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Refresh Richmond Responsive Design Ben Callahan @bencallahan Shawn Maida @eecoder Thursday, June 21, 12

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The web is not fixed-width. Thursday, June 21, 12

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The shift to mobile Over 60% of new handset sales are smartphones. Thursday, June 21, 12

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There are more mobile phones on the planet than there are TVs. The shift to mobile Thursday, June 21, 12

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91% of US consumers have their mobile device within reach 24/7. The shift to mobile Thursday, June 21, 12

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Mobile devices account for 8.5% of global web traffic. The shift to mobile Thursday, June 21, 12

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25% of US mobile web users are mobile-only web users. The shift to mobile Thursday, June 21, 12

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Apple sold around 13 million iPads in Q4 of 2011. The shift to mobile Thursday, June 21, 12

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Amazon sold over 4 million Kindle Fires in December of 2011. The shift to mobile Thursday, June 21, 12

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Flexibility is the new norm. Mobile internet usage is predicted to overtake desktop in the next two years. Thursday, June 21, 12

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Flexibility is the new norm. People are trying to browse your websites on these devices, today. Thursday, June 21, 12

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Responsive Web Design Ethan Marcotte • article on • book via A Book Apart Thursday, June 21, 12

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Responsive Web Design • A flexible foundation (fluid grid) • Flexible content (images, video, etc.) • Media queries Thursday, June 21, 12

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Responsive Web Design live code demo Thursday, June 21, 12

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Responsive Web Design • A flexible foundation (fluid grid) • Flexible content (images, video, etc.) • Media queries Thursday, June 21, 12

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A Flexible Foundation Fixed-Width Fluid div { width: 100px; } div { width: ??%; } Thursday, June 21, 12

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A Flexible Foundation div { width: 100px; } div { width: 10%; } Fixed-Width Fluid (if parent is 1000px wide) 100 / 1000 = .1 Thursday, June 21, 12

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A Flexible Foundation with CSS Precompiler Thursday, June 21, 12

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Flexible Content img { max-width: 100%; } Thursday, June 21, 12

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Flexible Content • set width to 100%, remove height • add a wrapper to maintain aspect ratio • use JS to detect and maintain size Thursday, June 21, 12

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Media Queries • width, height • device-width, device-height • orientation • aspect ratio • several others Thursday, June 21, 12

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Media Queries @media all and (min-width: 600px) { /* styles for 600px and up here small-rez first */ } @media all and (max-width: 600px) { /* styles for 600px and down here large-rez first */ } Thursday, June 21, 12

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Media Queries Large Resolution First PRO: IE works by default CON: Smallest devices load all assets Small Resolution First PRO: More logical (build up vs tear down) CON: IE support is tricky Thursday, June 21, 12

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Process Design & planning deliverables become very difficult to define when so many resolutions are supported. Thursday, June 21, 12

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Think Responsively Thursday, June 21, 12

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Thursday, June 21, 12

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Thursday, June 21, 12

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Questions? Ben Callahan @bencallahan Shawn Maida @eecoder Thursday, June 21, 12