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STRATEGIC UX Rapid experience strategy techniques to help businesses succeed @ultraman

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Design defines my life

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Sky lets me do some cool stuff ANYTIME SKY+ SKY GO EPG MOBILE WEB

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav I am a futurist Attract what make sense, cut out the bull customer customer customer customer customer customer customer Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Trends Trends Trends Trends Trends Trends Trends Trends Trends Trends Trends Trends customer

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav 1. WHY DO WE NEED A UX STRATEGY? • Who will survive? • Tactical is not good enough • Good design defines history • Use good design to improve business • What is a UX Strategy? 2. UNCOVER PROBLEMS & OPPORTUNITIES • Problems • Opportunities • Innovate • Gain respect 3. DEFINE THE VALUE PROPOSITION • Golden Circles • Elevator pitch and Statement • Value Map • Business Model Canvas 4. UNDERSTAND THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE • Interviews, focus groups, empathy maps and personas • Customer Journey Map • Early usability testing 5. BUILD RIGHT THINGS • Plan • Brand, Marketing & Advertising • The A-Team • Clarify the vision • Design principles • Wireframes • Design guidelines • Story Map • Build, measure and learn 6. GET MORE TO DO MORE • Build up enough momentum • 10 commandments 7. LEARN, MEASURE & IMPROVE • Facilitate Change • Evangelise the strategy • Keep improving • Don’t be afraid to get fired • Don’t stop believing 8. Q&A

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Peter Drucker Why do we need a UX strategy? 5

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav These companies no longer exist These companies, no one can live without Who will survive? for now any way :-)

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Tactical is not good enough Optimise and fix Tactical Innovation political process, process, process old tech over analysis less risky not connected (too far) comfortable short sighted too busy quick results (tip: innovation is key to survival)

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Good design defines history 1903 Wright brothers first flight 1886 Ford Model T first car 1937 302 first phone 1943 Biro first non drip pen 1975 Xerox star First GUI 1957 Helvetica First unobtrusive typeface 1996 Motorola Startac first mobile phone 2007 iPhone First true ‘Smart’ phone iPod, internet, phone

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Use good design to improve business An index of design aware companies outperformed the FTSE All share by over 200% in both bull and bear markets over a 13 year period - Design Council

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav “An experience strategy is that collection of activities that an organisation chooses to undertake to deliver a series of interactions which, when taken together, constitute a product or service offering that is superior in a meaningful, hard to replicate way; that is unique, distinct & distinguishable from that available from a competitor.” - Steve Batty, VP IxDA What is a UX strategy?

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Business purpose and needs Hopes, Fears, RAIDs (incl. Competitors) User behaviours and needs Value map Prioritise Build team Business model Elevator pitch Interactions and journeys Validate join a bunch of activities to create great stuff to survive* Experience design 101 - my workshop plug :-) *improve or differentiate against

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav “If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said ‘Faster Horses’.” - Henry Ford Uncover problems & opportunities 10

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Problems Customer insight Sky Voice of the Customer report March 2012 consistently low Omniture, TeaLeaf, Radian 6, customer surveys, interviews

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Opportunities Match competitor analysis & trends to problems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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Lower social tariff: SMS, twitter, facebook only Edible casing Environment friendly biodegradable casing use back screen to quickly file or sort items Flip the phone over to view in-depth information Haptic alerts to indicate levels of interest or danger Project who you are and what you know to others Project presentations and movies Innovate Subtract, multiply, divide and add (unify) Subtract the earpiece Multiply: make casing that are recyclable Divide the screen to the back Add projection to the camera Problem Ease of finding info Trend Point & Know Channel Smart phone

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Gain respect Understand, do a good job, evangelise... all the time! Business owner (brakes) Strategy / Planning Marketing (accelerator) Customer insight UX Design Graphic Design Development Operations Sales Customer Service Customer Training Brand HR Finance CXO Founder Director of design Design team lead Futurist UX Lead Creative Director Strategy consultant Designer New business guy Nerd Producer

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” - John F. Kennedy Define the value proposition 15

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Golden Circles 41%-5(I-&9')-&40-'%&6"9>8%-02=&>,"$-2=& %':<-%2&'$(&+`2 6*.5(+,-?&'0-&*-<<&(-2#4$-(&'$(&2#9><-& %"&82- I'$%&%"&:8?&"$-S 41/5(I-&6"$2%'$%&6,'<<-$4-&%,-&2%'%82&a8"& '$(&%,#$)#$4&(#b-0-$%&%"&9')-&?"80&*"0<(&'& :-Q-0&><'6- 6*.5(MH-0?%,#$4&*-&60-'%-&:-'81/8<& (-2#4$-(=&2#9><-&%"&82-&c&82-/8<&%"&?"8 41%-5(I-&;82%&,'>>-$&%"&9')-&40-'%& 6"9>8%-02=&>,"$-2=&%':<-%2&'$(&%H2 Y0-&?"8$%-0-2%-(S

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Golden Circles Create a purpose. Think from the inside out • Why? Write a sentence that describes your purpose. • How? Match your purpose with design principles. • What? Sell them products and services they will fall in love with.

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Elevator Pitch & Statement For people who need information on the move, the Apple iPhone is a SmartPhone that lets you access your email and internet , unlike the Palm Treo , the Apple iPhone removes the fixed keyboard to give you 40% more room to email and browse the internet “Reinventing the phone” 7,),)8,+ 41/5(I-&6"$2%'$%&6,'<<-$4-&%,-&2%'%82&a8"&'$(&%,#$)#$4&(#b-0-$%&%"&9')-&?"80&*"0<(&'&:-Q-0&><'6- 6*.5(MH-0?%,#$4&*-&60-'%-&:-'81/8<&(-2#4$-(=&2#9><-&%"&82-&c&82-/8<&%"&?"8 41%-5(I-&;82%&,'>>-$&%"&9')-&40-'%&6"9>8%-02=&>,"$-2=&%':<-%2&'$(&%H2

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Elevator Pitch & Statement Sum it up and make it memorable • Focus on main customer behaviour & need • Highlight an important benefit • Describe how you are different or better than a main competitor (USP)

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Value Map ^9'0% d'0(&%"&82- P"%&2"&29'0% M'2?&%"&82- Y#9&%"&:-&,-0-

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Value Map Show them how to gain competitive advantage and win • Conduct market research and competitor analysis (e.g. SWOT). • Select 2 important features and map your brand against competitors. • Decide to improve or differentiate. Better or Different. Funny! Shocking !!! Accepted Not Funny.

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Business model canvas Tell your business model story one sticky note at a time • Match (relationship, channels) value proposition to customer needs • Identify key people, activities and partners • Balancing cost and ROI

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav “You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology. ” - Steve Jobs Understand the customer experience 25

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Empathy map (very simplified) I need a ‘lift’ in the mornings to ‘kick- start’ my day I want to see content that matches what I need (mood) I feel much happier after watching these videos I feel a haptic vibration from my smart phone Increase happiness More trust OK sharing it socially Fear about 24/7 monitoring Guessing what I feel I want to click on videos and watch them all in one go How I start my day sets the scene for the rest it

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Interviews, groups, empathy maps and personas • Street interviews and focus groups to get early insight • Brainstorming using empathy maps • Creating personas that add real value Empathy maps:

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Customer journey map customer journeys (high level)

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Monetise Start Consume Find Learn Belong Customer journey skeleton Trends User needs / KPIs

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Belong (Empathy, Idle Sourcing) I want to connect with people and brands who feel the same way I do so I can find interesting content and help each other feel better about content they can watch. Consume (Ease of finding info, Seocnd Screen) I want relevant content played back to me on any device, based on my mood so that I can feel better and have my desires met and be better informed. Start (Ease of finding info, Point & Know) I want to point my Smart phone at something and find out if it is interesting or not to me. Find (Control, Relevance) I want to fine tune my mood and emotions so I can find content more naturally asking for feedback and giving manual control to users to define mood for planning purposes (hot date, family occasion) Learn (Relevance) I want to be able to monitor my moods so I can see what has influenced my emotional well being over time. I want to be able to teach the TV through my reactions and be taught by TV how to better my emotional health. Monetise (More for less, Flawseome) I only want to pay for the things I watch so I can save money and know I only pay for what I use . Ease of Finding ***** Relevance ***** Empathy ***** Control *** More for less ***** Idle sourcing Flawsome more for less Point & Know Second screen Social Ease of finding Relevance Empathy Control More for less A mobile mood monitoring and content discovery service

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Customer journey map Join the dots • Use customer needs from personas to outline a holistic, end to end journey. • Note which interactions and trends impact user needs and KPIs most. • Prepare to story map next Empathy maps:

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Early usability testing navigation example • HTML prototype • Recruit 200 online participants • 3 remote RITE sessions over 1 week • Instant results + quick analysis • 10% of normal lab costs, good enough to build!

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Early usability testing lo-fi prototype & concepts • Sketch main screen layouts and interactions first before prototype. • Quickly test HTML prototype using guerilla and remote desktop research. • Report results & recommendations fast. • Leave time to implement changes.

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav “If I can’t picture it, I can’t understand it.” - Albert Einstein Build the right things 35

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Plan Roles & responsibilities. Objectives. Cost • Outline skills needed in the team (roles & responsibilities) • Write and ‘estimate’ user stories • Draft road map for budget approval • Expect change based on user validation and velocity

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Brand, marketing & advertising Timing, joining the dots, brand tone • Incorporate ALL marketing strategy plan and timings • Let them know what you need too (web links to purchase, help etc) • Apply a consistent tone of voice and brand messaging Empathy maps: TV Mobile web Billboards Direct marketing Other?

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav The A-Team A performing cross functional team • Be very choosy. Ask for volunteers. Empower excellence! • Get people to clarify and define roles and responsibilities. • When to work in ‘pairs’ and co-locate if needed (Agile, Lean)

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Clarify the vision List, prioritise and challenge everything! • “Hopes and Fears” (success and failure) • Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies. Answer unknowns! • Features against spend, ROI, KPIs met Empathy maps: Remember technology!

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Design principles Practical matched to KPIs innovative = early adoption (new prospects) useful = can’t live without it (stickiness) aesthetic = love it (customer satisfaction) understandable = easy to use (complaints) unobtrusive = expressive (personalisation) honest = trust (cross sell) long lasting = timeless (less updating) thorough = all they need (pref. over competitor) environmentally friendly = fits lifestyle (use all the time) as little design as possible = uncluttered (speed) 606 Universal Shelving System, 1960, by Dieter Rams for Vitsœ

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Wireframes Simple and testable (match to stories) • Page component layout • User flows • Interaction models

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Design guidelines fonts, colours, coded layout • Document lightly • High level rules, design rational, flows • Page templates, components, css stylesheets and ux pattern library components

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Story Map Excel ok, Link to relevant design support assets

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Story Map Lean, Agile. Minimum Viable Beautiful Product • Group user stories under epics (remember customer journeys?) • Prioritise on KPI impact, cost and dependencies (MoSCoW). • ‘Thin slice’ to ensure holistic joined up journey for Release 1

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Build, measure, learn Split test and Cohort analysis Split tests saw Wk4 joiners get all changes all at once. Retention was best: - simplified search box - sign in moved to front of experience - 3 products instead of nine - introduction of Live Chat Tracking improvements to product selling pages

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Build, measure, learn Continuously! • Keep it lean and prepare to fail fast • Track data and split test (cohort analysis) • Learn from the results to make improvements • Keep doing this!

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav “There are three responses to a piece of design– yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” - Milton Glaser How to get more to do more 45

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Build enough momentum Get ready for Phase 2? Teach Think Prioritise Awesome team Cool tech, clever partnerships Build Measure Learn Research Analyse Uncover Release* *Good enough prototype, roadmap, recommendations understand explore prototype

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav The 10 commandments Thank you Dave McClure @500startups 1. Elevator pitch 2. The problem 3. The opportunity 4. Your solution (R1/demo) 5. Business model 6. Technology 7. The competition 8. Marketing plan 9. The team 10. Next Money / Milestones Tactical

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav “The unexamined life is not worth living.” - Socrates Learn, measure, & improve 50

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Facilitate the change • Get UX strategy in to business and delivery processes • Be part of the RACI (rules of engagement) • Set up a design authority

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Facilitate the change Create a design authority Design Authority - Headed up by Creative Director or Experience Director • Best practice design expertise and advice • Usability testing research • Design quality assurance to ensure fit for purpose Responsibilities: • Shared responsibility (all designers) • Owns Information Architecture • Maintain central resource (toolkit, UX pattern library, code, usability test reports etc.) • Create framework of methods for teams to deliver UCD activities • Be ‘good design’ evangelists and spread the word (create advocates) • Creates criteria for acceptance for design requests

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Evangelise the strategy • Give expert talks • Facilitate creative workshops • Mentor teams

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Keep improving Balance* of work for people and business Optimisation and fixes Tactical Projects Innovation Optimisation and fixes Tactical projects Innovation *Innovation needs to be practical

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Don’t be afraid to get ‘fired’ Innovation subversives don’t all fit The Association for Managers of Innovation studied why corporate innovation champions struggle to survive.! The study looked at what actions and behaviours put these managers at risk in their efforts to evangelise.! Of the 15 innovation champions in the study, 10 left their organisations and became consultants, 4 joined smaller or start-up companies, and 1 retired. None returned to a Fortune 500 company.! Most of the consultants* have as their clients Fortune 500 companies and, in some cases, their former employers. *consultant is not a ‘dirty’ word any more!

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Don’t stop believing • Start small fires that make a difference in a big way. OK to fail. • Persevere past early stage adoption till it becomes second nature. • Pivot when it starts feeling out of date and make it more relevant. customer customer customer customer customer customer customer

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Eewei Chen / @ultraman / / #UXUtSav Thanks Testimonials* “Ideas look great and are really well thought out. I love the way Agile principles are referenced throughout. Powerful and insightful.” - Jonathan Rassmussen, The Agile Samurai “I can’t see why anybody wouldn’t find all these ingredients useful. Some real gems here.” - Julien Fourgeaud, New product wizard, Rovio “Eewei is always scribbling ideas on what ever he can get his hands on including napkins, beer mats and even his hand! It is about time these concepts saw the light of day. Awesome, awesome, awesome.” - Darius Kumana, Principal, ThoughtWorks UK 25% discount code: PragProgEeweiChen101 Valid after August 3 2012 50