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Schema'Design'by'Example MongoDC'2012 Robert'Stam Software'Engineer [email protected]

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MongoDB Data Model Blog Posts & Comments Geospatial Check-Ins Ticket Sales Final Thoughts • • • • • Agenda

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{ _id : ObjectId("4c4ba5c0672c685e5e8aabf3"), author : "Roger", date : ISODate("2012-06-22T18:50:16Z"), text : "Spirited Away", tags : [ "Tezuka", "Manga" ], comments : [ { author : "Fred", date : ISODate("2012-06-22T18:56:30Z"), text : "Best Movie Ever" } ] } MongoDB Data Model: Rich Documents

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Document properties Based on JSON (self describing) Stored as BSON BSON has a few additional data types (e.g. DateTime, Int32/64, ObjectId) Binary format allows for faster processing • • • •

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Terminology Comparison RDBMS MongoDB Table Collection Row Document Column Field Index Index Join Embedding;&;Linking Schema;Object

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User Name Email Address • • Category Name Url • • Article Name Slug Publish date Text • • • • Tag Name Url • • Comment Comment Date Author • • • Relational model

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User Name Email Address • • Article Name Slug Publish date Text Author • • • • • Tag[] Value • Comment[] Comment Date Author • • • Category[] Value • Document model

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Blog Posts and Comments

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How Should the Documents Look? What Are We Going to Do with the Data? To embed or to link... That is the question!

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{ _id : ObjectId("4fe4c2848e6d3c0afb79bd1f"), blog_title : "Commuting to Work", blog_text : [ "This section is about airplanes", "this section is about trains" ], comments : [ { author : "Kevin Hanson", comment : "dude, what about driving?" }, { author : "John Smith", comment : "this blog is aWful!!11!!!!" } ] } 1) Fully Embedded

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1) Fully embedded Pros Can query the comments or the blog for results Cleanly encapsulated Cons What if we get too many comments? (16MB MongoDB doc size) What if we want our results to be comments, not blog posts? • • • • • •

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{ _id : ObjectId("4fe4c2848e6d3c0afb79bd1f") blog_title : "Commuting to Work", blog_text : [ "This section is about airplanes", "this section is about trains" ] } { _id : ObjectId("4fe4c31d869457dfc7ded270") blog_id : ObjectId("4fe4c2848e6d3c0afb79bd1f") commenter : "Kevin Hanson", comment : "dude, what about driving?" } { _id : ObjectId("4fe4c326869457dfc7ded271") blog_id : ObjectId("4fe4c2848e6d3c0afb79bd1f") commenter : "John Smith", comment : "this blog is aWful!!11!!!!" } 2) Each Comment Gets Own Doc

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2) Each Comment Gets Own Doc Pros Can Query Individual Comments Never Need to Worry About Doc Size • • Cons Many Documents Standard Use Cases Become Complicated • •

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Managing Arrays Pushing to an Array Infinitely... Document Will Grow Larger than Allocated Space Document May Increase Max Doc Size of 16MB • • Can this be avoided?? Yes! A Hybrid of Linking and Embedding • •

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Geospatial Check-Ins

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We Need 3 Things Places Check-Ins Users

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Places Q: Current location A: Places near location User Generated Content Places

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var p = { _id : ObjectId("4fe925cee672e691fadee3af"), name : "10gen HQ", address : "578 Broadway, 7th Floor", city : "New York", zip : "10012" } > Inserting a Place

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{ _id : ObjectId("4fe925cee672e691fadee3af"), name : "10gen HQ", address : "578 Broadway, 7th Floor", city : "New York", zip : "10012", tags : [ "MongoDB", "business" ], location : [72.0, 40.0], // longitude first! tips : [ { user : "kevin", time : ISODate("2012-03-15T22:45:12Z"), tip : "Make sure to stop by for office hours!" } ] } Tags, Geo Coordinates, and Tips

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> db.places.update( { name : "10gen HQ" }, { $push : { tips : { user : "nosh", time : ISODate("2012-04-15T14:22:05Z"), tip : "stop by for office hours on Wednesdays from 4-6" } }} ) Updating Tips

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Querying Places Creating)Indexes db.places.ensureIndex({)tags):)1)}) db.places.ensureIndex({)name):)1)}) db.places.ensureIndex({)location):)"2d")}) Finding)Places db.places.find({)location):){)$near):)[)70,)40)]}}) Regular)Expressions db.places.find({)name):)/^typeaheadstring/)}) Using)Tags db.places.find({)tags):)"business")}) • ★ ★ ★ • ★ • ★ • ★

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User Check-Ins Record User Check-Ins Check-Ins Users Stats Users Stats

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> var user1 = { _id : ObjectId("4fe4c55d869457dfc7ded272"), name : "Kevin Hanson", email : "[email protected]", checkIns : [ ObjectId("4fe4c5ae869457dfc7ded273"), ObjectId("4fe4c5b9869457dfc7ded274")] } // checkins [] = references to checkIns Users

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Check-Ins > var checkIn = { _id : ObjectId("4fe4c5ae869457dfc7ded273"), place : "10gen HQ", ts : ISODate("2010-09-20T10:12:00Z"), user_id : ObjectId("4fe4c55d869457dfc7ded272") } Every&Check+In&is&Two&Operations &Insert&a&Check+In&Object&(check+ins&collection) &Update&($push)&user&object&with&check+in&ID&(users&collection) • •

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> db.checkins.find({ place : "10gen HQ" ) > db.checkins.find( { place : "10gen HQ" } ).sort({ ts : -1 }).limit(10) > db.checkins.find( { place : "10gen HQ", ts : { $gt : midnight }} ).count() Simple Stats

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> var mapFunc = function() { emit(, 1); } > var reduceFunc = function(key, values) { return Array.sum(values); } > res = db.checkins.mapReduce( mapFunc, reduceFunc, { query : { timestamp: { $gt : nowminus3hrs }}} ) res = [{ _id : "10gen HQ", value : 17 }, ...] ..."or"try"using"the"new"aggregation"framework! Tyler"Brock"@"4:15PM"in"Melton"Rehearsal"Hall Stats w/ MapReduce

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Ticket Sales We want to able to hold seats while the purchase is in progress without using traditional transactions Data model SeatingChart collection Seat collection • • • •

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// SeatingChart document { _id : { event_id : ObjectId("4fe4f305869457dfc7ded276"), row : "A" }, available : { A1 : false, // not available A2 : true, // available .... } } SeatingChart collection

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// Seat document { _id : { event_id : ObjectId("4fe4f305869457dfc7ded276"), seat_id : "A1" }, status : "Available" } // full set of statuses is: // Available // Held // Authorizing // Purchased Seat collection

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Protocol to hold seats Find a block of available seats Use FindAndModify to atomically change status of seats from "Available" to "Held" If any are no longer "Available" set all "Held" seats back to "Available" and start over Only now go to SeatingChart and change the available flag to false for every seat in the block • • • •

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> var q = { _id : { event_id : ObjectId("4fe4f305869457dfc7ded276"), seat_id : "A1" }, status : "Available" } > var u = { { $set : { status : "Held", status_ts : new Date() } } } > db.seats.findAndModify({ query : q, update : u }) Query to change seat to "Held"

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// if all seats were changed to "Held" change seatingChart > var q = { _id : { event_id : ObjectId("4fe4f305869457dfc7ded276"), row : "A" } } > var u = { $set : { "available.A1" : false, "available.A2" : false, ... } } > db.seatingChart.update(q, u) Query to change available to false

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Protocol to purchase seats Change status of each seat from "Held" to "Authorizing" If any seats were no longer in "Held" status start over If payment authorization succeeds change status of each seat from "Authorizing" to "Purchased" If payment authorization does not suceed change status of each seat from "Authorizing" to "Held" and request new form of payment • • • •

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Compensating Actions What if customer just walks away? Periodically scan for seats that have been in "Held" status for longer than some limit (say 10 minutes) and set them back to "Available" • •

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Final Thoughts

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Data How the App Wants It There are no absolute rules about how to design your schema, only guidelines Think about how the application wants the data Not how it is most “normalized” Biggest decision is usually embedding vs linking • • • •

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@mongodb Facebook7777|777777Twitter7777|77777LinkedIn More info at Robert7Stam Software7Engineer,710gen [email protected]