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SF SCALA May 2012 *,1198/index.html

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trait Monad[F[_]] extends Applicative[F] { def flatMap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f :A=>F[B]):F[B] } * monad type class * flatMap also called bind, >>=

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def point[A](a: => A): M[A] def map[A,B](ma: M[A])(f: A => B): M[B] def flatMap[A,B](ma: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B] * the functions we care about * lift pure value, lift pure function, chain “operations”

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scala> import scalaz.Monad scala> import scalaz.std.option._ scala> val a = Monad[Option].point(1) a: Option[Int] = Some(1) scala> Monad[Option].map(a)(_.toString + "hi") res2: Option[java.lang.String] = Some(1hi) scala> Monad[Option].bind(a)(i => if (i < 0) None else Some(i + 1)) res4: Option[Int] = Some(2) * explicit type class usage in scalaz seven

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scala> import scalaz.syntax.monad._ import scalaz.syntax.monad._ scala> Option(1).flatMap(i => if (i < 0) None else Some(i+1)) res6: Option[Int] = Some(2) scala> 1.point[Option].flatMap(...) res7: Option[Int] = Some(2) * implicit type class usage in scalaz7 using syntax extensions

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Option[A] * it may not exist

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SEMANTICS SIDE NOTE: * to an extent, you can “choose” the meaning of a monad * Option -- anon. exceptions -- more narrowly, the exception that something is not there. Validation - monad/not monad - can mean different things in different contexts

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IO[Option[A]] * but side-effects are needed to even look for that value

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IO[Validation[Throwable,Option[A]] * and looking for that value may throw exceptions (or fail in some way)

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IO[(List[String], Validation[Throwable,Option[A])] * and logging what is going on is necessary

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MONADS DO NOT COMPOSE * the problem in theory (core issue)

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FUNCTORS DO COMPOSE * as well as applicatives

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trait Functor[F[_]] { def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f :A=>B):F[B] }

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def composeFunctor[M[_],N[_]](implicit m: Functor[M], n: Functor[N]) = new Functor[({type MN[A]=[M[N[A]]]})#MN] { def map[A,B](mna: M[N[A]])(f: A => B): M[N[B]] = ... } * generic function that composes any two functors M[_] and N[_]

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def composeFunctor[M[_],N[_]](implicit m: Functor[M], n: Functor[N]) = new Functor[({type MN[A]=[M[N[A]]]})#MN] { def map[A,B](mna: M[N[A]])(f: A => B): M[N[B]] = { => } }

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scala> Option("abc").map(f) res1: Option[Int] = Some(3) scala> List(Option("abc"), Option("d"), Option("ef")).map2(f) res2: List[Option[Int]] = List(Some(3), Some(1), Some(2)) * can compose functors infinitely deep but... * scalaz provides method to compose 2, with nice syntatic sugar, easily (map2)

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def notPossible[M[_],N[_]](implicit m: Monad[M], n: Monad[N]) = new Monad[({type MN[A]=[M[N[A]]]})#MN] { def flatMap[A,B](mna: M[N[A]])(f: A => M[N[B]]): M[N[B]] = ... } * cannot write the same function for any two monads M[_], N[_]

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def notPossible[M[_],N[_]](implicit m: Monad[M], n: Monad[N]) = new Monad[({type MN[A]=[M[N[A]]]})#MN] { def flatMap[A,B](mna: M[N[A]])(f: A => M[N[B]]): M[N[B]] = ... } TRY IT! * best way to understand this is attempt to write it yourself * it won’t compile

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STAIR STEPPING * the problem in practice *

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val a: IO[Option[MyData]] = ... val b: IO[Option[MyData]] = ... * have two values that require we communicate w/ outside world to fetch * those values may not exist (alternative meaning, fetching may result in exceptions that are anonymous)

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for { data1 <- a data2 <- b } yield { data1 merge data2 // fail } * want to merge the two pieces of data if they both exist

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for { // we've escaped IO, fail d1 <- a.unsafePerformIO d2 <- b.unsafePerformIO } yield d1 merge d2 * don’t want to perform the actions until later (don’t escape the IO monad)

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for { od1 <- a od2 <- b } yield (od1,od2) match { case (Some(d1),Some(d2) => Option(d1 merge d2) case (a@Some(d1),_)) => a case (_,a@Some(d2)) => a case _ => None } for { od1 <- a od2 <- b } yield for { d1 <- od1 d2 <- od2 } yield d1 merge d2 * may notice the semi-group here * can also write it w/ an applicative * this is a contrived example

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def b(data: MyData): IO[Option[MyData] BUT WHAT IF... * even w/ simple example, this minor change throws a monkey wrench in things

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for { readRes <- readIO(domain) res <- readRes.fold( success = _.cata( some = meta => if (meta.enabledStatus /== status) { writeIO(meta.copy(enabledStatus = status)) } else meta.successNel[BarneyException].pure[IO], none = new ReadFailure(domain).failNel[AppMetadata].pure[IO] ), failure = errors =>[AppMetadata].pure[IO] ) } yield res ): * example of what not to do from something I wrote a while back

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case class IOOption[A](run: IO[Option[A]]) define type that boxes box the value, doesn’t need to be a case class, similar to haskell newtype.

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new Monad[IOOption] { def point[A](a: => A): IOOption[A] = IOOption(a.point[Option].point[IO]) def map[A,B](fa: IOOption[A])(f: A => B): IOOption[B] = IOOption( => def flatMap[A, B](fa: IOOption[A])(f :A=>IOOption[B]):IOOption[B] = IOOption( Option[A]) => o match { case Some(a) => f(a).run case None => (None : Option[B]).point[IO] })) } * can define a Monad instance for new type

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val a: IOOption[MyData] = ... val b: IOOption[MyData] = ... val c: IOOption[MyData] = for { data1 <- a data2 <- b } yield { data1 merge data2 } val d: IO[Option[MyData]] = can use new type to improve previous contrived example

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type MyState[A] = State[StateData,A] case class MyStateOption[A](run: MyState[Option[A]]) * what if we don’t need effects, but state we can read and write to produce a final optional value and some new state * State[S,A] where S is fixed is a monad * can define a new type for that as well

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new Monad[MyStateOption] { def map[A,B](fa: MyStateOption[A])(f: A => B): MyStateOption[B] = MyStateOption(Functor[MyState].map(fa)(opt => def flatMap[A, B](fa: MyStateOption[A])(f :A=>IOOption[B]) = MyStateOption(Monad[MyState]].bind(fa)((o: Option[A]) => o match { case Some(a) => f(a).run case None => (None : Option[B]).point[MyState] })) } new Monad[IOOption] { def map[A,B](fa: IOOption[A])(f: A => B): IOOption[B] = IOOption(Functor[IO].map(fa)(opt => def flatMap[A, B](fa: IOOption[A])(f :A=>IOOption[B]) = IOOption(Monad[IO]].bind(fa)((o: Option[A]) => o match { case Some(a) => f(a).run case None => (None : Option[B]).point[IO] })) } * opportunity for more abstraction * if you were going to do this, not exactly the way you would define these in real code, cheated a bit using {Functor,Monad}.apply

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case class OptionT[M[_], A](run: M[Option[A]]) define a new type parameterized * -> * and *.

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case class OptionT[M[_], A](run: M[Option[A]]) { def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[M]): OptionT[M,B] def flatMap[B](f: A => OptionT[M,B])(implicit M: Monad[M]): OptionT[M,B] } * define map/flatMap a little differently, can be done like previous as typeclass instance but convention is to define the interface on the transformer and later define typeclass instance using the interface

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case class OptionT[M[_], A](run: M[Option[A]]) { def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[M]): OptionT[M,B] = OptionT[M,B]( Option[A]) => o map f)) def flatMap[B](f: A => OptionT[M,B])(implicit M: Monad[M]): OptionT[M,B] = OptionT[M,B](M.bind(run)((o: Option[A]) => o match { case Some(a) => f(a).run case None => M.point((None: Option[B])) })) } * implementations resemble what has already been shown

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new Monad[IOOption] { def map[A,B](fa: IOOption[A])(f: A => B): IOOption[B] = IOOption(Functor[IO].map(fa)(opt => def flatMap[A, B](fa: IOOption[A])(f :A=>IOOption[B]) = IOOption(Monad[IO]].bind(fa)((o: Option[A]) => o match { case Some(a) => f(a).run case None => (None : Option[B]).point[IO] })) } case class OptionT[M[_], A](run: M[Option[A]]) { def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[M]): OptionT[M,B] = OptionT[M,B]( Option[A]) => o map f)) def flatMap[B](f: A => OptionT[M,B])(implicit M: Monad[M]) = OptionT[M,B](M.bind(run)((o: Option[A]) => o match { case Some(a) => f(a).run case None => M.point((None: Option[B])) })) } * it the generalization of what was written before

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type FlowState[A] = State[ReqRespData, A] val f: Option[String] => FlowState[Boolean] = (etag: Option[String]) => { val a: OptionT[FlowState, Boolean] = for { // string <- OptionT[FlowState,String] e <- optionT[FlowState](etag.point[FlowState]) // wrap FlowState[Option[String]] in OptionT matches <- optionT[FlowState]((requestHeadersL member IfMatch)) } yield matches.split(",").map(_.trim).toList.contains(e) a getOrElse false // FlowState[Boolean] } * check existence of etag in an http request, data lives in state * has minor bug, doesn’t deal w/ double quotes as written * WebmachineDecisions.scala#L282-285

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val reqCType: OptionT[FlowState,ContentType] = for { contentType <- optionT[FlowState]( (requestHeadersL member ContentTypeHeader) ) mediaInfo <- optionT[FlowState]( parseMediaTypes(contentType).headOption.point[FlowState] ) } yield mediaInfo.mediaRange * determine content type of the request, data lives in state, may not be specified * WebmachineDecisions.scala#L772-775

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scala> type EitherTString[M[_],A] = EitherT[M,String,A] defined type alias EitherTString scala> val items = eitherT[List,String,Int](List(1,2,3,4,5,6).map(Right(_))) items: scalaz.EitherT[List,String,Int] = ... * adding features to a “embedded language”

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for { i <- items } yield print(i) // 123456 for { i <- items _ <- if (i > 4) leftT[List,String,Unit]("fail") else rightT[List,String,Unit](()) } yield print(i) // 1234 * adding error handling, and early termination to non-deterministic computation

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NAMING CONVENTION MyMonadT[M[_], A] * transformer name ends in T

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BOXES A VALUE run: M[MyMonad[A] * value is typically called “run” in scalaz7 * often called “value” in scalaz6 (because of NewType)

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A MONAD TRANSFORMER IS A MONAD TOO * i mean, its thats kinda the point of this whole exercise isn’t it :)

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def optTMonad[M[_] : Monad] = new Monad[({type O[X]=OptionT[M,X]]})#O) { def point[A](a: => A): OptionT[M,A] = OptionT(a.point[Option].point[M]) def map[A,B](fa: OptionT[M,A])(f: A => B): OptionT[M,B] = fa map f def flatMap[A, B](fa: OptionT[M,A])(f :A=> OptionT[M,B]): OptionT[M, B] = fa flatMap f } * monad instance definition for OptionT

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HAS INTERFACE RESEMBLING UNDERLYING MONAD’S INTERFACE * can interact with the monad transformer in a manner similar to working with the actual monad * same methods, slightly different type signatures * different from haskell, “feature” of scala, since we can define methods on a type

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case class OptionT[M[_], A](run: M[Option[A]]) { def getOrElse[AA >: A](d: => AA)(implicit F: Functor[M]): M[AA] = Option[A]) getOrElse default) def orElse[AA >: A](o: OptionT[M,AA])(implicit M: Monad[M]): OptionT[M,AA] = OptionT[M,AA](M.bind(run) { case x@Some(_) => M.point(x) case None => } }

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TRANSFORMER IS A MONAD 㱺 TRANSFORMER CAN WRAP ANOTHER TRANSFORMER * at the start, the goal was to stack effects (not just stack 2 effects) * this makes it possible

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type VIO[A] = ValidationT[IO,Throwable,A] def doWork(): VIO[Option[Int]] = ... val r: OptionT[VIO,Int] = optionT[VIO](doWork()) * wrap the ValidationT with success type Option[A] in an OptionT * define type alias for connivence -- avoids nasty type lambda syntax inline

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val action: OptionT[VIO, Boolean] = for { devDomain <- optionT[VIO] { validationT( bucket.fetch[CName]("%s.%s".format(devPrefix,hostname)) ).mapFailure(CNameServiceException(_)) } _ <- optionT[VIO] { validationT(deleteDomains(devDomain)).map(_.point[Option]) } } yield true * code (slightly modified) from one of stackmob’s internal services * uses Scaliak to fetch hostname data from riak and then remove them * possible to clean this code up a bit, will discuss shortly (monadtrans)

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KEEP ON STACKIN’ ON * don’t have to stop at 2 levels deep, our new stack is monad too * each monad/transformer we add to the stack compose more types of effects

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“ORDER” MATTERS * how stack is built, which transformers wrap which monads, determines the overall semantics of the entire stack * changing that order can, and usually does, change semantics

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OptionT[FlowState, A] vs. StateT[Option,ReqRespData,A] * what is the difference in semantics between the two? * type FlowState[A] = State[ReqRespData,A]

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FlowState[Option[A]] vs. Option[State[ReqRespData,A] * unboxing makes things easier to see * a state action that returns an optional value vs a state action that may not exist * the latter probably doesn’t make as much sense in the majority of cases

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MONADTRANS The Type Class * type classes beget more type classes

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REMOVING REPETITION === MORE ABSTRACTION * previous examples have had a repetitive, annoying, & verbose task * can be abstracted a type class of course

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optionT[VIO](validationT(deleteDomains(devDomain)).map(_.point[Option])) eitherT[List,String,Int](List(1,2,3,4,5,6).map(Right(_))) resT[FlowState](encodeBodyIfSet(resource).map(_.point[Res])) * some cases require lifting the value into the monad and then wrap it in the transformer * from previous examples

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M[A] -> M[N[A]] -> NT[M[N[_]], A] * this is basically what we are doing every time * taking some monad M[A], lifting A into N, a monad we have a transformer for, and then wrapping all of that in N’s monad transformer

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trait MonadTrans[F[_[_], _]] { def liftM[G[_] : Monad, A](a: G[A]): F[G, A] } * liftM will do this for any transformer F[_[_],_] and any monad G[_] provided an instance of it is defined for F[_[_],_]

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def liftM[G[_], A](a: G[A])(implicit G: Monad[G]): OptionT[G, A] = OptionT[G, A]([A, Option[A]](a)((a: A) => a.point[Option])) * full definition requires some type ceremony *

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def liftM[G[_], A](ga: G[A])(implicit G: Monad[G]): ResT[G,A] = ResT[G,A]([Res])) * implementation for scalamachine’s Res monad * ResT.scala#L75-76

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encodeBodyIfSet(resource).liftM[OptionT] List(1,2,3).liftM[EitherTString] validationT(deleteDomains(devDomain)).liftM[OptionT] * cleanup of previous examples * method-like syntax requires a bit more work: scalaz/syntax/MonadSyntax.scala#L9

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for { media <- (metadataL >=> contentTypeL).map(_ | ContentType("text/plain")).liftM[ResT] charset <- (metadataL >=> chosenCharsetL).map2(";charset=" + _).getOrElse("")).liftM[ResT] _ <- (responseHeadersL += (ContentTypeHeader, media.toHeader + charset)).liftM[ResT] mbHeader <- (requestHeadersL member AcceptEncoding).liftM[ResT] decision <- mbHeader >| f7.point[ResTFlow] | chooseEncoding(resource, "identity;q=1.0,*;q=0.5") } yield decision * WebmachineDecisions.scala#L199-205

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STACKING MONADS COMPOSES EFFECTS * when monads are stacked an embedded language is being built with multiple effects * this is not the only intuition of monads/transformers

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CAN NOT COMPOSE MONADS GENERICALLY * cannot write generic function to compose any two monads M[_], N[_] like we can for any two functors

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MONAD TRANSFORMERS COMPOSE M[_] : MONAD WITH ANY N[_] : MONAD * can’t compose any two, but can compose a given one with any other

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MONAD TRANSFORMERS WRAP OTHER MONAD TRANSFORMERS * monad transformers are monads * so they can be the N[_] : Monad that the transformer composes with its underlying monad

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MONADTRANS REDUCES REPETITION * often need to take a value that is not entirely lifted into a monad transformer stack and do just that

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STACK MONADS DON’T STAIR-STEP * monad transformers reduce ugly, stair-stepping or nested code and focuses on core task * focuses on intuition of mutiple effects instead of handling things haphazardly

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THANK YOU * stackmob, markana, john & atlassian, other sponsors, cosmin

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