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Codeception?> Modern PHP testing by Michael Bodnarchuk @davert

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Why Codeception? • The simplest PHP testing tool ever. • Multiple frameworks integrations. • Powered by PHPUnit

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THE SIMPLEST? Well, well, what did you say?

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Aimed to be • Easy to read • Easy to write • Easy to debug

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Judge by code $I = new WebGuy($scenario) $I->wantTo(‘sign up as a customer’); $I->click(‘Sign Up’); $I->fillField(‘name’,’Michael’); $I->fillField(‘password’,’qwerty’); $I->click(‘Submit’); $I->see(‘Hello, Michael!’);

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HOW IS THAT EASY TO WRITE? It’s just a PHP code. Yep, it’s pretty clean, but…

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Unleash the power of IDE

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AND WHAT’S NEXT? So, writing test is nothing but point-and-click adventure…

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Execute test Codeception PHP Testing Framework v1.1.0 Powered by PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann. Suite acceptance started Trying to sign in as a customer (RegisterCept.php) Scenario: * I click “Sign Up" * I fill field “name",“Michael" * I fill field “password",“qwerty" * I click “Submit" * I see “Hello, Michael" OK Time: 2 seconds, Memory: 10.25Mb OK (1 test, 1 assertion) $ php codecept.phar run

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Get more information Codeception PHP Testing Framework v1.1.0 Powered by PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann. Suite acceptance started Trying to sign in as a customer (RegisterCept.php) Scenario: * I click “Sign Up" => Moved to page http://localhost/signup * I fill field “name",“Michael" * I fill field “password",“qwerty" * I click “Submit" => Moved to page http://localhost/user/michael * I see “Hello, Michael" OK Time: 2 seconds, Memory: 10.25Mb OK (1 test, 1 assertion) $ php codecept.phar run --debug

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Even more? Debug! • Each broken step is highlighted. • The last response is saved when test fails. • Logs are written. • Page screenshots can be captured.

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Yep, it’s really that simple

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A bit of theory • We describe actions from user’s perspective. • We surf the site by clicking links, filling forms. • We expect to see predictable results on page.

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DOES IT USE A BROWSER? But how is that executed, dude?

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It’s up to you how to run the test • In a command line with PHPBrowser • Inside a real browser with Selenium • As a functional test of MVC framework

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Installation 1. Download ‘codecept.phar’ 2. Save it to PHP project. 3. Execute: php codecept.phar bootstrap php codecept.phar build

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Give it a try!