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Elasticsearch for PHP Developers Shaun Farrell June 29, 2012 Saturday, June 30, 12

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What Is Elasticsearch? • Storage Engine • Schema Free • Document Oriented • Built on top of Lucene • Opensource • RESTFul (JSON over HTTP) • Multi-tenancy Saturday, June 30, 12

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Simple, Easy, and Fast! Saturday, June 30, 12

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What We will Cover • Indexes and Types • Mappings • Search • Elastica - PHP Library • Examples • Resources Saturday, June 30, 12

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Getting Started Saturday, June 30, 12

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Quick & Easy Installation • Download Elasticsearch • • Extract • Run • Service, Background, Foreground Saturday, June 30, 12

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Indexes, Types & Data Saturday, June 30, 12

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Indexes & Types • Index: Group of Items (Types) • Types: Relevant Data in a Group • Amazon: Books, Movies, Clothes, Etc. • Airlines: American, Delta, KLM, etc. • Each Type & Index can have different data elements Saturday, June 30, 12

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URL Structure http://localhost:9200/dfw/beer/ Saturday, June 30, 12

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URL Structure http://localhost:9200/dfw/beer/ Elasticsearch Location Saturday, June 30, 12

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URL Structure http://localhost:9200/dfw/beer/ Index Elasticsearch Location Saturday, June 30, 12

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URL Structure http://localhost:9200/dfw/beer/ Index Type Elasticsearch Location Saturday, June 30, 12

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Create & Dele Indexes curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/dfw/’ curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/dfw/' Saturday, June 30, 12

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Create Type & Add Data Saturday, June 30, 12

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Create Type & Add Data curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/dfw/beer/1' -d ' { "name": "Deep Ellum IPA" } ' Saturday, June 30, 12

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Create Type & Add Data curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/dfw/beer/1' -d ' { "name": "Deep Ellum IPA" } ' curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/dfw/beer/2' -d ' { "name": "Double Brown Stout" } ' Saturday, June 30, 12

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curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/dfw/brewery/1' - d ' { "name": "Deep Ellum Brewing Company", "beers": [ "Deep Ellum IPA", "Double Brown Stout" ] } ' Saturday, June 30, 12

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PUT vs POST • You define ID - POST or PUT • ElasticSearch Define Id - POST • Using PUT with no ID will throw error Saturday, June 30, 12

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PUT vs POST POST {"ok":true,"_index":"dfw","_type":"brewery ","_id":"Iw9kfa3vSx2FyFen- uK26Q","_version":1} POST OR PUT {"ok":true,"_index":"dfw","_type":"brewery ","_id":"1","_version":1} PUT No handler found for uri [/dfw/brewery/] and method [PUT] Saturday, June 30, 12

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Update Data curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/dfw/beer/1' -d ' { "name": "Deep Ellum IPA", "style": "American-Style India Pale Ale" } ' {"ok":true,"_index":"dfw","_type":"beer","_id":"1","_version":2} Saturday, June 30, 12

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Get Data curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/dfw/brewery/1' Saturday, June 30, 12

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{ "_index": "dfw", "_type": "brewery", "_id": "1", "_version": 1, "exists": true, "_source": { "name": "Deep Ellum Brewing Company", "beers": [ "Deep Ellum IPA", "Double Brown Stout" ] } } Saturday, June 30, 12

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Delete Data curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/dfw/beer/1' Saturday, June 30, 12

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Elasticsearch API’s Saturday, June 30, 12

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Elasticsearch API’s • Allow you to perform operations • Search, Add Mappings, Status, Refresh & Optimization • It’s just another endpoint • Checkout for lots more Saturday, June 30, 12

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URL Structure http://localhost:9200/dfw/beer/ Index Type ElasticSearch Location Saturday, June 30, 12

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URL Structure http://localhost:9200/dfw/beer/ Index Type ElasticSearch Location _{API} API Method Saturday, June 30, 12

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Status • Displays Comprehensive Status Information on an indices. • Can be done at all levels (es, index, type) • Endpoint: _status Saturday, June 30, 12

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Refresh & Optimize • Refresh: refresh data for near real-time search. • All Levels • Endpoint: _refresh • Optimize: Optimizes Lucene segments for faster searching. • All Levels • Endpoint: _optimize Saturday, June 30, 12

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Mappings Saturday, June 30, 12

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Mapping • Defines how the document is mapped to search engine • You don’t have to define this. It’s dynamic. But you can.... • You can define them at the Index and Type level • Endpoint: _mapping Saturday, June 30, 12

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What you can Define • What fields are searchable • Fields dataType • How they are stored • How they are tokenized (index, analyzed) • etc... Saturday, June 30, 12

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Mapping Types • Core Data Types • string, integer/long, float/double, boolean, and null • Arrays • IP Addresses • Geo Point • Attachment Saturday, June 30, 12

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curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/dfw/brewery/ _mapping' -d ' { "brewery" : { "properties" : { "name" : { "type" : "string", "store" : "yes", "index" : "not_analyzed" }, "established" : { "type" : "date", "format" : "YYYY" } } } } Saturday, June 30, 12

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Dynamic Mapping { "brewery" : { "properties" : { "name" : { "type" : "string" }, "established" : { "type" : "string" } } } } Saturday, June 30, 12

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Delete Mapping curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/dfw/brewery/ _mapping' Important to note that you are just deleting the mapping not the data. Saturday, June 30, 12

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Search Saturday, June 30, 12

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Two Types of Search • URI Request • Limited Searching • Request Body • Full functionality • JSON requests Saturday, June 30, 12

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URI Request • Performed through a web request or curl request. • Simple & Limited • No Filter, Facet, etc. http://localhost:9200/dfw/brewery/ _search/?name:Deep Ellum Brewing Company Saturday, June 30, 12

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Request Body • Uses the Query DSL • Allows for Filters, Facets, Boosting, More Like this, Fuzzy, etc. • Is a JSON Request Saturday, June 30, 12

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Searching Across Indexes & Types http://localhost:9200/lse,rdu,dfw/_search... http://localhost:9200/rdu/brewery,beer/_search... Saturday, June 30, 12

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Faceted Searching • Facets are “Logical Groupings” that allow easier search navigation. • Drill down searching • Think Amazon or • Type of Facets in Elasticsearch • Terms, Range, Histogram, Date Histogram, Statistical, & Geo Saturday, June 30, 12

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Faceted Searching Saturday, June 30, 12

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Faceted Searching This is Faceted Searching Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Capabilities Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Bounding Box Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Bounding Box Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Bounding Box Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Bounding Box Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Distance Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Distance Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Distance Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Distance Range Can Also be a Facet Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Distance Range Can Also be a Facet Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Distance Range Can Also be a Facet Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Distance Range Can Also be a Facet Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Distance Range Can Also be a Facet Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Polygon Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Polygon Saturday, June 30, 12

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Geo Polygon Saturday, June 30, 12

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Other Features • Highlighting • TTL • Routing - Tell were to look at node/shard, etc. • Scripting • Scrolling - Pagination of results • Plugins - Rivers & Attachments Saturday, June 30, 12

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Elastica Saturday, June 30, 12

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Elastica • PHP Library • Opensource Project • GitHub - • Follows ZF Standards • Alternative to cUrl • Not a lot of documentation but there are TESTS! Saturday, June 30, 12

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Elastica • Everything is an Object • Inject objects to create Queries. • Under the hood - Array Based converted to JSON. • Debug • echo json_encode($query->toArray()) Saturday, June 30, 12

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Examples • ElasticSearch Query DSL vs. Elastica • Preloaded Index (dfw) with two types (brewery, beer). • Uses BreweryDB data through the API • Examples available on Github Saturday, June 30, 12

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Examples Saturday, June 30, 12

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Resources Saturday, June 30, 12

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Resources • Elastica - Github ( • Elasticsearch - • Elasticsearch GitHub - elasticsearch • Google Groups (ES and Elastica) • Slideshare • Slides: • Examples - For-PHP Saturday, June 30, 12

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Questions? Saturday, June 30, 12

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Thank You! • farrelley - Twitter, Github • Follow me on Mojo Live • - Saturday, June 30, 12