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1 1 Online Conference: Deep Dive with MongoDB

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2 2 Building your first App with MongoDB

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3 3 •  Quick introduction to mongoDB •  Data modeling in mongoDB, queries, geospatial, updates and map reduce. •  Using a location-based app as an example •  Example works in mongoDB JS shell

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5 5 MongoDB is a scalable, high-performance, open source, document-oriented database. •  Fast Querying •  In-place updates •  Full Index Support •  Replication /High Availability •  Auto-Sharding •  Aggregation; Map/Reduce •  GridFS

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6 6 MongoDB is Implemented in C++ •  Windows, Linux, Mac OS-X, Solaris Drivers are available in many languages 10gen supported •  C, C# (.Net), C++, Erlang, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala, nodejs! •  Multiple community supported drivers The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x

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7 7 RDBMS MongoDB Table Collection Row(s) JSON Document Index Index Partition Shard Join Embedding/Linking Schema (implied Schema)

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8 8 { _id : ObjectId("4c4ba5c0672c685e5e8aabf3"), author : "Asya", date : ISODate("2012-02-02T11:52:27.442Z"), text : "About MongoDB...", tags : [ "tech", "databases" ], comments : [{ author : "Fred", date : ISODate("2012-02-03T17:22:21.124Z"), text : "Best Post Ever!" }], comment_count : 1 }

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9 9 • JSON has powerful, limited set of datatypes –  Mongo extends datatypes with Date, Int types, Id, … • MongoDB stores data in BSON • BSON is a binary representation of JSON –  Optimized for performance and navigational abilities –  Also compression See:!

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10 10 •  Intrinsic support for fast, iterative development •  Super low latency access to your data •  Very little CPU overhead •  No additional caching layer required •  Built in replication and horizontal scaling support

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11 11 • Want to build an app where users can check in to a location • Leave notes or comments about that location

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12 12 "As a user I want to be able to find other locations nearby" •  Need to store locations (Offices, Restaurants, etc) –  name, address, tags –  coordinates –  User generated content e.g. tips / notes

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13 13 "As a user I want to be able to 'checkin' to a location" Checkins – User should be able to 'check in' to a location – Want to be able to generate statistics: •  Recent checkins •  Popular locations

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14 14 users user1, user2 loc1, loc2, loc3 locations checkins checkin1, checkin2

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15 15 > location_1 = { name: "Lotus Flower", address: "123 University Ave", city: "Palo Alto", post_code: 94012 }

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16 16 > location_1 = { name: "Lotus Flower", address: "123 University Ave", city: "Palo Alto", post_code: 94012 } > db.locations.find({name: "Lotus Flower"})

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17 17 > location_1 = { name: "Lotus Flower", address: "123 University Ave", city: "Palo Alto", post_code: 94012 } > db.locations.ensureIndex({name: 1}) > db.locations.find({name: "Lotus Flower"})

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18 18 > location_2 = { name: "Lotus Flower", address: "123 University Ave", city: "Palo Alto", post_code: 94012, tags: ["restaurant", "dumplings"] }

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19 19 > location_2 = { name: "Lotus Flower", address: "123 University Ave", city: "Palo Alto", post_code: 94012, tags: ["restaurant", "dumplings"] } > db.locations.ensureIndex({tags: 1})

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20 20 > location_2 = { name: "Lotus Flower", address: "123 University Ave", city: "Palo Alto", post_code: 94012, tags: ["restaurant", "dumplings"] } > db.locations.ensureIndex({tags: 1}) > db.locations.find({tags: "dumplings"})

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21 21 > location_3 = { name: "Lotus Flower", address: "123 University Ave", city: "Palo Alto", post_code: 94012, tags: ["restaurant", "dumplings"], lat_long: [52.5184, 13.387] }

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22 22 > location_3 = { name: "Lotus Flower", address: "123 University Ave", city: "Palo Alto", post_code: 94012, tags: ["restaurant", "dumplings"], lat_long: [52.5184, 13.387] } > db.locations.ensureIndex({lat_long: "2d"})

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23 23 > location_3 = { name: "Lotus Flower", address: "123 University Ave", city: "Palo Alto", post_code: 94012, tags: ["restaurant", "dumplings"], lat_long: [52.5184, 13.387] } > db.locations.ensureIndex({lat_long: "2d"}) > db.locations.find({lat_long: {$near:[52.53, 13.4]}})

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24 24 // creating your indexes: > db.locations.ensureIndex({tags: 1}) > db.locations.ensureIndex({name: 1}) > db.locations.ensureIndex({lat_long: "2d"}) // finding places: > db.locations.find({lat_long: {$near:[52.53, 13.4]}}) // with regular expressions: > db.locations.find({name: /^Din/}) // by tag: > db.locations.find({tag: "dumplings"})

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25 25 Atomic operators: $set, $unset, $inc, $push, $pushAll, $pull, $pullAll, $bit

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26 26 // initial data load: > db.locations.insert(location_3) // adding a tip with update: > db.locations.update( {name: "Lotus Flower"}, {$push: { tips: { user: "Asya", date: "28/03/2012", tip: "The hairy crab dumplings are awesome!"} }})

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27 27 > db.locations.findOne() { name: "Lotus Flower", address: "123 University Ave", city: "Palo Alto", post_code: 94012, tags: ["restaurant", "dumplings"], lat_long: [52.5184, 13.387], tips:[{ user: "Asya", date: "28/03/2012", tip: "The hairy crab dumplings are awesome!" }] }

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28 28 "As a user I want to be able to 'checkin' to a location" Checkins – User should be able to 'check in' to a location – Want to be able to generate statistics: •  Recent checkins •  Popular locations

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29 29 > user_1 = { _id: "[email protected]", name: "Asya", twitter: "asya999", checkins: [ {location: "Lotus Flower", ts: "28/03/2012"}, {location: "Meridian Hotel", ts: "27/03/2012"} ] } > db.users.ensureIndex({checkins.location: 1}) > db.users.find({checkins.location: "Lotus Flower"})

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30 30 // find all users who've checked in here: > db.users.find({"checkins.location":"Lotus Flower"})

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31 31 // find all users who've checked in here: > db.users.find({"checkins.location":"Lotus Flower"}) // find the last 10 checkins here? > db.users.find({"checkins.location":"Lotus Flower"}) .sort({"checkins.ts": -1}).limit(10)

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32 32 // find all users who've checked in here: > db.users.find({"checkins.location":"Lotus Flower"}) // find the last 10 checkins here: - Warning! > db.users.find({"checkins.location":"Lotus Flower"}) .sort({"checkins.ts": -1}).limit(10) Hard to query for last 10

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33 33 > user_2 = { _id: "[email protected]", name: "Asya", twitter: "asya999", } > checkin_1 = { location: location_id, user: user_id, ts: "20/03/2010" } > db.checkins.ensureIndex({user: 1}) > db.checkins.find({user: user_id})

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34 34 // find all users who've checked in here: > location_id = db.checkins.find({"name":"Lotus Flower"}) > u_ids = db.checkins.find({location: location_id}, {_id: -1, user: 1}) > users = db.users.find({_id: {$in: u_ids}}) // find the last 10 checkins here: > db.checkins.find({location: location_id}) .sort({ts: -1}).limit(10) // count how many checked in today: > db.checkins.find({location: location_id, ts: {$gt: midnight}} ).count()

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35 35 // Find most popular locations > agg = db.checkins.aggregate( {$match: {ts: {$gt: now_minus_3_hrs}}}, {$group: {_id: "$location", numEntries: {$sum: 1}}} ) > agg.result [{"_id": "Lotus Flower", "numEntries" : 17}]

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36 36 // Find most popular locations > map_func = function() { emit(this.location, 1); } > reduce_func = function(key, values) { return Array.sum(values); } > db.checkins.mapReduce(map_func, reduce_func, {query: {ts: {$gt: now_minus_3_hrs}}, out: "result"}) > db.result.findOne() {"_id": "Lotus Flower", "value" : 17}

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37 37 Deployment

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38 38 P •  Single server - need a strong backup plan

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39 39 •  Single server - need a strong backup plan •  Replica sets - High availability - Automatic failover P P S S

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40 40 •  Single server - need a strong backup plan •  Replica sets - High availability - Automatic failover •  Sharded - Horizontally scale - Auto balancing P S S P S S P P S S

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41 41 User  Data  Management   High  Volume  Data  Feeds     Content  Management   Opera9onal  Intelligence   E-­‐Commerce  

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43 43 @mongodb conferences, appearances, and meetups Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn download at support, training, and this talk brought to you by

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44 44 Schema Design with MongoDB

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Schema Design with MongoDB Antoine Girbal [email protected] @antoinegirbal

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So why model data?  

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Goals Avoid anomalies when inserting, updating or deleting Minimize redesign when extending the schema Avoid bias toward a particular query Make use of all SQL features In MongoDB Similar goals apply but rules are different Denormalization for optimization is an option: most features still exist, contrary to BLOBS Normalization

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Terminology RDBMS   MongoDB   Table   Collection   Row(s)   JSON  Document   Index   Index   Join   Embedding  &  Linking   Partition   Shard   Partition  Key   Shard  Key  

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Equivalent to a Table in SQL Cheap to create (max 24000) Collections don’t have a fixed schema Common for documents in a collection to share a schema Document schema can evolve Consider using multiple related collections tied together by a naming convention: e.g. LogData-2011-02-08 Collections Basics

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Elements are name/value pairs, equivalent to column value in SQL elements can be nested Rich data types for values JSON for the human eye BSON for all internals 16MB maximum size (many books..) What you see is what is stored Document basics

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Schema Design - Relational

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Schema Design - MongoDB

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Schema Design - MongoDB embedding  

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Schema Design - MongoDB embedding   linking  

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! Design documents that simply map to your application ! > post = { author: "Hergé",! date: ISODate("2011-09-18T09:56:06.298Z"),! text: "Destination Moon",! tags: ["comic", "adventure"]! }! ! >! Design Session

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> db.blogs.find()! ! { _id: ObjectId("4c4ba5c0672c685e5e8aabf3"),! author: "Hergé", ! date: ISODate("2011-09-18T09:56:06.298Z"), ! text: "Destination Moon", ! tags: [ "comic", "adventure" ]! }   Notes: •  ID must be unique, but can be anything you’d like •  MongoDB will generate a default ID if one is not supplied Find the document

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Secondary index for “author” // 1 means ascending, -1 means descending! > db.blogs.ensureIndex( { author: 1 } )! ! > db.blogs.find( { author: 'Hergé' } ) ! ! { _id: ObjectId("4c4ba5c0672c685e5e8aabf3"),! date: ISODate("2011-09-18T09:56:06.298Z"),! author: "Hergé", ! ... }! Add and index, find via Index

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> db.blogs.find( { author: "Hergé" } ).explain() { "cursor" : "BtreeCursor author_1", "nscanned" : 1, "nscannedObjects" : 1, "n" : 1, "millis" : 5, "indexBounds" : { "author" : [ [ "Hergé", "Hergé" ] ] } } Examine the query plan

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> db.blogs.find( { author: "Hergé" } ).explain() { "cursor" : "BtreeCursor author_1", "nscanned" : 1, "nscannedObjects" : 1, "n" : 1, "millis" : 5, "indexBounds" : { "author" : [ [ "Hergé", "Hergé" ] ] } } Examine the query plan

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Conditional operators: $ne, $in, $nin, $mod, $all, $size, $exists, $type, .. $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $ne... // find posts with any tags! > db.blogs.find( { tags: { $exists: true } } )! Query operators

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Conditional operators: $ne, $in, $nin, $mod, $all, $size, $exists, $type, .. $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $ne... // find posts with any tags! > db.blogs.find( { tags: { $exists: true } } )! Regular expressions: // posts where author starts with h! > db.blogs.find( { author: /^h/i } ) !   Query operators

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Conditional operators: $ne, $in, $nin, $mod, $all, $size, $exists, $type, .. $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $ne... // find posts with any tags! > db.blogs.find( { tags: { $exists: true } } )! Regular expressions: // posts where author starts with h! > db.blogs.find( { author: /^h/i } ) ! Counting: // number of posts written by Hergé! > db.blogs.find( { author: "Hergé" } ).count() ! Query operators

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> new_comment = { author: "Kyle", date: new Date(), text: "great book" } > db.blogs.update( { text: "Destination Moon" }, { "$push": { comments: new_comment }, "$inc": { comments_count: 1 } } ) Extending the Schema

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> db.blogs.find( { author: "Hergé"} ) { _id : ObjectId("4c4ba5c0672c685e5e8aabf3"), author : "Hergé", date : ISODate("2011-09-18T09:56:06.298Z"), text : "Destination Moon", tags : [ "comic", "adventure" ], comments : [ { author : "Kyle", date : ISODate("2011-09-19T09:56:06.298Z"), text : "great book" } ], comments_count: 1 } Extending the Schema

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// create index on nested documents: > db.blogs.ensureIndex( { "": 1 } ) > db.blogs.find( { "": "Kyle" } ) Extending the Schema

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// create index on nested documents: > db.blogs.ensureIndex( { "": 1 } ) > db.blogs.find( { "": "Kyle" } ) // find last 5 posts: > db.blogs.find().sort( { date: -1 } ).limit(5) Extending the Schema

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// create index on nested documents: > db.blogs.ensureIndex( { "": 1 } ) > db.blogs.find( { "": "Kyle" } ) // find last 5 posts: > db.blogs.find().sort( { date: -1 } ).limit(5) // most commented post: > db.blogs.find().sort( { comments_count: -1 } ).limit(1) When sorting, check if you need an index Extending the Schema

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Patterns: •  Inheritance •  one to one •  one to many •  many to many Common Patterns

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shapes table Single Table Inheritance - MongoDB id   type   area   radius   length   width   1   circle   3.14   1   2   square   4   2   3   rect   10   5   2  

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> db.shapes.find() { _id: "1", type: "c", area: 3.14, radius: 1} { _id: "2", type: "s", area: 4, length: 2} { _id: "3", type: "r", area: 10, length: 5, width: 2} Single Table Inheritance - MongoDB missing  values  not   stored!  

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> db.shapes.find() { _id: "1", type: "c", area: 3.14, radius: 1} { _id: "2", type: "s", area: 4, length: 2} { _id: "3", type: "r", area: 10, length: 5, width: 2} // find shapes where radius > 0 > db.shapes.find( { radius: { $gt: 0 } } ) Single Table Inheritance - MongoDB

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> db.shapes.find() { _id: "1", type: "c", area: 3.14, radius: 1} { _id: "2", type: "s", area: 4, length: 2} { _id: "3", type: "r", area: 10, length: 5, width: 2} // find shapes where radius > 0 > db.shapes.find( { radius: { $gt: 0 } } ) // create index > db.shapes.ensureIndex( { radius: 1 }, { sparse:true } ) Single Table Inheritance - MongoDB index  only  values   present!  

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One to Many Either:     • Embedded  Array  /  Document:   •  improves  read  speed   •  simplifies  schema     • Normalize:   •  if  list  grows  significantly   •  if  sub  items  are  updated  often   •  if  sub  items  are  more  than  1  level  deep  and  need  updating  

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One to Many Embedded Array:! • $slice operator to return subset of comments! • some queries become harder (e.g find latest comments across all blogs)! ! blogs: { ! author : "Hergé",! date : ISODate("2011-09-18T09:56:06.298Z"), ! comments : [! " {! " "author : "Kyle",! " "date : ISODate("2011-09-19T09:56:06.298Z"),! " "text : "great book"! " }! ]! }!

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One to Many Normalized (2 collections)! • most flexible! • more queries! ! blogs: { _id: 1000, ! author: "Hergé",! date: ISODate("2011-09-18T09:56:06.298Z") }! ! comments : { _id : 1,! blogId: 1000,! author : "Kyle",! " " date : ISODate("2011-09-19T09:56:06.298Z") }! ! > blog = db.blogs.find( { text: "Destination Moon" } );! ! > db.ensureIndex( { blogId: 1 } ) // important!! > db.comments.find( { blogId: blog._id } );!

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Example: •  Product can be in many categories •  Category can have many products Many - Many

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// Each product list the IDs of the categories! products:! { _id: 10, name: "Destination Moon",! category_ids: [ 20, 30 ] }! ! Many - Many

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// Each product list the IDs of the categories! products:! { _id: 10, name: "Destination Moon",! category_ids: [ 20, 30 ] }! ! // Each category lists the IDs of the products! categories:! { _id: 20, name: "adventure", ! product_ids: [ 10, 11, 12 ] }! ! categories:! { _id: 21, name: "movie", ! product_ids: [ 10 ] }! ! Many - Many

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// Each product list the IDs of the categories! products:! { _id: 10, name: "Destination Moon",! category_ids: [ 20, 30 ] }! ! // Each category lists the IDs of the products! categories:! { _id: 20, name: "adventure", ! product_ids: [ 10, 11, 12 ] }! ! categories:! { _id: 21, name: "movie", ! product_ids: [ 10 ] }! ! Cuts mapping table and 2 indexes, but:! •  potential consistency issue! •  lists can grow too large! Many - Many

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// Each product list the IDs of the categories! products:! { _id: 10, name: "Destination Moon",! category_ids: [ 20, 30 ] }! ! // Association not stored on the categories! categories:! { _id: 20, ! name: "adventure"}! ! Alternative

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// Each product list the IDs of the categories! products:! { _id: 10, name: "Destination Moon",! category_ids: [ 20, 30 ] }! ! // Association not stored on the categories! categories:! { _id: 20, ! name: "adventure"}! ! // All products for a given category! > db.products.ensureIndex( { category_ids: 1} ) // yes!! > db.products.find( { category_ids: 20 } )! ! ! Alternative

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Use cases: •  Trees •  Time Series Common Use Cases

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Hierarchical information           Trees

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Full Tree in Document   { retweet: [! { who: “Kyle”, text: “...”, ! retweet: [! {who: “James”, text: “...”,! retweet: []} ! ]}! ]! }!   Pros: Single Document, Performance, Intuitive Cons: Hard to search or update, document can easily get too large         Trees

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// Store all Ancestors of a node { _id: "a" } { _id: "b", tree: [ "a" ], retweet: "a" } { _id: "c", tree: [ "a", "b" ], retweet: "b" } { _id: "d", tree: [ "a", "b" ], retweet: "b" } { _id: "e", tree: [ "a" ], retweet: "a" } { _id: "f", tree: [ "a", "e" ], retweet: "e" } // find all direct retweets of "b" > db.tweets.find( { retweet: "b" } ) Array of Ancestors A   B   C   D   E   F  

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// Store all Ancestors of a node { _id: "a" } { _id: "b", tree: [ "a" ], retweet: "a" } { _id: "c", tree: [ "a", "b" ], retweet: "b" } { _id: "d", tree: [ "a", "b" ], retweet: "b" } { _id: "e", tree: [ "a" ], retweet: "a" } { _id: "f", tree: [ "a", "e" ], retweet: "e" } // find all direct retweets of "b" > db.tweets.find( { retweet: "b" } ) // find all retweets of "e" anywhere in tree > db.tweets.find( { tree: "e" } ) Array of Ancestors A   B   C   D   E   F  

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// Store all Ancestors of a node { _id: "a" } { _id: "b", tree: [ "a" ], retweet: "a" } { _id: "c", tree: [ "a", "b" ], retweet: "b" } { _id: "d", tree: [ "a", "b" ], retweet: "b" } { _id: "e", tree: [ "a" ], retweet: "a" } { _id: "f", tree: [ "a", "e" ], retweet: "e" } // find all direct retweets of "b" > db.tweets.find( { retweet: "b" } ) // find all retweets of "e" anywhere in tree > db.tweets.find( { tree: "e" } ) // find tweet history of f: > tweets = db.tweets.findOne( { _id: "f" } ).tree > db.tweets.find( { _id: { $in : tweets } } ) Array of Ancestors A   B   C   D   E   F  

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Store hierarchy as a path expression •  Separate each node by a delimiter, e.g. “,” •  Use text search for find parts of a tree •  search must be left-rooted and use an index! { retweets: [! { _id: "a", text: "initial tweet", ! path: "a" },! { _id: "b", text: "reweet with comment",! path: "a,b" },! { _id: "c", text: "reply to retweet",! path : "a,b,c"} ] }! ! // Find the conversations "a" started ! > db.tweets.find( { path: /^a/i } )! // Find the conversations under a branch ! > db.tweets.find( { path: /^a,b/i } )! Trees as Paths A   B   C   D   E   F  

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•  Records stats by •  Day, Hour, Minute •  Show time series Time Series

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// Time series buckets, hour and minute sub-docs { _id: "20111209-1231", ts: ISODate("2011-12-09T00:00:00.000Z") daily: 67, hourly: { 0: 3, 1: 14, 2: 19 ... 23: 72 }, minute: { 0: 0, 1: 4, 2: 6 ... 1439: 0 } } // Add one to the last minute before midnight > db.votes.update( { _id: "20111209-1231", ts: ISODate("2011-12-09T00:00:00.037Z") }, { $inc: { "hourly.23": 1 }, $inc: { "minute.1439": 1 }) Time Series

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•  Sequence of key/value pairs •  NOT a hash map •  Optimized to scan quickly BSON Storage ...   0   1   2   3   1439   What is the cost of update the minute before midnight?

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•  Can skip sub-documents BSON Storage ...   0   1   59   1439   How could this change the schema? 0   ...   23   ...   1380  

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Use more of a Tree structure by nesting! // Time series buckets, each hour a sub-document { _id: "20111209-1231", ts: ISODate("2011-12-09T00:00:00.000Z") daily: 67, minute: { 0: { 0: 0, 1: 7, ... 59: 2 }, ... 23: { 0: 15, ... 59: 6 } } } // Add one to the last second before midnight > db.votes.update( { _id: "20111209-1231" }, ts: ISODate("2011-12-09T00:00:00.000Z") }, { $inc: { "minute.23.59": 1 } }) Time Series

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Document to represent a shopping order: { _id: 1234, ts: ISODate("2011-12-09T00:00:00.000Z") customerId: 67, total_price: 1050, items: [{ sku: 123, quantity: 2, price: 50, name: “macbook”, thumbnail: “macbook.png” }, { sku: 234, quantity: 1, price: 20, name: “iphone”, thumbnail: “iphone.png” }, ... } } The item information is duplicated in every order that reference it. Mongo’s flexible schema makes it easy! Duplicate data

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Pros: only 1 query to get all information needed to display the order processing on the db is as fast as a BLOB can achieve much higher performance Cons: more storage used ... cheap enough updates are much more complicated ... just consider fields immutable Duplicate data

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Basic data design principles stay the same ... But MongoDB is more flexible and brings possibilities embed or duplicate data to speed up operations, cut down the number of collections and indexes watch for documents growing too large make sure to use the proper indexes for querying and sorting schema should feel natural to your application! Summary

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@mongodb   conferences,  appearances,  and  meetups     Facebook                    |                  Twitter                  |                  LinkedIn   download at

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99 99 Replication and Replica Sets

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100 100 Why Have Replication?

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101 101 •  High Availability (auto-failover) •  Read Scaling (extra copies to read from) •  Backups –  Online, Delayed Copy (fat finger) –  Point in Time (PiT) backups •  Use (hidden) replica for secondary workload –  Analytics –  Data-processing –  Integration with external systems

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102 102 Planned –  Hardware upgrade –  O/S or file-system tuning –  Relocation of data to new file-system / storage –  Software upgrade Unplanned –  Hardware failure –  Data center failure –  Region outage –  Human error –  Application corruption

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103 103 •  A cluster of N servers •  All writes to primary •  Reads can be to primary (default) or a secondary •  Any (one) node can be primary •  Consensus election of primary •  Automatic failover •  Automatic recovery

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104 104 •  Replica Set is made up of 2 or more nodes Member 1 Member 2 Member 3

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105 105 •  Election establishes the PRIMARY •  Data replication from PRIMARY to SECONDARY Member 1 Member 2 Primary Member 3

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106 106 •  PRIMARY may fail •  Automatic election of new PRIMARY if majority exists Member 1 Member 2 DOWN Member 3 negotiate new master

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107 107 Member 1 Member 2 DOWN Member 3 Primary negotiate new master •  New PRIMARY elected •  Replica Set re-established

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108 108 •  Automatic recovery Member 1 Member 3
 Primary Member 2 Recovering

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109 109 •  Replica Set re-established Member 1 Member 3
 Primary Member 2

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110 110 Understanding automatic failover

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111 111 Primary Secondary Secondary As long as a partition can see a majority (>50%) of the cluster, then it will elect a primary.

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112 112 Primary Failed Node Secondary 66% of cluster visible. Primary is elected

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113 113 Failed Node 33% of cluster visible. Read only mode. Failed Node Secondary

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114 114 Primary Secondary Secondary

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115 115 Primary Secondary Secondary Primary Failed Node Secondary 66% of cluster visible Primary is elected

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116 116 Secondary 33% of cluster visible Read only mode. Primary Secondary Failed Node Failed Node Secondary

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117 117 Primary Secondary Secondary Secondary

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118 118 Primary Secondary Secondary Secondary Failed Node Secondary Failed Node 50% of cluster visible Read only mode. Secondary

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119 119 Primary Secondary Failed Node Secondary Failed Node 50% of cluster visible Read only mode. Secondary Secondary Secondary

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120 120 Avoid single points of failure

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122 122 Primary Secondary Secondary Top of rack switch Rack falls over

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123 123 Primary Secondary Secondary Loss of internet Building burns dow

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124 124 Primary Secondary Secondary San Francisco Dallas

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125 125 Primary Secondary Secondary San Francisco Dallas Priority 1 Priority 1 Priority 0 Disaster recover data center. Will never become primary automatically.

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126 126 Primary Secondary Secondary San Francisco Dallas New York

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127 127 Fast recovery

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128 128 Primary Arbiter Secondary Is this a good idea?

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129 129 Primary Arbiter Secondary 1

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130 130 Primary Arbiter Secondary Primary Arbiter Secondary 1 2

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131 131 Primary Arbiter Secondary Primary Arbiter Secondary 1 2 Primary Arbiter Secondary 3 Secondary Full Sync Uh oh. Full Sync is going to use a lot of resources on the primary. So I may have downtime or degraded performance

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132 132 Primary Secondary 1 Secondary

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133 133 Primary Secondary Primary Secondary 1 2 Secondary Secondary

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134 134 Primary Secondary Primary Secondary 1 2 Primary Secondary 3 Secondary Full Sync Sync can happen from secondary, which will not impact traffic on Primary. Secondary Secondary Secondary

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135 135 •  Avoid single points of failure – Separate racks – Separate data centers •  Avoid long recovery downtime – Use journaling – Use 3+ replicas •  Keep your actives close – Use priority to control where failovers happen

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136 136 Q&A after this session

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137 137 Introducing MongoDB into your Organization

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138 138 Introducing MongoDB into your Organization Edouard Servan-Schreiber, Ph.D. Director for Solution Architecture [email protected] @edouardss

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139 139 •  You  are  using,  or  want  to  use,  MongoDB   –  What  benefits?   –  Poten9al  Use  cases   –  Steering  the  adop9on  of  MongoDB   •  Why  is  MongoDB  Safe   –  Execu9on   –  Opera9onal   –  Financial   •  Why  10gen?   –  People   –  Company   –  Future  

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140 140 Your First MongoDB Project

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141 141 Big Data! New Programming models New Hardware Architecture

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142 142 Horizontally Scalable { author: “roger”, date: new Date(), text: “Spirited Away”, tags: [“Tezuka”, “Manga”]} Document Oriented High Performance -indexes -RAM Application"

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143 143 User  Data  Management   High  Volume  Data  Feeds     Content  Management   Opera9onal  Intelligence   Product  Data  Mgt  

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144 144 •  “NoSQL databases are proving valuable for scaling out cloud and on- premises uses of numerous content types, and document-oriented open- source solutions are emerging as one of the leading choices. “

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145 145 •  Reassuring  the  Ops  Team   •  Reassuring  the  Business  Team   •  Start  with  low  stakes  –  learn  to  trust   •  Grow  towards  a  mission  cri9cal  use  case   •  LET  US  HELP  YOU!    è  [email protected]  

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146 146 Execution

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148 148 { " _id : ObjectId("4c4ba5c0672c685e5e8aabf3"), " author : "roger"," date : "Sat Jul 24 2010 19:47:11", " text : "Spirited Away"," tags : [ "Tezuka", "Manga" ]," comments : [" { author : ’’ Fred "," date : "Sat Jul 24 2010 20:51:03"," text : "Best Movie Ever” } , " { author : ’’ Bill "," date : "Sat Jul 24 2010 21:13:23"," text : ” No Way !! ” }" " ] " }" "

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150 150 •  Start   •  Develop   •  Scale  

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151 151 Operational

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152 152 •  Elas9c  capacity   •  Data  center  outages   •  Upgrading  DB  versions   •  Upgrade  App  versions   •  Change/Evolve  schema/representa9on  

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153 153 •  Data  Durability     –  Journal   –  Replicated  Writes   •  Data  Consistency   –  Single  Master   –  Shard  to  Scale   •  YOU  are  in  control!  

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154 154 •  Millions  of  IO  ops/sec   •  Petabytes  of  data   •  Commodity  hardware  –  Virtual  hardware  

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155 155 Economics

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156 156 •  Less  code   •  More  produc9ve  coding   •  Easier  to  maintain   •  Con9ngency  plans  for  turnover   •  Commodity  hardware   •  No  upfront  license,  pay  for  value  over  9me   •  Cost  visibility  for  growth  of  usage  

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157 157 §  Analyze  a  staggering   amount  of  data  for  a  system   build  on  con9nuous  stream   of  high-­‐quality  text  pulled   from  online  sources   §  Adding  too  much  data  too   quickly  resulted  in  outages;   tables  locked  for  tens  of   seconds  during  inserts   §  Ini9ally  launched  en9rely  on   MySQL  but  quickly  hit   performance  road  blocks     Problem Life  with  MongoDB  has  been  good  for  Wordnik.  Our  code  is  faster,  more  flexible  and  drama?cally  smaller.   Since  we  don’t  spend  ?me  worrying  about  the  database,  we  can  spend  more  ?me  wri?ng  code  for  our   applica?on.   §  Migrated  5  billion  records  in   a  single  day  with  zero   down9me   §  MongoDB  powers  every   website  requests:  20m  API   calls  per  day   §  Ability  to  eliminated   memcached  layer,  crea9ng  a   simplified  system  that   required  fewer  resources   and  was  less  prone  to  error.   Why MongoDB §  Reduced  code  by  75%   compared  to  MySQL   §  Fetch  9me  cut  from  400ms   to  60ms   §  Sustained  insert  speed  of  8k   words  per  second,  with   frequent  bursts  of  up  to  50k   per  second   §  Significant  cost  savings  and   15%  reduc9on  in  servers     Impact Wordnik uses MongoDB as the foundation for its “live” dictionary that stores its entire text corpus – 3.5T of data in 20 billion records Tony Tam, Vice President of Engineering and Technical Co-founder

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158 158 Why 10gen ?

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159 159 Dwight Merriman – CEO! Founder, CTO DoubleClick" Max Shireson – President! COO MarkLogic" 9 Years at Oracle" Eliot Horowitz – CTO ! Co-founder of Shopwiki, DoubleClick Erik Frieberg – VP Marketing! HP Software, Borland, BEA Ben Sabrin – VP of Sales ! VP of Sales at Jboss, over 9 years of Open Source experience

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160 160 •  Community  and  Commercial   •  Dedicated  support  staff  across  the  globe   –  NY   –  CA   –  Dublin   –  London   –  Australia  

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161 161 •  Union  Square  Ventures   •  Sequoia  Capital   •  Flybridge  Capital   •  NEA   •  $80M  raised  overall   •  Most  recent  round:  $42M  in  May…  

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162 162 What’s in store…

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163 163 •  Authen9ca9on   •  Data  encryp9on     –  At  rest   –  In  flight   •  Full  Text  Search   •  Global  Database  lock  ?   •  Monitoring  

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164 164 Version  2.2  (now)     •  Database  level  locking   •  Aggrega9on  Framework   •  TTL  collec9ons   •  Geo-­‐aware  sharding   •  Read  Preferences   Version  2.4  (Q4  2012)     •  Kerberos/LDAP  authen9ca9on   •  Collec9on  level  locking   •  Full  Text  Search   •  Improved  Aggrega9on   Framework  

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165 165 [email protected] Easy to start Easy to develop Easy to scale