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CIS 581: Computer Vision Ly, Pant

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●Standard approach ○ Local maxima ○ Hysteresis ●Different Thresholds for different images ○ Threshold is a function of average gradient value and standard deviation of gradient value ○ Threshold= mean + factor*std. deviation

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●2 steps ○ Find all local maximas. ○ Keep only those maximas which are above the threshold. ●Two matrices ○ LM_H = (Mag_q > Mag_r or q = r) and (Mag_q > Mag_p or q = p) ○ LM_L = LM_H | Mag_q > thresh_mag

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●Mask_s = Mag_s > threshold_hys and LM_L ●Mask_os = Mag_os > threshold_hys and LM_L ●Hysteresis = LM_H and Mask_s and Mask_os

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●Matrix-based approach ●Computation of theta using cart2pol ○ Questions regarding unit vector ●Attempt at recursive hysteresis

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●Understand the algorithm ●Ask more questions early ●Start early (did this!) ●Try the way you know first. Optimize later. ●Edges too thick!

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THANK YOU Questions?