrange(10000) ) 49995000 Comparisons of benchmarks using timeit : >>> sum_( i for i in xrange(10000) ) 49995000 1.66 secs >>> sum_( i for i in xrange(100000)) 4999950000L 150 secs 7.79 msecs >>> sum( i for i in xrange(100000)) 4999950000L

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It reduces a list to a single value. fold sum [] = 0 sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs # haskell It encapsulates the recursive pattern of processing data structures (lists for simplicity).

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fold sum [] = 0 sum (x:xs) = (+) x (sum xs) # haskell It encapsulates the recursive pattern of processing data structures (lists for simplicity). [2] Graham Hutton – A tutorial on the universality & expressiveness of fold, 1999 Universal property [2] of the fold operator: g [] = z g (x:xs) = f x (g xs)  fold f z Thus, sum simplifies to: Prelude> foldl (+) 0 [1..3] 6 arity 2 finite lists It reduces a list to a single value.

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left vs right fold In haskell, use foldl for folding from the left (the start) and foldr for folding from the right (the end). Prelude> let f = (\acc x -> 1 + acc) Prelude> foldl f 0 [0..3] 4 Example: finding the length 0 0 f f 1 f 2 f 3 left fold

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left vs right fold #2 Prelude> let g = (\x acc -> 1 + acc) Prelude> foldr g 0 [0..3] 4 Example: finding the length 3 0 g g 2 g 1 g 0 right fold

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fold in python In python 2.x, __builtins__.reduce is the python version of the fold operator. Left & right folds are handled by same function. def reverse(seq): def r(acc, x): acc.insert(0, x) return acc return reduce(r, seq, []) Example: reverse a list Let's implement haskell's elem using right fold. Prelude> elem 2 [1..3] True Prelude> elem 0 [1..3] False

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def elem(item, seq): _seq = reverse(seq) def match(x, acc): if x == item: return True else: return acc return reduce(lambda a, b: match(b, a), _seq, False) Example: haskell's elem using right fold. The initial value is set to False. The accumulator remains False until a match is found.

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784 μsecs >>> sum(i for i in xrange(10000) ) Comparisons of benchmarks using timeit : >>> reduce(operator.add, i for i in xrange(10000), 0) 1.38 msecs >>> reduce(operator.add, i for i in xrange(100000), 0) 13.6 msecs 7.79 msecs >>> sum(i for i in xrange(100000)) Simple benchmark of reduce >>> import operator

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In python 3.x, __builtins__.reduce has been moved to functools.reduce Several properties of reduce reduce( lambda a, b: a | b , [True, False, False], False ) # any reduce does not short-circuit; which would explain why it is slower than the builtin any or all for use cases below: reduce( lambda a, b: a & b , [False, False, True], False ) # all Homework: Implement map & filter using reduce.

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Currying & partial application

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Curried functions Currying is the technique of transforming a function that takes multiple arguments into .. a chain of unary functions. Example: currying functions of arity 2 >>> import operator >>> assert operator.sub(1, 2) == -1operator >>> def curry2(f): return lambda a: lambda b: f(a, b) >>> curried_sub = curry2(operator.sub) >>> assert curried_sub(1)(2) == -1

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Example: uncurrying functions of arity 2 uncurry >>> def uncurry2(f): return lambda a, b: f(a)(b) >>> original_sub = uncurry2(curried_sub) >>> assert original_sub(1, 2) == -1 All functions are curried in Haskell. [1] subtract :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a as oppose to the uncurried form: subtract :: (Num a) => (a, a) -> a

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Benefits of curried functions What is the point of this ? Theoretical – able to treat functions uniformly. Practical – aids in the creation of partially applied functions. Bind some values to some (but not all) of the arguments of a curried function. Partial application # haskell ghci> map (2*) [0, 1, 2] [0, 2, 4] ghci> map (subtract 1) [0, 1, 2] [-1, 0, 1] PEP 309 standardizes a partial object (since python 2.5).

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functools.partial in action >>> operator.sub.__doc__ 'sub(a, b) – same as a - b.' >>> subtract = partial(operator.sub, 1) >>> subtract(2) # evaluating 1 - 2 -1 >>> subtract.keywords {} >>> subtract.args (1,) Caveat ! Since operator is a C module, you cannot bind values to specific positional arguments.

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functools.partial in action #2 The limitation described in the last slide does not apply to user defined functions. Thus, >>> def minus(a, b): 'clone of operator.sub' return a - b >>> subtract2 = partial(minus, b=2) >>> subtract2.keywords {'b': 2} >>> subtract2.__doc__ 'partial(func, *args, **keywords) ...' >>> from functools import update_wrapper >>> update_wrapper(subtract2, minus) >>> subtract2.__doc__ 'clone of operator.sub'

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misc partial can be applied to classes, class methods and instance methods. partial can be used to create thunks (as opposed to hand-crafted lambdas) It is ok to imagine operator.itemgetter & operator.attrgetter as curried functions (although their implementation does not match that mental model).

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functools.wraps Proxying to callables for creating decorators. In conjunction with functools.update_wrapper & functools.partial, the wrapped function's __name__, __module__ and __doc__ are preserved. e.g. Django view decorator @csrf_exempt Example: decorator to measure running time def queue(fn, duration): # send timings asynchronously pass

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import time from functools import wraps def timer(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start = time.time() f(*args, **kwargs) end = time.time() queue(f.__name__, end – start) return wrapper @timer def user_function(a, b, c): pass

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functools in python 3.x functools.lru_cache Memoization decorator that caches results of the wrapper function. Improves performance of tree recursive functions e.g. fibonacci.

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Parser combinators: a case study

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Parser combinators A real world application of higher order functions. A parser is built up from smaller primitive parsers. Parser combinators are just higher-order functions. Parser :: String AST → Combinator :: Parser Parser Parser → → Thus, grammar construction for things like repetition , sequencing or choice is modelled using combinators. Example: trivial marathon running time parser using funcparselib. parse(“02:15:25”)==(2,15,25)

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Parser combinators #2 tokenize: String [Token] → parse: [Token] tuple → >>> tokenize('2:15:25') [Token('PositiveInteger', '2'), Token('Colon', ':'), Token('PositiveInteger', '15'), Token('Colon', ':'), Token('PositiveInteger', '25')] >>> parse(tokenize('2:15:25')) (2, 15, 25)

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Parser combinators #3 grammar = (hour + colon + minute + colon + second + skip(finished)) grammar.parse(seq) #seq is [Token] Complete code at make_num = lambda n: int(n) tokval = lambda x: x.value hour = some(lambda x: pos_int(x) and within(x.value,7)) >> tokval >> make_num

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The end Learning FP will make you a better (python) programmer. Theory Study Category theory & Type theory. Play with other FP languages Haskell, OCaml, Javascript Thank you