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arduinode.js making arduino and node.js talk

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nategood.emit( "greeting", "ohai, i'm nate good" );

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director of software engineering at ShowClix

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i am not an electrical engineer n00b

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fascinated with human- computer interaction

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fascinated with human- computer interaction making things talk

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meet arduino ciao! sono italiano!

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a microcontroller for /(programmers)|(artists)|(the rest of us)/

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small computer single integrated circuit: processor, memory, io

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single board arduino uno, arduino mega, lilypad, parallax, dwengo many flavors

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atmega 328

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usb (serial port) power

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3.3V + 5V power ground pins

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digital io pins input push switch ir receiver output leds servos (pwm)

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analog input pins* input potentiometer joystick photoresistors * pins can also be used as digital io

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programming your arduino it's alive!

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32Kb worth to store embedded programs flash memory

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simple C like language for microcontrollers wiring language

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write, compile, monitor, & upload programs arduino ide

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standalone arduino program stop... demo time

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talking to your arduino from a host computer arduino talk

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arduino acts as any other serial device serial

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Locate your arduino > ls /dev ... tty.usbserial-A6008jCB ... Use screen to monitor input Arduino IDE also has built in serial monitor > screen /dev/tty.usbserial-A6008jCB 9600

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wiring provides a serial library for arduino serial on arduino

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void setup(){ // Open connection Serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){ // Send single byte with value 45 Serial.write(45); // Send multiple bytes (ASCII) int bytesSent = Serial.write("hello"); }

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but serialsly, we can do better.

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protocol for speaking serial to arduino abstracts the ugly of serial communication removes the need for writing wiring (aka arduino code) altogether set and forget upload a single standard firmata protocol program to arduino firmata

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step 1 upload a standard firmata sketch to your arduino (available in IDE) step 2 use a firmata client library to talk to the arduino using this standard protocol step 3 plug in your arduino and start making it talk how's it work?

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speak firmata in realtime with your arduino firmata client app

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windows, mac, and linux clients os independent

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awesome for prototyping w/ new io elements prototyping :-)

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firmata in action stop... demo time

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firmata libs for most languages, including js firmata libs

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npm install firmata node.js + firmata

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var Board = require('firmata').Board, tty = "/dev/tty.usbserial-A6008jCB"; var board = new Board(tty, function() { var analogPin = 3, ledPin = 13, on = false; board.pinMode(analogPin, board.MODES.ANALOG); var readAndSleep = function() { board.analogRead(analogPin, function(sleep) { var mode = on ? board.HIGH : board.LOW; board.digitalWrite(ledPin, mode); on = !on; setTimeout(readAndSleep, sleep); }); }; readAndSleep(); });

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javascript + node.js event driven event driven makes it awesome for the web where we're waiting around for user input real world also pretty event driven a lot of waiting around for io to happen why node?

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node + firmata + arduino = real time rating stop... demo time

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express web app publishes to redis redis in turn notifies subscribers of the rating node.js (subscribed to redis) receives event, calculates rotation, and speaks firmata arduino receives firmata protocol, moves servo accordingly rate nate demo

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what next? real time node redis pubsub, components rfid, infrared, lcds, variable resistors, accelerometers, break-out boards beyond arduino x10, raspberry pi where? sparkfun, radioshack, digikey, make

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thanks nate good director of software engineering showclix github nategood twitter @nategood blog email