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RubyMotion 1.15Ͱ௥Ճ͞ΕͨtestपΓͷ࿩ RubyMotion ษڧձ #1 @pchw 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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intro Άͪ @pchw iPhoneΞϓϦͱ͔WebαʔϏεͱ͔ ࡞ͬͯ·͢ 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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ͬ͛͢ʔΞοϓσʔτ͕དྷΔͬͯ 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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Viewͱ͔Controllerͱ͔ͷςετͰͨ͠ 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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ͳʹ͕ग़དྷΔͷʁ ͜͜ʹSimulator͕ TestͰάϦάϦಈ͘ಈ ը͕షͬͯ͋ͬͨ 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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UIAutomationʹΑΔςετ Objective-CͰΞϓϦॻ͍ͯΔਓ ͸࣮͸લ͔Βग़དྷͯͨ 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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UIAutomationʹΑΔςετ͕Մೳʹ •ObjC •࣮͸લ͔Βग़དྷͯͨ •Ͱ΋javascript •RubyMotion •ΞϓϦ => Ruby •ςετ => Ruby 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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ࣗಈԽग़དྷΔૢ࡞ view event tap flick pinch drag rotate device event rotate acceleration shake 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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४උ(app/app_delegate.rb) class AppDelegate def application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions) return true if RUBYMOTION_ENV == 'test' not for full application acceptance tests. Therefore you should not let the application launch as normal. 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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ॻ͖ํ(spec/***.rb) describe “hoge” do tests it “fugas” do controller.fuga.should == ‘fuga’ end end 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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viewͷࢦఆ describe ‘controlelr has label’ do tests Hoge it ‘has label’ do view(‘hoge’).should.not == nil end end class Hoge < UIViewController def viewDidLoad label = UILabel.alloc.init label.accessibilityLabel = “hoge” end end 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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Ͳ͏΍ͬͯݟ͚ͭͯΔͷ def _viewByName(accessibilityLabel) subviews.each do |subview| ʢུʣ 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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ςετ࣮ߦ $ rake spec $ rake spec files=spec/hoge_spec.rb, spec/fuga_spec.rb 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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rm-redgreen Before After 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔

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reference Writing Test for RubyMotion Appsʢެࣜʣ Functional View and Controller Testing with RubyMotionʢެࣜBlogʣ HipByte / RubyMotionʢtest/bacon-ui/spec಺ʹTest Sample͕͋Γ·͢ʣ rm-redgreen 12೥7݄25೔ਫ༵೔