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Building Web Apps with Clojure Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Why Clojure? Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Based on Lisp Tuesday, July 3, 12

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"the greatest single programming language ever designed" - Alan Kay, on Lisp Tuesday, July 3, 12

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"Lisp is worth learning for the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot." - Eric Raymond, "How to Become a Hacker" Tuesday, July 3, 12

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"Lisp has jokingly been called "the most intelligent way to misuse a computer". I think that description is a great compliment because it transmits the full flavor of liberation: it has assisted a number of our most gifted fellow humans in thinking previously impossible thoughts." - Edsger Dijkstra Tuesday, July 3, 12

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• Originated in 1958. Second only to Fortran. • The name LISP derives from LISt Processing. • Lisp source code is made up of lists. • Homoiconic: Code is data. Data is code. (def lisp “Your grandpa’s language”) Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Infix Notation Prefix Notation 3 + 4 + 3 4 (5 - 6) * 7 * (- 5 6) 7 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 2 3 4 Tuesday, July 3, 12

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C / Ruby / JS Lisp S-Expressions 3 + 4 (+ 3 4) (5 - 6) * 7 (* (- 5 6) 7) 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 (+ 1 2 3 4) Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Lisp S-Expressions => (+) 0 => (+ 2) 2 => (+ 2 3) 5 => (+ 2 3 4) 9 => (+ 2 3 4 5) 14 Tuesday, July 3, 12

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JavaScript Functions Clojure Functions function sayHello(name) { console.log("Hello, " + name + "!"); } sayHello("Portland"); // Hello, Portland! doSomethingWith(value1, value2); (defn say-hello [name] (println (str "Hello, " name "!"))) (say-hello "Portland") ; Hello, Portland! (do-something-with value1 value2) Tuesday, July 3, 12

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REPL Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Functional Functional Tuesday, July 3, 12

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First Class Functions • pass functions as arguments • higher order functions - return functions as values • assign functions to variables • store functions in data structures Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Pure Functions • Same input always returns same output • No side effects Tuesday, July 3, 12

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“A function is said to have a side effect if, in addition to returning a value, it also modifies some state or has an observable interaction with calling functions or the outside world.” Side Effects Tuesday, July 3, 12

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• modify passed-in arguments • change some internal or external state • pass same arguments and yield different results Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Clojure is impure Clojure is Impure Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Philosophy “most parts of most programs should be functional, programs that are more functional are more robust.” Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Immutable Data Structures lists, vectors, maps, sets Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Primitives Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Primitives • Numbers, Booleans, Nil, Strings • Symbols - stand-in names for values, like constants • Keywords - names not bound to a value these are symbols :these :are :keywords Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Lists • Like arrays, but evaluated as a function (by default) • First item is treated as a function name • Remaining items are the arguments • Can also be treated as data => (+ 1 2 3) 6 => ‘(+ 1 2 3) (+ 1 2 3) Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Vectors • Zero-based arrays • Can contain any value, and any mix of value types • Not executed as code => [1 2 3] [1 2 3] => [:a 0 “hello”] [:a 0 “hello”] Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Maps • Define a set of unique key-value pairs • Comma separation optional for readability, treated the same as whitespace {:name “Clojure” :functional true :version “1.4.0”} Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Sets • Collections of unique values • Basic set operations like union / difference /intersection #{:a :b :c :d} Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Iterators each, map, filter, reduce, recur map, filter, reduce, doseq, recur Iterators Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Map ; increment each number => (map inc [1 2 3]) (2 3 4) ; anonymous function, add 10 => (map #(+ 10 %) [1 2 3]) (11 12 13) Applies a function to each element in a collection and returns a new collection Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Reduce => (reduce + [2 3 4]) 9 => (reduce * [2 3 4]) 24 Applies a function to all elements in a collection and returns a value or collection Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Filter => (filter even? [1 2 3 4 5 6]) (2 4 6) Applies a predicate function to each element in a collection and returns a new filtered collection Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Hosted on the JVM Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Host Platforms: JVM, JS, .NET • Clojure runs on the Java Virtual Machine. • at near native Java speed • with access to any library on the JVM • Also runs on JavaScript, and .NET Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Built for Concurrency Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Simple Made Easy Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Simple Made Easy • Emphasizing ease gives early speed • Ignoring complexity will slow you down long term • Many tools that are easy to use yield complex results • Complect: to intertwine, entwine, or braid things • Compose: to place together • Composing simple components - the key to robust software Tuesday, July 3, 12

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State is never simple • Complects value and time • It is easy - in the sense that its at hand and familiar • Interweaves everything that touches it Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Barriers Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Barriers • Initial learning curve • Prefix Notation, S-Expressions • Functional vs Object Oriented • Immutable data • Recursion vs looping Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Build Something Real • Something practical • Learn by doing • Crawl before you walk • Canonical web examples: todo lists & blogs Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Editors Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Leiningen The Clojure Project Automation tool Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Dependency Management Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Ring Tuesday, July 3, 12

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• Abstracts HTTP • Similar to Ruby's Rack and Python's WSGI • Handlers are functions that take requests at Clojure Maps • and return responses as a Clojure Map • Adapters run handlers on a web server • Middleware augment handlers Ring Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Request Map {:uri :query-string :request-method :headers :body ... ... } Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Response Map {:status :headers :body } {:status 200 :headers {“Content-Type”: “text/html”} :body “Hello Portland”} Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Example Hello World Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Lein-Noir Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Noir Project Structure Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Noir Views Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Generating HTML Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Hiccup Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Rendering Posts Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Data Persistence Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Simple SQL DSL Tuesday, July 3, 12

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It’s Just Data Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Testing Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Midje - Fact Checking Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Deployment Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Heroku $ heroku create osbridge-clojure-blog $ heroku addons:add shared-database $ git push heroku master Tuesday, July 3, 12

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FIN Source Code Demo Site Tuesday, July 3, 12

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Photo Credits Lego Store - Clojure Logo - Lisp on Paper - Functional Bag of Goodies - Side Effect Pedals - Dye Water Glasses - Galaxy - Series of Bullets - Coffee Beans - Bird Formation - Great Wall - Tuesday, July 3, 12