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Beyond the DOM: Sane Structure for JS Apps Rebecca Murphey • jQuery Conference 2012 • San Francisco Thursday, June 28, 12

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function ObjInlineUp(e) { if ( e = event if ( && ! is.ieMac && e.button != 1 && e.button != 2) return if (is.ieMac && e.button != 0) return if (is.ns && ! is.ns4 && ! is.nsMac && e.button != 0 && e.button != 2) return if (is.ns4 && e.which != 1 && e.which != 3) return if ((!is.ns4 && e.button == 2) || (is.ns4 && e.which == 3)) { if (this.hasOnRUp) { document.oncontextmenu = ocmNone this.onRUp() setTimeout("document.oncontextmenu = ocmOrig", 100) } } else if (this.hasOnUp) this.onUp() } Thursday, June 28, 12

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Thursday, June 28, 12

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    $("#searchForm form").submit(function(e) { alert('submit'); e.preventDefault(); var term = $('#searchForm input').val(), req = $.getJSON('' + encodeURIComponent(term)); req.then(function(resp) { var resultsHTML = $.map(resp.results, function(r) { return '
  • ' + '

    ' + r.text + '

    ' + '

    ' + r.from_user + '

    ' + '
  • '; }).join(''); $('#searchResults').html(resultsHTML); }); }); Thursday, June 28, 12

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    Thursday, June 28, 12

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    a').hasClass('md_fullpage')) { // alert('clicked section is current section AND fullpage mode is active; teaser should load'); // Minimize jQuery('#md_tabs_navigation a').removeClass('md_fullpage'); jQuery('.md_body').hide(); jQuery('#md_feature').slideDown('normal',function(){ var bodyContent = jQuery('#md_body_'+ section); bodyContent.fadeOut('normal',function(){ jQuery('#md_tabs_navigation a').each(function(){ var thisSection = jQuery(this).html().replace('

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    Thursday, June 28, 12

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    search data search input search results $("#searchForm form").submit(function(e) { alert('submit'); e.preventDefault(); var term = $('#searchForm input').val(), req = $.getJSON(' encodeURIComponent(term)); req.then(function(resp) { var resultsHTML = $.map(resp.results, functi return '
  • ' + '

    ' + r.text + '

    ' + '

    ' + r.from_user + ' '

  • '; }).join(''); $('#searchResults').html(resultsHTML); }); }); Thursday, June 28, 12

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    MVC Thursday, June 28, 12

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    MV* Thursday, June 28, 12

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    MVWTF Thursday, June 28, 12

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    define([ 'jquery', 'text!template.html' ], function($, html) { return function() { $('body').append(html); }; }); Thursday, June 28, 12

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    require.config({ deps : [ 'main' ], paths : { // JavaScript folders lib : '../lib', plugins : '../lib/plugins', tests : '../tests', app : '.', // Libraries jquery : '../lib/jquery', text : '../lib/plugins/text' } }); Thursday, June 28, 12

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    require([ 'use!backbone', 'jquery', 'router', 'models/app' ], function(B, $, Router, app) { $(function() { app.router = new Router(); B.history.start(); }); }); app/main Thursday, June 28, 12

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    user interface display data, announce user interaction, and await further instruction managing state manage application state and communicate with the server brokering communication transport messages between user interface and state management Thursday, June 28, 12

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    app/views/results app/views/searchForm app/views/recentSearches Thursday, June 28, 12

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    #mainbar #sidebar app/controllers/search Thursday, June 28, 12

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    searches collection keeps track of recent search terms search data collection fetches results from the server for a given search term app model keeps track of general application state, including the current search search model for representing individual searches Thursday, June 28, 12

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    search controller searches collection app model app/views/results app/views/searchForm app/views/recentSearches search data server Thursday, June 28, 12

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    $("#searchForm form").submit(function(e) { alert('submit'); e.preventDefault(); var term = $('#searchForm input').val(), req = $.getJSON(' encodeURIComponent(term)); req.then(function(resp) { var resultsHTML = $.map(resp.results, function(r) { return '
  • ' + '

    ' + r.text + '

    ' + '

    ' + r.from_user + '

    ' + '
  • '; }).join(''); $('#searchResults').html(resultsHTML); }); }); Thursday, June 28, 12

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    a').hasClass('md_fullpage')) { // alert('clicked section is current section AND fullpage mode is active; teaser should load'); // Minimize jQuery('#md_tabs_navigation a').removeClass('md_fullpage'); jQuery('.md_body').hide(); jQuery('#md_feature').slideDown('normal',function(){ var bodyContent = jQuery('#md_body_'+ section); bodyContent.fadeOut('normal',function(){ jQuery('#md_tabs_navigation a').each(function(){ var thisSection = jQuery(this).html().replace('

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    search controller searches collection app model app/views/results app/views/searchForm app/views/recentSearches search data server Thursday, June 28, 12

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    events : { 'submit .search-form' : '_onSearch' }, _onSearch : function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.disabled) { return; } var term = $.trim(this.$('.js-input').val()); if (!term) { return; } this._disable(); this.trigger('search', term); } app/views/searchForm Thursday, June 28, 12

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    searchForm.on('search', update); function update(t) { var term = $.trim(t), existing = searches.where({ term : term }), dfd = $.Deferred(), search; app.set('currentSearch', term); if (term) { if (existing.length) { search = existing[0]; search.update(); } else { search = new Search({ term : term }); searches.add(search); } searchData.fetch({ data : { term : term } }) .then(dfd.resolve, dfd.reject) .always(searchForm.release); app/controllers/search Thursday, June 28, 12

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    search controller searches collection app model app/views/results app/views/searchForm app/views/recentSearches search data server Thursday, June 28, 12

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    searchForm.on('search', update); function update(t) { var term = $.trim(t), existing = searches.where({ term : term }), dfd = $.Deferred(), search; app.set('currentSearch', term); if (term) { if (existing.length) { search = existing[0]; search.update(); } else { search = new Search({ term : term }); searches.add(search); } searchData.fetch({ data : { term : term } }) .then(dfd.resolve, dfd.reject) .always(searchForm.release); app/controllers/search Thursday, June 28, 12

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    this.bindTo(this.searchData, 'add change', this._update); this.bindTo(this.searchData, 'fetching', function() { this._empty(); this.reset(); }); app/views/results Thursday, June 28, 12

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    function update(t) { var term = $.trim(t), existing = searches.where({ term : term }), search; app.set('currentSearch', term); if (existing.length) { search = existing[0]; search.update(); } else { search = new Search({ term : term }); searches.add(search); } searchData.fetch({ data : { term : term } }) .always(searchForm.release); app.router.navigate('search/' + term); } Thursday, June 28, 12

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    describe("#update", function() { it("should update the time", function(done) { var search = new Search(), oldTime = search.get('time'); setTimeout(function() { search.update(); expect(search.get('time')); done(); }, 1000); }); }); Thursday, June 28, 12

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    it("should update when there is a new search", function() { expect(el.html())'baz'); rs.currentSearch = function() { return 'baz'; }; rs.searches.add({ term : 'baz' }); expect(el.html()).to.contain('baz'); expect(el.find('.active').html()).to.contain('baz'); }); Thursday, June 28, 12

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    Slide 43 text Coming Up Foundations of Programming JavaScript Writing Testable JavaScript & lots more Thursday, June 28, 12

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    thanks. • @rmurphey • Thursday, June 28, 12