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PyCon Philippines 2012 Keynote Daniel Greenfeld Sunday, July 1, 12

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#pyconph Sunday, July 1, 12

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I’m excited! Sunday, July 1, 12

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Sunday, July 1, 12

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Sunday, July 1, 12

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Sunday, July 1, 12

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Sunday, July 1, 12

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Python is everywhere Sunday, July 1, 12

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Python is everywhere • NASA Sunday, July 1, 12

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Python is everywhere • NASA • Google Sunday, July 1, 12

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Python is everywhere • NASA • Google • Linux (expecially Ubuntu) Sunday, July 1, 12

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Python is everywhere • NASA • Google • Linux (expecially Ubuntu) • Mac OS X Sunday, July 1, 12

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Python is everywhere • NASA • Google • Linux (expecially Ubuntu) • Mac OS X • Every special effects or animation shop Sunday, July 1, 12

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Python is everywhere • NASA • Google • Linux (expecially Ubuntu) • Mac OS X • Every special effects or animation shop • Science Sunday, July 1, 12

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Python is everywhere • NASA • Google • Linux (expecially Ubuntu) • Mac OS X • Every special effects or animation shop • Science • Robotics Sunday, July 1, 12

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Python is everywhere • NASA • Google • Linux (expecially Ubuntu) • Mac OS X • Every special effects or animation shop • Science • Robotics • Web (Instagram!) Sunday, July 1, 12

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Thanking the sponsors Auberon Solutions Cartwheel Web Smart Python Software Foundation 10gen Github Philhealth Chikka Globe Labs Django Software Foundation Sunday, July 1, 12

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Thanking my fellow speakers Sony Valdez Audrey Roy Malcolm Tredinnick Paolo Barazon Marco Moreto Rodney Quillo Bryan Veloso Sunday, July 1, 12

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No speaker is getting paid Sunday, July 1, 12

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Thank my fellow organizers Frank Pohlmann Mary Ann Tan-Pohlmann Mark Steve Samson Lanie Diosana Audrey Roy Sunday, July 1, 12

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No organizer is getting paid Sunday, July 1, 12

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All volunteers Sunday, July 1, 12

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Passion Sunday, July 1, 12

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Passion The topic of this presentation Sunday, July 1, 12

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A little about me Sunday, July 1, 12

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@pydanny Sunday, July 1, 12

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• Worked at NASA • Python Software Foundation • Principal at • CTO of @pydanny Sunday, July 1, 12

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NASA Sunday, July 1, 12

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@pydanny Sunday, July 1, 12

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• Worked at NASA @pydanny Sunday, July 1, 12

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• Worked at NASA • Principal at Cartwheel Web @pydanny Sunday, July 1, 12

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• Worked at NASA • Principal at Cartwheel Web • CTO of @pydanny Sunday, July 1, 12

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• Worked at NASA • Principal at Cartwheel Web • CTO of • Member of Python Software Foundation @pydanny Sunday, July 1, 12

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@pydanny Passions Sunday, July 1, 12

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• Python @pydanny Passions Sunday, July 1, 12

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• Python • Django @pydanny Passions Sunday, July 1, 12

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• Python • Django • Capoeira @pydanny Passions Sunday, July 1, 12

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• Python • Django • Capoeira • Audrey Roy is my fiancée @pydanny Passions Sunday, July 1, 12

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Back to the talk Sunday, July 1, 12

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Passion Sunday, July 1, 12

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Passion means you care about something so much you want help other people. Sunday, July 1, 12

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Sunday, July 1, 12

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Sunday, July 1, 12

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Sunday, July 1, 12

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Mentorship Sunday, July 1, 12

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Mentorship, the developmental relationship between a more experienced mentor and a less experienced partner referred to as a mentee or protégé Sunday, July 1, 12

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Mentorship refers to a personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. However, true mentoring is more than just answering occasional questions or providing ad hoc help. It is about an ongoing relationship of learning, dialog, and challenge. Sunday, July 1, 12

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Are mentors worth it? Sunday, July 1, 12

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Me on the Apple ][ circa 1980 Sunday, July 1, 12

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AppleBasic on the Apple ][ 10 HOME 20 PRINT "HELLO, WORLD" 30 GOTO 10 Sunday, July 1, 12

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No mentorship Sunday, July 1, 12

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No mentorship • Too proud to ask for help. Sunday, July 1, 12

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No mentorship • Too proud to ask for help. • Couldn’t figure out why anyone used arrays Sunday, July 1, 12

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No mentorship • Too proud to ask for help. • Couldn’t figure out why anyone used arrays • Created a lot of variables. Sunday, July 1, 12

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No mentorship • Too proud to ask for help. • Couldn’t figure out why anyone used arrays • Created a lot of variables. • Lots of variables. Sunday, July 1, 12

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No mentorship • Too proud to ask for help. • Couldn’t figure out why anyone used arrays • Created a lot of variables. • Lots of variables. • So many variables. Sunday, July 1, 12

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No mentorship • Too proud to ask for help. • Couldn’t figure out why anyone used arrays • Created a lot of variables. • Lots of variables. • So many variables. • So many, many variables. Sunday, July 1, 12

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10 NA = 1 20 NB = 4 30 NC = 27 40 ND = 256 50 NE = 3125 ad infinitum Before mentors Sunday, July 1, 12

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10 NA = 1 20 NB = 4 30 NC = 27 40 ND = 256 50 NE = 3125 ad infinitum Before mentors VS [1, 4, 27, 256, 3125] After mentors Array Sunday, July 1, 12

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10 NA = 1 20 NB = 4 30 NC = 27 40 ND = 256 50 NE = 3125 ad infinitum Before mentors VS [1, 4, 27, 256, 3125] After mentors Array [x ** x for x in range(1,6)] List comprehension to generate the array Sunday, July 1, 12

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Mentors made me better Sunday, July 1, 12

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Some of my mentors Sunday, July 1, 12

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Anyone recognize this? x = 1 FOR i = 1 to 10 IF i = 25 i = i + 1 ELSE i = i + 3 ENDIF ENDFOR Sunday, July 1, 12

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Foxpro circa 1995 x = 1 FOR i = 1 to 10 IF i = 25 i = i + 1 ELSE i = i + 3 ENDIF ENDFOR Sunday, July 1, 12

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James Beerbower Sunday, July 1, 12

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James Beerbower • Got me a job when things were bad. Sunday, July 1, 12

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James Beerbower • Got me a job when things were bad. • Taught me Foxpro 2.6 for Dos. Sunday, July 1, 12

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James Beerbower • Got me a job when things were bad. • Taught me Foxpro 2.6 for Dos. • Jump started my programming career. Sunday, July 1, 12

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James Beerbower • Got me a job when things were bad. • Taught me Foxpro 2.6 for Dos. • Jump started my programming career. • Thank you James! Sunday, July 1, 12

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Anyone recognize this? SELECT * FROM attendees WHERE awesomeness > 100 GROUP BY experience_level; Sunday, July 1, 12

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Structured Query Language (SQL) SELECT * FROM attendees WHERE awesomeness > 100 GROUP BY experience_level; Sunday, July 1, 12

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Peter Thorsson Sunday, July 1, 12

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Peter Thorsson • Very patient Sunday, July 1, 12

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Peter Thorsson • Very patient • Thank you Peter! Sunday, July 1, 12

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A sample of my early Python code d = dict( one=1, two=2, three=3 ) for key in d.keys(): print key, d[key] Sunday, July 1, 12

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Chris Shenton Sunday, July 1, 12

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Chris Shenton • Introduced me to Python Sunday, July 1, 12

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Chris Shenton • Introduced me to Python • Introduced me to Plone Sunday, July 1, 12

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Chris Shenton • Introduced me to Python • Introduced me to Plone • Introduced me to Django Sunday, July 1, 12

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Chris Shenton • Introduced me to Python • Introduced me to Plone • Introduced me to Django • Thank you Chris! Sunday, July 1, 12

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d = dict( one=1, two=2, three=3 ) for k, v in d.items(): print("{0}, {1}".format(k, v)) Sunday, July 1, 12

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d = dict( one=1, two=2, three=3 ) for k, v in d.items(): print("{0}, {1}".format(k, v)) Chris Shenton Sunday, July 1, 12

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d = dict( one=1, two=2, three=3 ) for k, v in d.items(): print("{0}, {1}".format(k, v)) Chris Shenton Raymond Hettinger Sunday, July 1, 12

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Noah Kantrowitz Sunday, July 1, 12

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class HelloWorld(object): def __init__(self): print("Hello, World") Python Noah Kantrowitz Sunday, July 1, 12

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@classmethod def hello(cls): print("Hello, World") class HelloWorld(object): def __init__(self): print("Hello, World") Python Noah Kantrowitz Sunday, July 1, 12

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>>> from pycon import HelloWorld Sunday, July 1, 12

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>>> from pycon import HelloWorld >>> HelloWorld.hello() Sunday, July 1, 12

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>>> from pycon import HelloWorld >>> HelloWorld.hello() "Hello, World" Sunday, July 1, 12

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>>> from pycon import HelloWorld >>> HelloWorld.hello() class HelloWorld(object): @classmethod def hello(cls): print("Hello, World") "Hello, World" Sunday, July 1, 12

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>>> from pycon import HelloWorld >>> HelloWorld.hello() >>> h = HelloWorld() class HelloWorld(object): @classmethod def hello(cls): print("Hello, World") "Hello, World" Sunday, July 1, 12

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>>> from pycon import HelloWorld >>> HelloWorld.hello() >>> h = HelloWorld() class HelloWorld(object): @classmethod def hello(cls): print("Hello, World") "Hello, World" "Hello, World" Sunday, July 1, 12

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>>> from pycon import HelloWorld >>> HelloWorld.hello() >>> h = HelloWorld() class HelloWorld(object): @classmethod def hello(cls): print("Hello, World") class HelloWorld(object): def __init__(self): print("Hello, World") "Hello, World" "Hello, World" Sunday, July 1, 12

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Click here
$("#python").click(function() { alert("Python is awesome!"); }); Sunday, July 1, 12

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James Tauber Sunday, July 1, 12

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James Tauber • Introduced me to JQuery Sunday, July 1, 12

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James Tauber • Introduced me to JQuery • Encouraged me to create django-uni-form Sunday, July 1, 12

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James Tauber • Introduced me to JQuery • Encouraged me to create django-uni-form • (evolved to django-crispy-forms) Sunday, July 1, 12

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James Tauber • Introduced me to JQuery • Encouraged me to create django-uni-form • (evolved to django-crispy-forms) • Gave me a job at Eldarion Sunday, July 1, 12

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James Tauber • Introduced me to JQuery • Encouraged me to create django-uni-form • (evolved to django-crispy-forms) • Gave me a job at Eldarion • Thank you James! Sunday, July 1, 12

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git git add conference-sourcecode.rst git commit -m "Added the code samples." git push origin master Brian Rosner Sunday, July 1, 12

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Python packaging and more Jannis Leidel from setuptools import setup, find_packages import mongonaut LONG_DESCRIPTION = open('README.rst').read() setup( name='django-mongonaut', version=mongonaut.__version__, description="An introspective interface for Django and MongoDB", long_description=LONG_DESCRIPTION, classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", ... Sunday, July 1, 12

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Capoeira Xingu Sunday, July 1, 12

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Capoeira Xingu Master Instructor of Capoeira Sunday, July 1, 12

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Capoeira Xingu Hollywood Stuntman Master Instructor of Capoeira Sunday, July 1, 12

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Capoeira Xingu Hollywood Stuntman Master Instructor of Capoeira Filipino- American Sunday, July 1, 12

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Taught me Martelo-do-Chão Xingu Capoeira Sunday, July 1, 12

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Taught me Martelo-do-Chão Taught me music Xingu Capoeira Sunday, July 1, 12

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Taught me Martelo-do-Chão Taught me music Can’t get me to be lead singer Xingu Capoeira Sunday, July 1, 12

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Taught me Martelo-do-Chão Taught me music Can’t get me to be lead singer Don’t ask me to do Karaoke! Xingu Capoeira Sunday, July 1, 12

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Many More Sunday, July 1, 12

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Many More Jacob Kaplan-Moss Frank Wiles Celso Wills Mrs. Brown Malcolm Tredinnick Jung Yoon-Ok Patrick Finley Steve Holden Sunday, July 1, 12

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What unites them is... Sunday, July 1, 12

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Passion Sunday, July 1, 12

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Being a mentor... Sunday, July 1, 12

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Being a mentor is... Sunday, July 1, 12

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Being a mentor is... • ...discovering just how much you don’t know. Sunday, July 1, 12

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Being a mentor is... • ...discovering just how much you don’t know. • ...having to refer to others for answers. Sunday, July 1, 12

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Being a mentor is... • ...discovering just how much you don’t know. • ...having to refer to others for answers. • ...frustrating. Sunday, July 1, 12

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Being a mentor is... • ...discovering just how much you don’t know. • ...having to refer to others for answers. • ...frustrating. • ...time consuming. Sunday, July 1, 12

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Why do we do it? Sunday, July 1, 12

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Passion Sunday, July 1, 12

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What are the rewards? Sunday, July 1, 12

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You feel good! Sunday, July 1, 12

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Seriously though, what are the rewards? Sunday, July 1, 12

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NASA Sunday, July 1, 12

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People recognize the passion inside you. Sunday, July 1, 12

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Certificates Sunday, July 1, 12

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Certificates • You’ve been exposed to a topic. • They open doors. Sunday, July 1, 12

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My NASA Interview • Many people interviewed for the job. • They liked me because I had passion. • I was more than just a certificate. Sunday, July 1, 12

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Be more than your list of certificates. Sunday, July 1, 12

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What kind of Doctor would you hire? Sunday, July 1, 12

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What kind of Doctor would you hire? • Glances at charts • Prescribes medicine No Passion Sunday, July 1, 12

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What kind of Doctor would you hire? • Glances at charts • Prescribes medicine No Passion • Looks at charts • Reads your history • Gets to know you • Cares • Solves problems Passion Sunday, July 1, 12

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Same goes for Software Sunday, July 1, 12

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Same goes for Engineering Sunday, July 1, 12

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Same goes for Research Sunday, July 1, 12

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Same goes for Karaoke Sunday, July 1, 12

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Passion Sunday, July 1, 12

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Enough about me Sunday, July 1, 12

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What is your passion? Sunday, July 1, 12

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What is your passion? Sunday, July 1, 12

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What is your passion? Sunday, July 1, 12

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What is your passion? professional Sunday, July 1, 12

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Sunday, July 1, 12

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Python Django JavaScript HTML5 Research SciPy pygame Natural Language Processing Science Mentoring Sunday, July 1, 12

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Once you find your Sunday, July 1, 12

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Passion Sunday, July 1, 12

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Work hard at it. Sunday, July 1, 12

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Contribute back. Sunday, July 1, 12

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Mentor upcoming developers. Sunday, July 1, 12

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Release code as open source. Sunday, July 1, 12

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Release code as open source. GitHub is your resume/portfolio* * Sunday, July 1, 12

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Help other people. Sunday, July 1, 12

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But don’t ask me to sing in public. Sunday, July 1, 12

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One more thing... Sunday, July 1, 12

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Finis Sunday, July 1, 12