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Internationalization & Localization Stop making that face. 1 Jeff Casimir / @j3

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Hooray, RubyConf Argentina! You going to present in English? People might not understand my jokes in English. In your Spanish, they might not understand anything! anything!

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A Dangerous Journey 5

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Terms 6 ■i18n - Internationalization ■l10n - Localization

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Why A Business Cares 7 ■Localization provides a better UX ■Better UX = More Customers ■More Customers = More Profits*

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But what’s in it for me?

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Why Developers Care 9 Better Code

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Roadmap to Multi-Language Support 1. Internationalize 2. Localize 3. Determine Locale 10

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Step 1: Internationalize 11

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12 An Average Controller Action def create @article =[:article]) if flash[:notice] = "Article was created." redirect_to articles_path else flash[:notice] = "The article could not be saved!" render :new end end

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13 Do you like MAGIC?

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Copyedit Commits

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15 Magic Data in a Controller def create @article =[:article]) if flash[:notice] = "Article was created." redirect_to articles_path else flash[:notice] = "The article could not be saved!" render :new end end

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Lookup Dictionary 16

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17 en: article: deleted: "Article has been deleted." error: "Article failed to save." created: "Article created successfully." new: "New Article" update: "Save Changes" create: "Save Article" comment: created: "Comment posted, you're internet famous." spam: "Burn your own face off, spammer." create: "Post Comment" status: moderation: "Comment is pending moderation." approved: "Comment approved." A YAML Dictionary

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t and I18n.t 18 t 'article.deleted' t 'comment.status.approved' I18n.t 'comment.created'

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Structuring Keys 19 ■Keep the keys short ■Don’t just snake-case the text ■Focus on core meaning ■Screw reusability

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20 en: article: deleted: "Article has been deleted." error: "Article failed to save." created: "Article created successfully." new: "New Article" update: "Save Changes" create: "Save Article" comment: created: "Comment posted, you're internet famous." spam: "Burn your own face off, spammer." create: "Post Comment" status: moderation: "Comment is pending moderation." approved: "Comment approved." Simple Keys, Simple Strings

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Draper 21

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22 Magic Data in a Controller def create @article =[:article]) if flash[:notice] = "Article was created." redirect_to articles_path else flash[:notice] = "The article could not be saved!" render :new end end

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23 Controller Without Magic def create @article =[:article]) if flash[:notice] = t '' redirect_to articles_path else flash[:notice] = t '' render :new end end

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Automatic Lookups with ActiveRecord

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25 Magic Data in a Model class Article < ActiveRecord::Base validates_length_of :body, :min => 100 :message => " must be at least 100 characters bro." def self.recent order('created_at DESC').limit(10) end def attribution "written by #{author.full_name}" end end

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Automatic Lookup Paths 26 activerecord.errors.models.[model_name].attributes.[attribute_name] activerecord.errors.models.[model_name] activerecord.errors.messages errors.attributes.[attribute_name] errors.messages

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Rails Guide’s Validation Keys 27

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Validation Message Lookup 28 en: activerecord: errors: models: article: attributes: title: blank: "The article needs a title!"

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29 Validation with a :message class Article < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :title, :message => "The article needs a title." def self.recent order('created_at DESC').limit(10) end def attribution "written by #{author.full_name}" end end

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30 Validation Using Auto-Lookup class Article < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :title def self.recent order('created_at DESC').limit(10) end def attribution "written by #{author.full_name}" end end

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Aut-o-matic! 31 a = => "boo") # => # # => false a.errors.first.inspect # => "[:title, \"The article needs a title!\"]" a.errors.first.last # => "The article needs a title!"

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Attribute & Model Names 32 en: activerecord: attributes: article: title: "Title" comment: body: "Your Comment" label and other form helpers use them automatically

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en: activerecord: attributes: article: title: "Title" comment: body: "Your Comment" errors: models: article: attributes: title: blank: "The article needs a title!"

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The process of internationalization will improve your code, regardless of localization. 34

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2. Localizing User Content 35

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36 Static Dictionary Was Easy en: article: deleted: "Article has been deleted." error: "Article failed to save." created: "Article created successfully." new: "New Article" update: "Save Changes" create: "Save Article" comment: created: "Comment posted, you're internet famous." spam: "Burn your own face off, spammer." create: "Post Comment" status: moderation: "Comment is pending moderation." approved: "Comment approved."

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Challenges with User-Generated Content 37 ■ Creating multiple translations ■ Managing the content import/export ■ Keeping translations in sync

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CopyCopter 38

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Globalize3 39

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Locale - 40

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Step 3: Per-Request Locale 41

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A Quick Story about BDD 42

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github/jcasimir/locale_setter 43

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Locale-Selection Strategies 44 1. Geolocation 2. Browser Preferences 3. URL Parameters 4. Account Preferences 5. Default

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Geolocation 45

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46 Browser Preferences

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HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 48 class ArticlesController < ApplicationController def show render :text => request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] end end

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en;q=0.8 , , Accept-Language Formatting 49 en-US es;q=0.2

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Accept-Language Formatting 50 “US English for Full Experience” “Generic English at 80% Quality” “Generic Spanish at 20% Quality” en;q=0.8 es;q=0.2 en-US

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51 Parsing Accept-Language # In an imaginary controller context... accepts = request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"] # => "en,en-US;q=0.8,es;q=0.2" accepts.downcase.scan(/([\w-]{2,})/).map(&:first) # => ["en", "en-us", "es"]

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module  LocaleSetter    module  HTTP        def  self.for(accept_language)            LocaleSetter::Matcher.match(AcceptLanguageParser.                                                      parse(accept_language))        end        module  AcceptLanguageParser            LOCALE_SEPARATOR  =  ','            WEIGHT_SEPARATOR  =  ';'            def  self.parse(accept_language)                locale_fragments  =  accept_language.split(LOCALE_SEPARATOR)                weighted_fragments  =  locale_fragments.                                map{|f|  f.split(WEIGHT_SEPARATOR)}                sorted_fragments  =  weighted_fragments.sort_by{|f|  -­‐f.last.to_f  }      {|locale,  weight|  locale}            end        end    end end

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53 Querying Available Locales I18n.available_locales # => [:en, :"en-us", :es, :"es-ar"]

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Matching Available Locales 54 ■ Find the user’s accepted locales ■ Symbolize them ■ Compare with the supported locales ■ Find the first match in order of their preference

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module  LocaleSetter    module  Matcher        def  self.match(requested)            (requested  &  I18n.available_locales).first        end    end end

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URL Parameters 56

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Why Use URL Parameters? 57 ■Easy to switch locales for development / debugging ■Copied URLs will maintain state for sharing*

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Pulling it out of the URL 58 class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :set_locale private def set_locale I18n.locale = params[:locale] end end

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Danger! 59 symbols = Symbol.all_symbols # => [...] I18n.locale = "garbage_from_a_user" # => "garbage_from_a_user" I18n.locale # => :garbage_from_a_user Symbol.all_symbols - symbols # => [:garbage_from_a_user]

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module  LocaleSetter    include  LocaleSetter::Rails    #...    def  from_params        if  respond_to?(:params)  &&  params[:locale]            LocaleSetter::Param.for(params[:locale])        end    end end module  LocaleSetter    module  Param        def  self.for(param)            LocaleSetter::Matcher.match([param])        end    end end

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module  LocaleSetter    module  Matcher        def  self.match(requested,  against  =  available)            matched  =  (sanitize(requested)  &  against).first            matched.to_sym  if  matched        end        def  self.available          end        #  sanitize  methods  are  just  for  case  &  whitespace        #  ...    end end

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The Link Problem 62

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Modifying default_url_options 63 module  LocaleSetter    module  Rails        def  default_url_options(options  =  {})            if  i18n.locale  ==  i18n.default_locale                options            else                {:locale  =>  i18n.locale}.merge(options)            end        end        #  ...    end end

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User Preferences 64

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Store in the DB 65 rails generate migration \ add_locale_to_users locale:string

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module  LocaleSetter    module  User        def  self.for(user)            if  user  &&  user.respond_to?(:locale)  &&                    user.locale  &&  !user.locale.empty?                LocaleSetter::Matcher.match(user.locale)            end        end    end end module  LocaleSetter    #  ...    def  from_user        if  respond_to?(:current_user)  &&  current_user            LocaleSetter::User.for(current_user)        end    end end

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Composite Strategy 67

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Lookup Chain 68 1.URL parameter 2.User Preference 3.Browser 4.Default

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module  LocaleSetter    include  LocaleSetter::Rails    def  self.included(controller)        if  controller.respond_to?(:before_filter)            controller.before_filter  :set_locale        end    end    def  set_locale        i18n.locale  =  from_params  ||                                    from_user      ||                                    from_http      ||                                    i18n.default_locale    end    def  from_user        if  respond_to?(:current_user)  &&  current_user            LocaleSetter::User.for(current_user)        end    end

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github/jcasimir/locale_setter 70

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Bonus Round: White-Boxing & I18n 71

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Normal Application Layout 72 AssetSample <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %> <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %> <%= csrf_meta_tags %>

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Application Layout w/ I18n 73 AssetSample <%= stylesheet_link_tag t("stylesheet"), :media => "all" %> <%= javascript_include_tag t("javascript") %> <%= csrf_meta_tags %>

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Application Layout w/ I18n 74 client_1: stylesheet: "client1_stylesheet" javascript: "client1_javascript" client_2: stylesheet: "client2_stylesheet" javascript: "client2_javascript"

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!!! $$$ PROFIT $$$ !!! 75

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Recap 76

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Step 1: Internationalize 77

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Step 2: Localize Content 78

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Step 3: Determine Locale 79

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Hack I18n Beyond Translations 80

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Internationalization & Localization 81 Jeff Casimir / @j3

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Scraps 82

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Localize Functional Text 83

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In the View Layer 84 <%= errors_for(@article) %> module ApplicationHelper def errors_for(subject) if subject.errors render(:partial => 'common/errors', :locals => {:errors => subject.errors}) end end end

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Errors Partial 85 <%= if errors.any? %>
    <% errors.each do |e|
  • <%= e.last %>
  • <% end %>
<% end %>

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86 No Magic def create @article =[:article]) if flash[:notice] = t '' redirect_to articles_path else render :new end end

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Interpolation 87 en: generic: deleted: "%{subject} has been deleted." error: "%{subject} failed to save." t 'generic.deleted', :subject => "Comment" WAT?!

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Interpolation 88 en: models: comment: "Comment" article: "Article" generic: deleted: "%{subject} has been deleted." error: "%{subject} failed to save." t 'generic.deleted', :subject => t('models.comment')

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class ActiveRecord::Base def self.translates(*args) args.each do |method| define_method method do target = "#{method}_#{I18n.locale}" respond_to?(target) ? send(target) : attribute(method) end end end end class Article < ActiveRecord::Base translates :title, :body end