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BLOBS, COMMITS AND TREES • blob: binary data representing file contents • tree: acyclic graph containing commits • commit: a collection of blobs and metadata • SHA-1 hash (40-char hex string) • message • authors and signatures • parent commits

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STRUCTURE OF A COMMIT SHA-1 Metadata: author, message, signatures Parent hashes SHA-1 SHA-1 File list File: operation, path, blob hash, flags File: operation, path, blob hash, flags File: operation, path, blob hash, flags

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BLOB STORAGE • All data is stored at snapshots on every commit (full file, no diffs). Only new and modified files are hashed and stored. • Blobs are stored as compressed files in: • .git/objects/*/* • (sharded using first two SHA-1 characters into subdirectories) • Unreferenced (unreachable) blobs are garbage-collected every so often

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BRANCHES AND TAGS • tags are pointers to specific commits • branches are tags that automatically move when appending commits to the current branch 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 master legacy deployed

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TYPES OF TAGS • lightweight tags • mutable pointers that can be used to annotate history (qa-tested, deployed, etc.) • can be shared across repositories, not pushed by default • heavyweight tags • immutable entities, have full commit info and are persisted and pushed across repositories • contain cryptographic signing mechanisms

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REMOTES, COMMITS AND BRANCHES Remotes are git repository URIs (and aliases) stored in the local repository. • branches fetched from remotes are read-only and are labeled as [remote-name]/[branch-name] • branches can be set up to map to remote branches using .git/config directives • you can still push changes to remotes without setting up tracking by using explicit URIs

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EXAMPLE REMOTE TRACKED BRANCHES [remote "origin"] fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* url = [email protected]:celtra/mab [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master [branch "abformats"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/abformats remote branch mapping repo URI $ cat .git/config

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HOW MERGING WORKS BETWEEN BRANCHES 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 master new-feature

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HOW MERGING WORKS BETWEEN BRANCHES 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 master new-feature 07

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HOW MERGING WORKS BETWEEN BRANCHES 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 new-feature master

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PULLING REMOTE CHANGES Remote branches exist as local read-only branches that can be merged as any other, but not modified locally. To merge changes from a remote: • git fetch remote-name • git merge remote-name/branch-name If you are tracking the current branch: • git pull [remote-name]

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SHARING YOUR WORK You can push a local branch to a remote repository if the push results in appending history to the branch without a merge: • git push remote-name branch-name If you‘re pushing a new branch to the remote, you can set up tracking for the branch: • git push –u remote-name branch-name

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CUSTOMIZING THE CLI CLIENT $ cat ~/.gitconfig [alias] st = status ci = commit br = branch co = checkout $ git st # == git status

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CUSTOMIZING THE CLI CLIENT [alias] history = log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%Creset %C(bold blue)%an%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset: %s' update = !git stash && git fetch && git rebase && git stash pop explicit shell command, not an alias

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CUSTOMIZING THE CLI CLIENT [color] ui = auto [color "branch"] current = yellow reverse local = yellow remote = green [color "diff"] meta = yellow bold frag = magenta bold old = red bold new = green bold [color "status"] added = yellow changed = green untracked = cyan

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NUMBER ONE, WHAT‘S OUR STATUS? $ git status # On branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean) $ echo "HELLO" > README && git add README $ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage) # # modified: README #

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NUMBER ONE, WHAT‘S OUR STATUS? $ git commit -m "Added greeting" [master ca59d46] Added greeting 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) $ git status # On branch master # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. # nothing to commit (working directory clean)

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UNTRACKED, MODIFIED AND STAGED CHANGES • Untracked files are ignored by git (but are reported by git status as untracked). • Modifications to tracked files are displayed, but not commited automatically. • Staging allows choosing which changes to put into a commit. • A commit command takes every staged change and creates a new commit.

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GIT DIFF Show changes to tracked files not yet staged: • git diff Show changes that staged for commit: • git diff --cached Untracked files are completely ignored until staged!

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SHOW CONTENTS OF A COMMIT Want to know what exactly was changed in a commit? Easy: • git show (|...) This also works for blobs, trees and tags.

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INITIALISING A REPOSITORY You can initialise a repository with a working copy in any directory that doesn‘t contain other .git directories in their subpaths. • git init . • git add . • git commit -m "Initial commit"

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BARE REPOSITORIES To create a bare repository (repo without a working copy checkout): • git init my-repo --bare To push changes to the repository, you need a clone to push changes from there: • git clone my-repo my-checkout • ( • git push -u origin master

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ADDING REMOTES When you clone a repo, the origin remote alias is added automatically. To add more: • git remote add remote-name URI Example: • git remote add migration \ ssh://user@host/repo.git • git fetch migration

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WORKING WITH BRANCHES Branches are lightweight (dynamic pointers) and can be created at any time by using the branch command: • git branch new-branch-name This creates a new branch at the revision currently checked out (but does not switch!): 00 01 03 04 master (checked out) new-branch-name

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WORKING WITH BRANCHES To switch to the branch, use the checkout command: • git checkout new-branch-name Or do it in one step: • git checkout new-branch-name -b 00 01 03 04 master new-branch-name (checked out)

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COMMITING TO A BRANCH • (Create and) check out the branch • Modify and commit your changes • Push to remote: • git push -u remote-name new-branch-name Counting objects: 3, done. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 220 bytes, done. Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done. To /tmp/my-repo/ * [new branch] new-branch-name -> new-branch-name Branch new-branch-name set up to track remote branch new-branch-name from remote-name.

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MERGING LOCAL BRANCHES Check out the branch to which you want to merge: • git checkout main-dev-branch Merge changes into the working copy: • git merge feature-branch Resolve any merge conflicts and mark files as resolved, then commit: • git add

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MERGING REMOTE BRANCHES Same as before, but: • git checkout main-dev-branch • git fetch remote-name • git merge \ remote-name/feature-branch Always fetch before merging remote branches! Local history for remote branches may not be up-to-date!

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HAVE WE DEPLOYED THIS? Show branches already merged into current branch: • git branch --merged Show branches not yet merged into current branch: • git branch --no-merged

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WHO SHAT IN MY POOL?! To see which parts of a file were updated by whom and when, use annotations: • git blame (There‘s a more humane way of browsing annotations on GitHub.)

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DELETING BRANCHES To delete a local branch: • git branch -d the-other-branch To delete a remote branch: • git push remote-name :branch-name

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TAKING OUT THE TRASH After a while, locally tracked remote branches might become obsolete and deleted. To clean up remotely deleted branches: • git remote prune remote-name Git runs garbage collection periodically, but you can manually run it if desired: • git gc

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REVERTING ALL CHANGES Want to abandon all working copy changes? • git reset --hard Delete all untracked files as well? • git clean -d -f Remove only ignored files (.gitignore)? • git clean -d -X

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STASHING CHANGES Sometimes you want to save your edits but don‘t want to commit just yet. Enter the stash stack: • git stash [save [--keep-index] [message]] This saves the complete changeset to the working copy. If using --keep-index (or -k), changes already staged will not be saved with the stash, but left in the working copy.

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VIEWING STASHES To list all stashes on the stack: • git stash list To view a specific stash content as a diff: • git stash show stash@{0} Substitute 0 with any of the numbers listed in the stash list to view that stash.

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MANAGING STASHES To apply a given stash, use: • git stash apply stash@{0} [--index] To throw away a stash (or all of them): • git stash drop stash@{0} • git stash clear To apply and drop in a single command: • git stash pop stash@{0} [--index]

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(MO)STASHES: APPLY STASHES USING REGEXES $ cat ~/.gitconfig [alias] sshow = "!f() { git stash show stash^{/$*}; };f" sapply = "!f() { git stash apply stash^{/$*}; }; f" Usage: git stash save "programmae interruptus" git sapply interr

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CREATING A BRANCH FROM A SPECIFIC STASH Sometimes you find out you should be doing something in a separate branch and have a stash you want moved: • git stash branch my-branch stash@{0} This will branch at the commit the stash was created and pop the stash into the working copy without commiting.

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GIT TOOLS Mac OSX: • Tower • GitBox • Atlassian SourceTree • GitHub for Mac Windows: • GitHub for Windows • TortoiseGit (ewww)

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