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Building a University Website with RWD (Responsible Web Development) Erik Runyon | @erunyon | #PSUWeb12

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who am i? Erik Runyon Manager of Interactive Development Wed Developer University of Notre Dame

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i’m from here…

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i work here…

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only one of them plays…

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we’re all #highered

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we have a problem

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Slide 8 text Broadband began to overtake dial-up in 2004* * In major U.S. Cities

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Slide 9 text dial-up 56Kbps edge 384Kbps 3g 1.2Mbps

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No content

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Erik’s personal Bermuda Triangle of AT&T suckage

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Slide 14 text “Within the last eight years, the size of the average web page has more than septupled, and the number of external objects has more than tripled. While broadband users have experienced somewhat faster response times, dial-up users have been left behind.” - (May 31, 2011) In the past 18 months, the average web page has grown by 50% — from 702 KB in November 2010 to 1042 KB on May 1, 2012. At this rate, the average page will hit 2 MB by 2015. - (May 24, 2012)

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averages for #highered RWD sites 16 sites sampled with iPhone UA and narrow screen (to simulate mobile) requests: 64 size: 1.4MB Sites used to generate these stats:

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stand-outs University of California, San Diego Lynn University 31 requests | 439kb 26 requests | 649kb

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size matters

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photos = jpg (~80% compression) graphics = png/svg (png8 if possible) NOT LOL’ing

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ImageAlpha on transparent PNGs compress all images

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Combine CSS/JS

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Image Sprites

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13 icons x 3 colors = 39 images or 39 icons combined = 7kb and 1 request

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@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) { .icn {background-image:url(icons@2x.png); -moz-background-size:900px 1300px; -ie-background-size:900px 1300px; -o-background-size:900px 1300px; -webkit-background-size:900px 1300px; background-size:900px 1300px; } }

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CSS at the top JS at the bottom

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JS at the bottom “While a script is downloading the browser won't start any other downloads, even on different hostnames.”

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two exceptions

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mobile first @mq

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“The absence of support for @media queries is in fact the first @media query” @bryanrieger

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mobile first @mq 1. Global 2. Screen 3. @media queries as needed 4. Hi-res/retina specific 5. Print (yes, print)

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progressive/on-request loading

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One during load, two after everything else is done downloading

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especially important here

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Performance starts on the server Apache 1: mod_gzip Apache 2: mod_deflate Nginx: HttpGzipModule

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Slide 40 text $cache = new FeedCache('local.xml',''); $data = simplexml_load_string($cache->get_data()); /** * 1. If local file is valid, use it (defaults to 60 minutes) * 2. If it's not, try to cache it * 3. If that fails, use the local even if its expired */

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RESS (responsive design + server-side components)

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RESS Tools

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Slide 43 text WURFL: (free for non-commercial) (free “Lite” version) Device Atlas: (pay service) OpenDDR: (free)

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No content

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isMobile; // return true if the browser met criteria of a mobile browser based on the user agent information print $result->isMobileDevice; // return true if the device met criteria of a mobile device based on the user agent information print $result->isTablet; // return true if the device was a tablet according to the user agent information print $result->isSpider; // return true if the device was a spider according to the user agent information print $result->isComputer; // return true if the device was a computer according to the user agent information print $result->isUIWebview; // return true if the user agent was from a uiwebview in iOS ?> UA-Parser

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Detector uses Modernizer’s core tests to provide browser features on the server-side

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so what?

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touch device orientation/motion lowbandwidth (uses navigator.connection - Android 2.2+) copyright filamentgroupinc

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so what now?

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customize the experience

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let context dictate content

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go a little crazy

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erik runyon @erunyon