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Intro to Regular Expressions Presented by: Jamie Ly

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Agenda ●Definition ●Infamy ●Whetting ●Literacy ●Potpourri

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What is a Regex? ● Pattern matcher ● Text processor ● mini-specification

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How are they processed? ● One method of processing used FSAs ○

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Why the bad rap?

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Some people, when confronted with a problem, think 'I know, I’ll use regular expressions.' Now they have two problems. -Jamie Zawinski

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Overused Unintelligible

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Obscure Regexes E-Mail Validation, Complete Spec Sudoku Solver (direct link)

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Feature: Literals ● 1 2 3 ● a b c ● A B C ● - # % ● \. \^ \$ ● \t \n \r /abc/

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Feature: Character classes/sets ● enclosed with brackets ● OR ● ba[rs]k matches bark and bask ● Negations ^ ● c[^r]ap matches anything except crap ● Short-hand ○ Perl: \d, \s, \w ○ POSIX: [:digit:], [:space:], [:word:] /a[bc]/

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Feature: Quantifiers ● ? one or none ● * >=0 ● + > 0 ● {n} = n ● {n, m} between n and m /a[bc]+/

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Feature: Grouping ● Uses parens ● For capture ● Extraction ● Backreferences* /(a[bc])+/

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Feature: Grouping - Capture search = "apple pear scrapple snapple peach pineapple" re = "([a-z]+pple)" matches = RegexMatch ( search, re ) print matches ["apple", "scrapple", "snapple", "pineapple"]

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Feature: Others ● Modifiers ● Start/end anchors ● Zero-length matches ● Backreferences ● Lookahead, lookbehind, lookaround, ...

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Example: Quantifiers /(not)? to be/ /((lion)+(tiger)+(bear)+)/

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Example: Quantifiers - Matches /(not)? to be/ "not to be" "to be"

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Example: Quantifiers - No match /(not)? to be/ "NOT to be" "not to be"

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Example: Quantifiers - Matches /((lion)+(tiger)+(bear)+)/ "liontigerbear" "lionliontigertigerbear"

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Example: Quantifiers - No Match /((lion)+(tiger)+(bear)+)/ "lion tiger bear" "lionbear"

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Example: Grouping - Alternation /the (best|worst) of times/ /(liberty|death)/

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4 Main Uses ●Search ●Normalization ●Extraction ●Validation

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Use: Search - Finding Text In Files ● grep ● findstr (Windows) ● eclipse, Notepad++, ... ● Possible Uses: ○ files containing @todo or !todo ○ files using cf tags

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Use: Search - Using Regex In Code ● ColdFusion - REReplace note ● Javascript - RegExp ● Java - java.util.regex.Pattern ● ASP - VBScript.Regexp ● C# - System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ● Comparison http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Comparison_of_regular_expression_engines

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Use: Search - Another Domain ● Programming language detection ○ Pastebin ○ Syntax Highlighting

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Use: Normalization ● Legacy system data (simple flat-file processing) ● One-off user lists ● Phone numbers, zip code ● Example: Phone Number List ● Common use case: Joining/Splitting Strings ● Common use case: Code refactoring

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Use: Extraction ● Ties into search and normalization ● Example: URLs, e-mail addresses ● Plug: CiteThis! sample ● Use: Screen scraping Yahoo Finance src code

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Use: Validation ● User input ● Casting v String Matching ● Example: Input Masking, Stripping HTML

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When to Avoid RE ● HTML Parsing ○ DOM/XPath ● Performance critical ● Stateful processing ○ odd number of a's ● Some text file processing (some CSV)

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Regex Literacy

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How to Read REs ● Why be able to read them? ● Decompose a regex into its component parts ○ How to solve? 1+3*4/5^6+3+5-6*10+3-5 ○ Decompose/Group! ● Be familiar with the problem space/domain ● Write down strings that match as you scan ● Test against various strings (only use this if stumped!)

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/^#?( [a-f0-9]{6} | [a-f0-9]{3} )$/

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#aaa af0 af9f04 #00cc00

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/^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\. ([a-z\.]{2,6})$/

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/^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\. ([a-z\.]{2,6})$/

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/^ ([a-z0-9_\.-]+) @ ([\da-z\.-]+) \. ([a-z\.]{2,6}) $/

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Regex Construction

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How to Construct a RE ● Have a few examples of : ○ matching strings ○ not matching strings ● start with a simple expression ● build up ● like writing pseudo-code ● Let's write a date-matching RE!

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Just because we can... does it mean we should? Casting v RegEx ● Simple natural language parsing ○ Search queries ○ I Want Sandy ○ Remember the milk

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Date Match! 1. What will we match? ● Typical US Dates? ● International format? 2010-03-04 ● Do we match times? Let's settle on matching: ● Month date, year ● Including 3-letter month names

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Date Match! 1. What will we match? (continued) ● Possible matches ○ Oct. 20, 2000 ● Not matches ○ 10/20/2000 ○ October 20

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Date Match! 2. Start with a simple expression Write a Regex to match "October 20, 2000" /October 20, 2000/ Easy huh? Now, be able to match each day in October. /October [1-3][0-9], 2000/

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Date Match! 2. Start with a simple expression (cont) Close! But it doesn't match the 1st through 9th /October [1-3]?[0-9], 2000/ Better! Now, match any year from 1000 to 3999. /October [1-2]?[0-9], [123][0-9][0-9][0-9]/

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Date Match! 2. Start with a simple expression (cont) When you see the same classes repeated, you can simplify! /October [1-2]?[0-9], [123][0-9]{3}/ Now, match October's abbreviation. /(October|Oct\.) [1-2]?[0-9], [123][0-9]{3}/

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Date Match! 2. Start with a simple expression (cont) Now we can add the other months. We'll only add May and December so we can limit the size. /((May|October|December)|(Oct|Dec)\.) [1-2]?[0-9], [123][0-9]{3} / or /(May|October|December|Oct\.|Dec\.) [1-2]?[0-9], [123][0-9]{3}/

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Date Match! 2. Start with a simple expression (cont) From here, we determine whether to loosen the requirements. ● Ignore whitespace? ● Ignore case? ● Comma, other punctuation optional? /(May|October|December|Oct\.?|Dec\.?)\s+[1-2]?[0-9],?\s+[123] [0-9]{3}/

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Regex Builders ● Not crutches! ● Testers/Interactive builder ○ ○ ○ * ○ ○ ○

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Custom Project Using REs Word Jumble!

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References ● ● ●

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Unused slides

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RE Linksheet

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Feature: Backreference ● You may use a captured group in a regex ● This is useful for paired data such as html ● When you don't know what the first match will be Matches an html tag and its closing tag (kinda) /<(\w+).+> inner html including tags \1>/ Matches a line of the name song! /\w(\w+), B\1, Bo B\1, Banana Fanana/

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Feature: Modifiers ● (g)lobal ● (i)gnore case/case (i)nsensitive ● (m)ultiline ● example

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Feature: Start/end anchors ● ^ begin ● $ end ● Maria: Let's start at the very beginning! ● ^do re mi ● REM: world as we know it$

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Example: Quantifiers - Alt. Regex /((lion)+(tiger)+(bear)+)/ /((lion){1,2}(tiger){1,2}(bear)?)/ "liontigerbear" "lionliontigertigerbear"

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Example: Grouping - Matches /(circle of (hell|the (inferno|abyss))){1,7}/ "circle of the inferno" "circle of hellcircle of hell"

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Example: Grouping - No match /(circle of (hell|the (inferno|abyss))){1,7}/ "circle of abyss" "circle of"

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*Feature: - Zero Length Matches ● Zero-length matches (^, \b)

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Use: Capture /(heart|mind)*/

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Search ● dir/ls ● Example: Find files beginning with test ● find ● Example: Find files beginning with test and ending with a numeric timestamp. ● Common use case: ○ finding all log files ○ finding image files

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Use: Normalization (cont) ● Phone numbers, zip code ● Example: Phone Number List ● Common use case: Joining/Splitting Strings

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General Search ● IDE ○ Notepad++ ■ sql search ○ Eclipse ■ function search ○ Dreamweaver? ○ Word? ■ Not really regex ○ Emacs? ● FindStr/Grep ○ Example: ? ○ Common use case: Finding all instances of a global variable

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Search ● find

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grep, findstr

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RE Flavors and Compensating How to compensate for a deficient implementation. (ColdFusion)

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What is a regular expression? ● formal language ● interpreted by RE processor ● mini-programs ● mini-specifications ● domain: text-processing ● iffy: find:RE::dom:XPath ... kinda ● show program parse tree? ○ compare to regex automata graph ○ graph: ca[tp]er against cater caper acapella

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Disperse Examples and Tests Throughout? ● Roman numerals: http://stackoverflow. com/questions/800813/what-is-the-most-difficult- challenging-regular-expression-you-have-ever- written/800932 ●

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RE Cheatsheet ● How to encourage RE use? ● Distribute cheatsheets ● Comb through LL source for examples where REs could be used?

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Use: Search Domains ● Find all files containing @todo or !todo ● Find all files using cf tags