Mongo Replica Set
● asynchronous replication
● multiple nodes that are copies of each other
● one primary, multiple secondaries (slaves)
● automatic election
● writes are only handled by primary only!
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Mongo Replica Set
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● oplog - special collection (capped)
● oplog - records each write operation
● replicas “tail the oplog” for new updates
● new ops are replayed on secondaries
Q: What we want?
A: Cross-cluster oplog replay (replay oplogs
from one mongo cluster to another).
Custom oplog replay
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Custom oplog replay
Q: How do we do that?
A: Using OplogReplay (now Open Source)
./oplog-replay localhost:27017
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How it works?
A: Very similar to MongoDB internal oplog :)
tail the oplog for new entries:
apply oplog entry
save timestamp of last entry
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How it works?
● last timestamp is persisted on destination
> oplogreplay.settings.findOne()
{ "_id" : "misc-lastts",
"value" : { "t" : 1335960424000,
"i" : 770 } }
● restarting will replay entries newer than last
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Other features?
TODO - explain what else can it do? - also db &
collection regexp, start from point-in-time
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Want more?
TODO - show how it can be easily extended?
inheritance + skip deletes
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Inverted pyramid
Recent data is more important
TODO - add picture here (see notes)
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Inverted pyramid
Q: How can we store historical data cheaper?
A: Keep data in two distinct mongo clusters:
● recent - only last 30 days, more resources
● historical - all data, but less resources
(or even more clusters...)
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Q: Why bother with distinct mongo clusters?
A: Several reasons:
● different # of shards
● different # of replica sets
● more / less RAM
● adjust storage size
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Implementation (1)
Setup an oplog-replay between clusters:
TODO - add picture
( recent ) ---oplogreplat---> ( historical )
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Implementation (2)
Modify your code to know about separation
def get_data(since, until):
results = []
T = compute_time_threshold()
if since <= T:
results += get_hist_data(since, T)
if until > T:
results += get_rcnt_data(T, until)
return results
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Splitting Replica Sets
TODO - show a diagram of before and after
before split after split
| blogs |blogs |
| posts ------> | posts | | comments |
| comments |
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Splitting Replica Sets
● split one mongo cluster in two
with no downtime
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Splitting Replica Sets
Q: How it's done?
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Splitting Replica Sets
create new node (Secondary), wait for it to
catch up
stop node, remove from ReplicaSet
hack its internal state to look like a NEW
replica set
stop oplogreplay from point-in-time
redirect your app code (all at once or one at
a time, depending on your application
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TODO - mongos → one oplogreplay per shard,
but balancer deletes is an issue!
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TODO - how to overcome balancer issue?
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TODO - if the oplogreplay falls behind for too
long, there is no recovery procedure
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OplogReplay @ uberVU
TODO - recent / historical split