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to help organizations solve really big problems! The Open Source document analysis platform! Or, how IKANOW uses!

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Agenda! •  What is Document Analysis?! •  The Infinit.e Solution! – Infinit.e’s Architecture! – Why and How we use MongoDB! •  Analyzing #MongoDC! •  Questions!

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This is what Big Data Looks Like! Shamelessly  stolen  from:     h$p://­‐data-­‐are-­‐you-­‐crea=ng-­‐a-­‐garbage-­‐dump-­‐or-­‐mountains-­‐of-­‐gold/  

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What is Document Analysis?! "Document Analysis refers to
 computer-assisted analysis of large numbers of documents in order to answer questions about the content of a document set.”

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Document Analysis! •  Common document source formats:! RSS   JSON   XML   HTML   PDF   TXT   RTF   Word   PPT   Mul=media  Files   RDBMS  Records   ETC.  

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Document Analysis! •  The goal is to:! – Extract Entities (people, places, things)! – Create Associations between entities (in the form of noun-verb-noun), e.g.:! •  John Doe lives in Washington, D.C! •  John Doe is married to Jane Doe! •  John Doe is a Virgo! •  John Doe traveled to Mexico on July 6th, 2011! •  And…!

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Document Analysis! •  Turn Who, What, When and
 Where into a unified data structure that supports data analytics and visualization.! Who   people,  organiza5ons,     facili5es,  company   What   events,  summaries,   facts,  themes   When   past,  present,  future     dates   Where   city,  state,  country,     coordinate  

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•  Infinit.e is an Open Source document discovery and analysis platform that has 
 these very cool Open Source
 tools lurking under the hood.! The Infinit.e Solution!  

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The Infinit.e Solution! Collec=ng   Storing   Enriching   Retrieving   Analyzing   Visualizing   Structured  and   Unstructured  Documents   Infinit.e  is  a   scalable   framework  for  

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Document Collection! •  Infinit.e harvests documents from:
 ! – URLs
 ! – File Shares
 ! – Databases!

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Sample RSS Document! ! ! …! ! Mediterranean conference seeks to flourish tourism in Egypt, Tunisia… ! flourish-!tourism-in-egypt-tunisia-report-by-egyptlastminute-com-13613.html link>! Report by CAIRO: On Monday, the !countries of the !Mediterranean opened a conference seeking to !enhance the !future of tourism in the region. The conference focuses on the countries !of Egypt and Tunisia the most … ! ! Latest Press Releases | Press Release Bureau! unknown! Sat, 21 Apr 2012 00:00:00 GMT! ! …! ! !

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Full Text Source!

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Source Ingestion Data Flow!

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Document DBs and Collections!

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Document Metadata! •  doc_metadata.metadata! {! "_id" : ObjectId("4f93638e0cf212156d0559d2"),! "title" : "Mediterranean conference seeks to flourish tourism in Egypt, Tunisia ...",! "url" : " flourish-tourism-in-egypt-tunisia-report-by-egyptlastminute- com-13613.html"! "description" : "Report by CAIRO: On Monday, the countries of the Mediterranean opened a conference seeking to enhance the future of tourism in the region. The conference focuses on the countries of Egypt and Tunisia; the most ...",! "created" : ISODate("2012-04-22T01:49:02Z"),! “metadata” : {…},! "associations" : […],! "entities" : […],! ...! }!

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Harvested Document Metadata! •  doc_metadata.metadata.metadata! "metadata" : {! !"location" : [! ! !{! ! ! !"region" : "South Asia",! ! ! !"citystateprovince" : {! ! ! ! !"stateprovince" : "Rolpa”, "city" : "Newang"! ! ! !},! ! ! !"country" : "Nepal"! ! !}! !],! !"icn" : [ "200573487" ],! !"incidentdate" : [ "07/25/2005" ],! !"organization" : [! ! !"Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)/United People's Front” ! !],! !...! },! Note:  It  is  okay  to  laugh  at  this  

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Document Enrichment! •  Infinit.e supports the extraction of entities and creation of associations using a combination of built in enrichment libraries and 3rd party NLP APIs including:!

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Harvested Entities! •  feature.entity! {! "_id" : ObjectId("4f9189d48baf188282a1c9ef"),! "alias" : [! "Zine el Abidine Ben Ali",! "Zine El Abidine Ben Ali",! "Zine el Abidine ben Ali"! ],! "batch_resync" : true,! "communityId" : ObjectId("4f8f138103644ee8003bf518"),! "db_sync_doccount" : NumberLong(143),! "db_sync_time" : "1338751174988",! "dimension" : "Who",! "disambiguated_name" : "Zine El Abidine Ben Ali",! "doccount" : 152,! "index" : "zine el abidine ben ali/person",! "totalfreq" : 353,! "type" : "Person"! }!

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Harvested Entities!

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Harvested Associations! •  feature.association! {! !"_id" : ObjectId("4f9189d48baf188282a1ca24"),! !"assoc_type" : "Fact",! !"communityId" : ObjectId("4f8f138103644ee8003bf518"),! !"db_sync_doccount" : NumberLong(70),! !"db_sync_time" : "1338491609281",! !"doccount" : NumberLong(73),! !"entity1" : [! ! !"zine el abidine ben ali",! ! !"zine el abidine ben ali/person"! !],! !"entity1_index" : "zine el abidine ben ali/person",! !"entity2" : ["president”,"president/position”],! !"entity2_index" : "president/position",! !"index" : "5e3fff27ddb78d6873ccfc77cf05c52f",! !"verb" : ["career”,"current”,"past”],! !"verb_category" : "career"! }!

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Harvested Associations!

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Geolocation of Entities/Events! •  feature.geo! {! "_id" : ObjectId("4d8bb5efbe07bb4f7036c82e"),! "search_field" : "cairo",! "country" : "Egypt",! "country_code" : "EG",! "city" : "cairo",! "region" : "Al Qahirah",! "region_code" : "EG11",! "population" : 7734602,! "latitude" : "30.05",! "longitude" : "31.25",! "geoindex" : {! "lat" : 30.05,! "lon" : 31.25! }! }! Note:  MongoDB  2d  Index  

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Geolocation of Entities/Events!

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Who, What, Where and When!

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Why MongoDB? – Reason #1! Document-Oriented Storage! •  MongoDB’s document-oriented storage (i.e. schema-less) is perfectly suited to the data design requirements of a system that needs to ingest a wide variety of structured and unstructured document formats and normalize them into one unified, semi-structured format!

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Why MongoDB? – Reason #2! JSON! •  The standard language of open document analysis! –  JSON is a common interchange format supported by tools like elasticsearch and SaaS NLP engines! –  BSON (Binary JSON) is MongoDB’s native data format! –  Infinit.e ingests and exports JSON 
 natively via the REST based API
 Note: Infinit.e uses Google’s GSON JAVA library to convert 
 JSON to POJOs and back! This  is  the  JSON  logo  

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Why MongoDB? – Reason #3! MongoDB Is Web Scale*! *Shards  are  the  secret  ingredients  in  the  web  scale  sauce.  They  just  work.  

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Why MongoDB? – Reason #3! Scalability! •  Seriously, MongoDB Scales! – Harvesting and enriching documents requires a lot of disk space! – MongoDB scales to arbitrary sizes in both read/write dimensions! – Sophisticated sharding keys provide powerful/ flexible balancing! -  BUT building an initial cluster can be complex and managing cluster changes is “fiddly”!

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Why MongoDB? – Reason #4! Integration with Hadoop! •  Hadoop is rapidly becoming the de-facto standard for data analytics! –  Open Source, very customizable! –  Proven scalability! –  Java libraries! •  The MongoDB Hadoop Adaptor allows Hadoop to read from and write to MongoDB instead of HDFS! +   =  

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Tweeting about MongoDC! •  Source:! – Who’s Tweeting?! – What are they Tweeting?! – What does basic document analysis of these Tweets tell us?!

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Who’s Tweeting about MongoDC?!

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How are Tweeter’s Connected?!

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What are they Tweeting About?!

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Twitter has its Limits…!

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Thank You!! Craig Vitter! ! !! [email protected]!