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Eric Sedor Index Automation and Dex July 2012

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A complete DBaaS solution for MongoDB 1

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2 1.  Introduction 2.  Dex demo 3.  Index lessons 4.  Dex in detail

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Why Dex? 3 Indexes can improve query performance by 2-3 orders of magnitude – 1000ms to 0ms! Bad queries don’t just get in their own way, they get in the way of other things too. •  Writelock •  Queued Operations •  Page Faults

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Dex is Easy 4 > sudo pip install dex dex [options] uri > dex -f my/mongod/data/path/mongodb.log mongodb://myUser:myPass@myHost:12345/myDb > dex –p mongodb://myUser:myPass@myHost:12345/ myDb

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Demo 5

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Dex’s Output 6 ... { "index": "{'name': 1, 'class': 1}", "namespace": ”mongoquest.adventurers" "shellCommand": "db.adventurers.ensureIndex({'name': 1, 'class': 1}, {'background': true})" } ... Total lines read: 7 Understood query lines: 7 Unique recommendations: 5 Lines impacted by recommendations: 5

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Index Basics 7 db.adventurers.find({'name': 'Eric', 'class': 'Wizard'}).explain() db.adventurers.getIndexKeys() db.adventurers.getIndexes() db.adventurers.ensureIndex({'name': 1, 'class': 1}, {'background': true}) db.adventurers.dropIndex({'name': 1, 'class': 1})

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The Profile Collection 8 The system.profile is a record of operations. Be strategic about when you enable profiling. •  To start: db.setProfilingLevel(1) Level 2 is noisy but: •  Shouldn’t affect Dex •  Can give insight •  db.system.profile.find() •  .sort({millis: -1}) is helpful •  .find({ns: “mongoquest.adventurers”}) •  .find({op: {$in: [“query”, “update”, “command”]}) •  db.setProfilingLevel(0) when done •  Then db.system.profile.dropCollection()

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Know Thy B-tree 9 •  An index is a b-tree that maps a sequence of key values to a list of document pointers. •  The index keys describe the behavior of the b-tree from left-to- right. That means index order influences: •  How quickly the scope of possible results is pruned: Here is where your data's cardinality weighs in. •  How applicable an index is to a given query: A query that doesn't include the first field(s) in the index cannot use the index. * “Eric” “Wizard” “Engineer” “Ben” “Fighter” “Noble” { name: 1, class: 1 }

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Everything else is gotchas 10 •  Trickier with range operators like $in, $nin, $gte, $lte, etc. That just makes key order more important. •  Add a sort and you are in danger of scanAndOrder .explain will reveal {scanAndOrder: true} if MongoDB is re-ordering to satisfy a sort clause. Trick to avoid scanAndOrder: Push your sort key “further left”/”higher” in the index, above the ranges but below equivalency checks. Why?

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Ranges, Sorts, and Index Key Order 11 carsOwned country carsOwned country document visitation order unsorted 1 2 1 2 MongoDB performs a full, in-memory scanAndOrder { name: “Bob”, country: “A”, carsOwned: 1 } { ...“Charlie”, ... “A”, ... 2 } { ...“Holger”, ... “G”, ... 1 } { ...“Dietmar”, ... “G”, ... 2 } sorted Visitation order satisfies sort; no scanAndOrder needed { ...“Charlie”, ... “A”, ... 2 } { ...“Dietmar”, ... “G”, ... 2 } A G { name: “Bob”, country: “A”, carsOwned: 1 } { ...“Holger”, ... “G”, ... 1 } 1 2 1 A G G 1 2 A optimal index: {carsOwned: 1, country: 1} document visitation order suboptimal index: {country: 1, carsOwned: 1} db.drivers.find({country: {$in: [”A”, “G”]}).sort({carsOwned: 1}) Diagram at

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Slow Hell (like normal hell only slower) 12 If everything is slow, what do we act on!? Be warned if you: •  Expose query construction to the app user •  Try to use MongoDB like an RDBMS •  Use a lot of distinct query patterns Bad Indexing → Memory Apocalypse Without warning, large portions of your working data topple out of memory and must be swapped back.

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How Dex Works 13 1.  Dex iterates over the input (log or profile). 2.  A LogParser or ProfileParser extracts queries from each line of input. 3.  Dex passes the query to a QueryAnalyzer. 4.  The QueryAnalyzer compares the query to existing indexes, and if an index meeting Dex's criteria does not exist... 5.  Dex suggests its best index

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The Heart of Dex 14 The order of fields in an index should be: 1) Equivalency checks {a: 1} 2) Sorts .sort({b: 1}) 3) Range checks {c: {$in: [1, 2]}}

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One More Option (-n) 15 > dex -f my/mongod/data/path/mongodb.log -n "myFirstDb.collectionOne" mongodb:// myUser:myPass@myHost:12345/myFirstDb > dex -f my/mongod/data/path/mongodb.log -n "*.collectionOne" mongodb:// myUser:myPass@myHost:12345/admin > dex -f my/mongod/data/path/mongodb.log -n "myFirstDb.*" -n "mySecondDb.*" mongodb:// myUser:myPass@myHost:12345/admin Note that we auth to admin to run against more than one db!

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Dex’s Guts 16 {'parsed': ..., 'namespace': db.adventurers, 'queryAnalysis': {analyzedFields': [{'fieldName': 'name', 'fieldType': 'EQUIV'}, {'fieldName': 'class', 'fieldType': 'EQUIV'}, 'fieldCount': N, 'supported': true|false}, 'indexAnalysis': {'fullIndexes': [], 'partialIndexes': [{'name': 1}] 'needsRecommendation': true|false }, 'recommendation': {'namespace': 'mongoquest.adventurers' 'index': {'name': 1, 'class': 1} 'shellCommand': 'db.ensureIndex...' } }

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Future Plans 17 •  Command-Line support for: •  -w/--watch (monitor mode) •  Constrain by time •  Add Dex’s own “SLOW_MS” •  Geospatial Support •  Improved caching/reporting: •  Number of like queries •  Time consumed by queries •  Range of time. •  max/min nscanned/nreturned •  Improved recommendations: •  Group like recommendations •  Group like queries •  Measure cardinality for key ordering

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19 Questions? Thank you and good luck out there!

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20 PS We’re hiring