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CSS3 Selectors The CSS Summit 2012

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Rachel Andrew @rachelandrew

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What is CSS3?

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CSS3 is the next version of CSS

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CSS3 is Modular

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Some CSS3 modules are more complete than others

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W3C Maturity Levels Working Draft Candidate Recommendation Proposed Recommendation W3C Recommendation

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CSS3 is supported by browsers Some browsers and some (parts of) modules.

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Selectors module W3C Recommendation

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h1 {} p {} .thing {} #uniquething {} .thing p Basic Selectors

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The problem with CSS2 selectors

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My heading



Adding classes

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CSS3 Selectors “Common sense” new selectors target elements more precisely without adding classes

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Attribute Selectors Select elements based on attributes

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form input[type="text"] { } ! form input[type="submit"] { } Attribute Selectors

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Attribute Selectors

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label[for="fContact"] { ! float: none; ! width: auto; } Attribute Selectors

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a[href ^="mailto:"] { padding-right: 20px; ! background-image:url(email.png); ! background-repeat: no-repeat; ! background-position: right center; } Attribute Selectors

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Structural pseudo-class selectors

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a:link {} a:visited {} Pseudo-Class Selectors

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a:hover {} a:active {} Dynamic Pseudo-Class

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:first-child target an element when it is the first child of a parent element

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.wrapper p { ! ! font-size: 1.5em; } :first-child

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.wrapper p:first-child { ! ! font-size: 1.5em; } :first-child

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:last-child target an element when it is the last child of a parent element

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.navigation li:last-child { ! ! border-bottom: none; } :last-child

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:nth-child select multiple elements according to their position in the document tree

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tr:nth-child(odd) td { ! ! background-color: #f0e9c5; } :nth-child

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tr:nth-child(3) td { ! ! background-color: #f0e9c5; } :nth-child

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tr:nth-child(2n+1) td { ! ! background-color: #f0e9c5; } :nth-child

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:nth-of-type select multiple elements according to their position in the document tree BUT only those elements that are the same as the type the rule is applied to.

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p:nth-of-type(odd) { ! ! background-color: #f0e9c5; } :nth-of-type

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:only-child matches an element if it is the only child element of it’s parent.

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li { ! list-style-type: disc; } ! li:only-child { ! list-style-type: none; } :only-child

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:empty matches an element if it is empty

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p { ! padding: 0 0 1em 0; ! margin: 0; } ! p:empty { ! padding: 0; } :empty

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For input elements Structural pseudo-classes for use with forms.

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:checked the checked state of a checkbox or radio button

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.agreeterms:checked { border:2px solid blue; } :checked

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enabled and disabled detecting input element states

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input:enabled { color: #000; } :enabled

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input:disabled { color: #999; } :disabled

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The CSS3 Basic User Interface Module (Working Draft)

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:default :valid :invalid :in-range :out-of-range :required :optional :read-only :read-write

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! ! HTML5 attributes

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input:focus:required:invalid { background-image: url(error.png); background-position: 98% center; background-repeat: no-repeat; } Adding an icon to required fields

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Adding an icon to required fields

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input:required:valid { background-image: url(accept.png); background-position: 98% center; background-repeat: no-repeat; } Adding an icon to valid fields

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Adding an icon to valid fields

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input[type="email"]:focus:required:invalid { ! background-image: url(email_error.png); } Show a different icon for the field type

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Show a different icon for the field type

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the Negation pseudo- class :not(selector)

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p:not(.box) { ! ! padding: 1em; ! ! border:2px solid #000; ! } :not

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:first-letter the first character of the first line of text

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.wrapper:first-letter { ! font-size: 200%; ! font-weight: bold; ! color: red; } :first-letter

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:first-line the first formatted line of text

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.wrapper:first-line { ! font-size: 200%; ! font-weight: bold; ! color: red; } :first-line

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:before Render content before the element when using generated content

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.content:before { content: "Start here:"; } :before

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:after Render content after the element when using generated content

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.content:after { content: "End here:"; } :after

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Generated content can be very useful...

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CSS Arrow Please

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Adding a bird

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::selection Content selected in browser by the user

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.wrapper p::selection {! background-color: red; } ::selection

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Combinators Combining selectors to target elements

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Descendant Selector Select all elements that are descendants of a specified parent

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.wrapper p { ! font-size: 1.5em; } Descendant Selector

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Child Selector Select all elements that are immediate children of a specified parent

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  • Item 1
    1. Sub list item 1
    2. Sub list item 2
  • Item 2
Child Selector

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li { ! color: #000; } ! ul > li { ! color: red; } Child Selector

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Child Selector

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Adjacent Sibling Select elements that are the adjacent siblings of an element

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.wrapper h1 + p { ! font-size: 1.5em; } Adjacent Sibling

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Adjacent Sibling

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General Sibling Select elements that are the siblings of an element

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.wrapper h2~p { ! color: red; } General Sibling

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General Sibling

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Browser Support

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Browser Support

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Your options

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Do Nothing. or serve a simpler layout to older browsers

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JavaScript Plug the holes in browser support using JavaScript.

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div#wrapper p:first-child, div#wrapper p.first { ! ! font-size: 1.5em; } jQuery: first-child script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ ! $("div#wrapper p:first-child").addClass("first"); });

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ul#navigation li:last-child, ul#navigation li.last { ! ! border-bottom: none; } jQuery: last-child script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ ! $("ul#navigation li:last-child").addClass("last"); });

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tr:nth-child(odd) td, td.odd { ! background-color: #f0e9c5; } jQuery: nth-child script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ ! $("tr:nth-child(odd) td").addClass("odd"); });

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CSS “PolyFills” plugging the holes in support

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What is a polyfill? A polyfill, or polyfiller, is a piece of code (or plugin) that provides the technology that you, the developer, expect the browser to provide natively.

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Check your stats.

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var patch_css = function() { ! ! // supporting css stuff ! ! ! ! $('input[type=submit]').addClass('submit'); ! ! $('h1+h2').addClass('stacked'); ! ! $('h1+p').addClass('stacked'); ! ! ! }; patch_css

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CSS3 Workflow How I approach my projects.

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CSS3 Workflow Develop without any polyfill or JavaScript fixes in place.

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CSS3 Workflow Validate.

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CSS3 Workflow Test & Fix in older browsers

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CSS3 Workflow Decide if you need to use a polyfill and which kind

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CSS3 Workflow Test again.

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Thank You! @rachelandrew