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we don’t know HTTP Konstantin Haase

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@konstantinhaase (I’m sorry about that) rkh on github

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Sinatra Rack, Tilt, Rubinius, ...

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No content

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No content

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RFC 2616

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HTTP has been made for this

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We just don’t know.

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Database Application Server

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Database Application Server Application Application

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Database Application Server Application Application Database Database

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Database Application Server Application Application Database Database Cache

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Database Application Server Application Application Database Database Cache Cache

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Database Application Server Application Application Database Database Cache Cache Cache

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Database Application Server Application Application Database Database Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache

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Database Application Server Application Application Database Database !!! Cache !!! !!! Cache !!! !!! Cache !!! !!! Cache !!! !!! Cache !!! !!! Cache !!!

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How to scale further?

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Requests Resources Representation

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GET / HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/html

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Optimizing Requests

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Persistent Connections

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HTTP 2.0

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Optimizing Resources

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aka RFC 2616 - The Good Parts

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1 GET / Repeatable! :) No state change! :) Deterministic! :)

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1 2 PUT / 2 PUT / 2 Repeatable! :) State change! :( Deterministic! :)

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1 DELETE / DELETE / Repeatable! :) State change! :( Deterministic! :)

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1 2 PATCH / +1 3 PATCH / +1 Not repeatable! :( State change! :( Deterministic! :)

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Not repeatable! :( State change! :( Non-deterministic! :( 1 ? POST / ...

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Safe: Idempotent: PATCH: POST: :) :) :) :) :( :) :( :( :) :( :( :(

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worst case PATCH = Lock on document + PUT

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worst case POST = Lock on system + PUT

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Resources Renderer Business Logic Business Data optional

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Before Request + Business Logic + DB Access + Rendering After Request + DB Access + Rendering

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Resources Renderer Business Logic Business Data Renderer

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Resources Renderer Business Logic Business Data Renderer Business Logic

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Resources Renderer Business Logic Business Data Renderer Business Logic Resources

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Resources Renderer Business Logic Business Data Renderer Business Logic Resources Business Data

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Server Box A Box B GET GET

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Server Box A Box B PUT PUT PUT

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Server Box A Box B PATCH PATCH PUT + Lock

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Server POST ? :(

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Browser support? :(

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Locking? HTTP?

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Locking :(

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Optimistic Locking :)

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PATCH / If-Match: “XYZ”

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PUT / If-Non-Match: *

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DELETE / If-Match: *

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PATCH / If-Unmodified- Since: ...

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Browser support? :(

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Example Attack JSON CSRF

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// https://foo/secrets.json [“chunky”, “bacon”]

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Browser support? :( GET /secrets.json Accept: */*

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var captured = []; var oldArray = Array; function Array() { var obj = this, id = 0, capture = function(value) { obj.__defineSetter__(id++, capture); if (value) captured.push(value); }; capture(); }

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Old Architecture Rerun Request Without Session Side-effects? Server load? :(

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New Architecture Don’t Authenticate with Session Yay!

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Also, Hypermedia! ;)

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hej och tack för kaffet jag är glad att vara här sätt på en kanna till för jag stannar ett tag hej och tack för kaffet jag är glad att vara här sätt på en kanna till för jag stannar ett tag