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Hello, I’m Darcy.

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& we built

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The Future of the Web

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No content

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The future of the web is tomorrow

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The future of the web is today

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The future of the web is yesterday

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Progressive Enhancement

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Graceful Degradation

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No content

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“But, kind sir, Why should I care?”

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Developers: Build cooler stuff.

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Designers: Less effort, more awesome.

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Running a company: “It’s the future!”

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Anyone else: A richer, more useful web future.

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Not building apps? It still applies.

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4 things I’m going to cover

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The Real Time Web

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Image thanks to Cory Doctorow on Flickr.

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Push, Don’t Pull.

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Services pushing data to you.

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Web Hooks

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Pushing data to client

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Web Sockets

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The Open Web

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For varying definitions of open.

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Popularity of “open” access to data.

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The Rise of API

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Increasing number of API-driven companies

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Facebook Graph API

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Twitter API

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Amazon Web Services

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No content

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IFTTT (If this, then that.)

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The Rich Web

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Richer tools for all.

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An Incredibly fast JavaScript platform

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Backbone, Ember & the like.

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Google Chrome & NaCl

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No content

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In-browser Audio & Video Support.

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Image thanks to Sergey Mavrody & Wikimedia Commons.

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Server > Client has become Server ~ Client

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The Accessible Web

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Now more than accessible than ever.

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PaaS (Hosting complex things made easier

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Code Academy

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The new generation of the web is here.

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TYVM. Heckling / Questions‽ @sutto or Colour Palette with thanks to edgywoodwind on ColorLovers.