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Here Be Dragons: The Hidden Gems of Tech Debt Ernesto Tagwerker (@etagwerker) RubyConf Mini, November 2022

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🤓 My pronouns are he/him

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🇦🇷 Hi, I’m from Argentina

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🦅 I live in Philadelphia

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👨💻 I love Ruby & Open Source!

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đź‘Ş Thanks to my sponsors!

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Teo, Claire, and Luli

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Founder & CTO @OmbuLabs & @FastRubyIO

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Open Source Contributor/Maintainer rubycritic; skunk; bundler-leak; next_rails

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Here Be Dragons (Story Time)

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“hic sunt dracones”

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“here be dragons”

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By Abraham Ortelius - The Library of Congress, Public Domain

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By Abraham Ortelius - The Library of Congress, Public Domain

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“Be careful with this part of the world, nobody has been there, there may be monsters.”

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The Hunt-Lenox Globe

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Credit: Rare Book Division, The New York Public Library

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Credit: University of Rochester

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What if there was a map to your codebase?

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“Be careful with this part of the world, nobody has been there, there may be monsters.”

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“Be careful with this part of the codebase, nobody wants to touch it, there is a lot of tech debt.”

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How do you fi nd these dragons in your codebase?

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How do you fi nd tech debt in your codebase?

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Tech Debt & Dragons

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1. The Complexity Dragon

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1. The Complexity Dragon 2. The Smelly Dragon

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1. The Complexity Dragon 2. The Smelly Dragon 3. The Shapeshifting Dragon

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1. The Complexity Dragon 2. The Smelly Dragon 3. The Shapeshifting Dragon 4. The Untested Dragon

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The Complexity Dragon

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Complexity 1 class Foo 2 def yay 3 a = eval "1+1" 4 if a == 2 5 puts "yay" 6 end 7 end 8 end

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Complexity flog

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Complexity “flog reports the most tortured code”

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Complexity $ flog foo.rb 10.6: flog total

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Complexity 1 class Foo 2 def yay 3 a = eval "1+1" # 1.2 + 6.0 4 if a == 2 # + 1.2 5 puts “yay" # + 1.2 6 end. # = 7 end. # 10.6 8 end

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55 ## flog.rb 56 # Eval forms 57 58 SCORES.merge!(:define_method => 5, 59 :eval => 5, 60 :module_eval => 5, 61 :class_eval => 5, 62 :instance_eval => 5) 63

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62 ## flog.rb 63 # Various "magic" usually used for "clever code" 64 65 SCORES.merge!(:alias_method => 2, 66 :extend => 2, 67 :include => 2, 68 :instance_method => 2, 69 :instance_methods => 2, 70 :method_added => 2, 71 :method_defined? => 2, 72 :method_removed => 2, 73 :method_undefined => 2, 74 :private_class_method => 2, 75 :private_instance_methods => 2, 76 :private_method_defined? => 2, 77 :protected_instance_methods => 2, 78 :protected_method_defined? => 2,

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37 ## flog.rb 38 # Various non-call constructs 39 40 OTHER_SCORES = { 41 :alias => 2, 42 :assignment => 1, 43 :block => 1, 44 :block_pass => 1, 45 :block_call => 1, 46 :branch => 1, 47 :lit_fixnum => 0.25, 48 :sclass => 5, 49 :super => 1, 50 :to_proc_icky! => 10, 51 :to_proc_lasgn => 15, 52 :yield => 1, 53 } 54

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Flog won’t report: - Known code smells - Duplicated code - Code that constantly changes

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The Smelly Dragon

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Code Smells “Smells are indicators of where your code might be hard to read, maintain or evolve.”

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Code Smells They are not necessarily wrong.

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Code Smells For example: Duplicated code is a code smell.

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Code Smells “Duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction.” Sandi Metz

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Code Smells Reek (

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1 module Reek 2 module SmellDetectors 3 class UncommunicativeVariableName < BaseDetector 4 # 5 # Checks the given +context+ for uncommunicative names. 6 # 7 # @return [Array] 8 # 9 def sniff 10 do |name, _lines| 11 uncommunicative_variable_name?(name) 12 do |name, lines| 13 smell_warning( 14 lines: lines, 15 message: "has the variable name '#{name}'", 16 parameters: { name: name.to_s }) 17 end 18 end

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Code Smells 1 class Foo 2 def yay 3 a = eval "1+1" 4 if a == 2 5 puts "yay" 6 end 7 end 8 end

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Reek $ gem install reek

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Reek $ reek foo.rb

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Code Smells $ reek foo.rb foo.rb -- 2 warnings: [1]:IrresponsibleModule: Foo has no descriptive comment [3]:UncommunicativeVariableName: Foo#yay has the variable name 'a'

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Code Smells 1 class Foo 2 def yay 3 a = eval "1+1" 4 if a == 2 5 puts "yay" 6 end 7 end 8 end

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Code Smells 1 class Foo 2 def yay 3 eval_result = eval "1+1" 4 if eval_result == 2 5 puts "yay" 6 end 7 end 8 end

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Code Smells $ reek foo.rb foo.rb -- 1 warning: [1]:IrresponsibleModule: Foo has no descriptive comment

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Code Smells $ reek foo.rb foo.rb -- 1 warning: [1]:IrresponsibleModule: Foo has no descriptive comment

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Code Smells 1 class Foo 2 def yay 3 eval_result = eval "1+1" 4 if eval_result == 2 5 puts "yay" 6 end 7 end 8 end

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Code Smells 1 --- 2 3 ### .reek.yml (Generic smell configuration) 4 5 detectors: 6 IrresponsibleModule: 7 enabled: false

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Code Smells $ reek foo.rb Inspecting 1 fi le(s): .

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Reek won’t report: - Is this file constantly changing? - Is this file super complex?

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The Shapeshifting Dragon

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Churn git

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Churn $ git log --follow --format=%h foo.rb | cat 573c8f5 2ccc5b8 b447bc3

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Churn $ git log --follow --format=%h foo.rb | cat 573c8f5 2ccc5b8 b447bc3 # Churn Count = 3

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Churn (

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Churn - Mercurial - Git - SVN

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Churn minitest $ churn --start_date "12 years ago" -e rb

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Churn - By itself it adds little value - Useful when combined with other metrics

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How can we bring it all together? - Complexity - Code Smells - Churn

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"Cartography" for Rubyists RubyCritic (

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RubyCritic $ gem install rubycritic

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RubyCritic $ rubycritic

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GPA Pie Graph GPA Grade (Cost)

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GPA Pie Graph Costly Files: - Hard to understand

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GPA Pie Graph Costly Files: - Hard to understand - Hard to maintain

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RubyCritic’s Cost - Code Smells (reek) - Complexity (flog)

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RubyCritic’s Cost module RubyCritic class AnalysedModule def cost, :+) + # From Reek (complexity / COMPLEXITY_FACTOR) # From Flog end end end

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Churn vs. Complexity Churn (SCM) Complexity (flog)

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Churn Complexity 50 0% 1 100_000

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Churn Complexity 100 0% 1 100_000 user.rb (changed: 2 times; complexity: 100_000 FPs )

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Churn Complexity 100 0% 1 100_000 account.rb account.rb (changed: 27 times; complexity: 100 FPs)

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100% 0% 1 100_000 Complexity Churn

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100% 0% 1 100_000 Complexity Churn

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100% 0% 1 100_000 “No dragons here.” ❤ Complexity Churn

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100% 0% 1 100_000 “No one understands these fi les but they work. So don’t change them.” Complexity Churn

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100% 0% 1 100_000 “[…], if the code never changes, it's not costing us money.” Sandi Metz Complexity Churn

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100% 0% 1 100_000 “These fi les are easy to understand but you need to change them often because of reasons…” Complexity Churn

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100% 0% 1 100_000 Complexity Churn “These fi les are complex and change a lot…”

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100% 0% 1 100_000 Complexity Churn “Sometimes a class becomes so complex that refactoring seems too dif fi cult.” Michael Feathers

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100% 0% 1 100_000 “Here be Dragons.” Complexity Churn “Here be Dragons.” “Here be Dragons.” “Here be Dragons.”

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The Untested Dragon

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Code Coverage SimpleCov (

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Code Coverage # Gemfile group :test do gem "simplecov", require: false end

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Code Coverage # spec/spec_helper.rb if ENV["COVERAGE"] == "true" require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start do add_group "Libraries", "lib" add_filter "/spec/" track_files "**/*.rb" end end

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Code Coverage $ COVERAGE=true rspec

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Recap 1. The Complexity Dragon ( fl og) 2. The Smelly Dragon (reek) 3. The Shapeshifting Dragon (churn) 4. The Untested Dragon (simplecov)

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Finding Dragons Example: User vs. Account Class

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user.rb churn: 10 complexity: 10 smells: 10 Tech debt score: 1,000 (10*10*10)

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account.rb churn: 10 complexity: 10 smells: 10 Tech debt score: 1,000 (10*10*10)

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user.rb churn: 10 complexity: 10 smells: 10 Tech debt score: 1,000 (10*10*10) account.rb churn: 10 complexity: 10 smells: 10 Tech debt score: 1,000 (10*10*10)

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User and Account have the same amount of tech debt

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“Do they?”

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user.rb churn: 10 complexity: 10 smells: 10 code_coverage: 0% Tech debt score: 100,000 (10*10*10) * 100

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account.rb churn: 10 complexity: 10 smells: 10 code_coverage: 90% Tech debt score: 10,000 (10*10*10) * 10

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user.rb churn: 10 complexity: 10 smells: 10 code_coverage: 0% Tech debt score: 100,000 account.rb churn: 10 complexity: 10 smells: 10 code_coverage: 90% Tech debt score: 10,000

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User has more tech debt than Account

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Code Smells vs. Complexity vs. Code Coverage

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Cost - Code Smells (reek) - Complexity (flog)

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Cost Code Coverage

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What if we could calculate a new signal that combines both of them?

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Cost Code Coverage SkunkScore

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SkunkScore = f(cost, code_coverage)

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Why Code Coverage? Files which lack tests are harder to maintain

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Skunk (

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Skunk $ gem install skunk

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Skunk $ skunk

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Skunk def skunk_score return cost.round(2) if coverage == PERFECT_COVERAGE (cost * penalty_factor).round(2) end def penalty_factor PERFECT_COVERAGE - coverage.to_i end

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Now we can fi nally draw our map!

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Here be dragons Here be dragons Here be dragons Here be dragons Here be dragons

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100% 0% 1 100_000 Complexity Churn “Here be dragons.” “Here be dragons.” “Here be dragons.”

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How to Slay Dragons

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Dragon Slaying 101: - Define what’s a dragon

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What’s a dragon? - Team discussion on “tech debt” - Toolkit configuration

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Dragon Slaying 101: - Define what’s a dragon - Draw the map and place “here be dragons”

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Dragon Slaying 101: - Define what’s a dragon - Draw the map and place “here be dragons” - Pick your battles based on metrics

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Slaying the untested dragon

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Slaying the untested dragon

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Slaying the untested dragon

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Slaying the smelly dragon

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$ reek foo.rb foo.rb -- 2 warnings: [1]:IrresponsibleModule: Foo has no descriptive comment [3]:UncommunicativeVariableName: Foo#yay has the variable name 'a' Slaying the smelly dragon

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$ reek foo.rb foo.rb -- 2 warnings: [1]:IrresponsibleModule: Foo has no descriptive comment [3]:UncommunicativeVariableName: Foo#yay has the variable name 'a' Slaying the smelly dragon

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Slaying the smelly dragon

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Slaying the complexity dragon

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Slaying the complexity dragon

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1. Flog 2. Reek 3. Churn 4. SimpleCov 5. RubyCritic 6. Skunk

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8. Attractor 9. MetricFu 10. CodeClimate 11. CodeScene 12. Codacy 13. CodeCov 14. SonarQube 15. Flay 16. Sandi Meter 17. Coverband 18. Etc.. 1. Flog 2. Reek 3. Churn 4. SimpleCov 5. RubyCritic 6. Skunk 7. Rubocop

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1. Pick your dragons

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1. Pick your dragons 2. Pick your toolkit

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1. Pick your dragons 2. Pick your toolkit 3. Slay your dragons

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Thank you! @etagwerker -

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Resources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. gems.html 6. 7. fl og-score.html 8. 9.

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Resources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fl ay 6. fl og 7. 8. 9. say-here-be-dragons/282267/ 10. 11.