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What you need to know G ETTI NG STARTED

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In Typecast, your work lives on a canvas

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It looks like a drawing canvas, but works like a web page: infinite in height and width

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You add text by typing or pasting

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Text starts life as a humble

set in Arial Hey. I’m content

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Hey. I’m content Arial But you can change it to one of over 5,900 typefaces

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FF Tisa Web Pro Regular Regular Regular Italic Bold Bold Italic Hey. I’m content That’s over 27,000 weights!

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Hey. I’m content

      You can give it a different style

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And switch it back anytime Hey. I’m content

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make changes speedy! Global properties Hey. I’m content Me too

And me!

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while the CSS is created for you Design-by-eye Hey. I’m content Me too And me! p { font-family: Arial; font-size: 19px; line-height: 26px; font-weight: 400; margin-bottom: 26px; } T T

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Content is grouped into containers An Unlikely Creature 1 2 Armadillos are New World placental mammals with a leathery armor shell. HABITAT & A NA TOMY Many species use their sharp claws to dig for food, such as grubs, and to dig dens. The nine-banded armadillo prefers to build burrows in moist soil near the creeks, streams, and arroyos around which it lives Dasypodidae is the only surviving family in the order Cingulata,

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Containers can share styles An Unlikely Creature 1 2 Armadillos are New World placental mammals with a leathery armor shell. HABITAT & A NA TOMY Many species use their sharp claws to dig for food, such as grubs, and to dig dens. The nine-banded armadillo prefers to build burrows in moist soil near the creeks, streams, and arroyos around which it lives Dasypodidae is the only surviving family in the order Cingulata,

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They help you compare variations Habitat & Anatomy Many species use their sharp claws to dig for food, such as grubs, and to dig dens. The nine-banded armadillo prefers to build burrows in moist soil near the creeks, streams, and arroyos around which it lives HABITAT & A NA TOMY Many species use their sharp claws to dig for food, such as grubs, and to dig dens. The nine-banded armadillo prefers to build burrows in moist soil near the creeks, streams, and arroyos around which it lives 1 2

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Or test content at different widths Habitat & Anatomy Many species use their sharp claws to dig for food, such as grubs, and to dig dens. The nine-banded armadillo prefers to build burrows in moist soil near the creeks, streams, and arroyos around 560px Habitat & Anatomy Many species use their sharp claws to dig for food, such as grubs, and to dig dens. The nine-banded armadillo prefers to build burrows in moist soil near the creeks, streams, and arroyos 480px Habitat & Anatomy Many species use their sharp claws to dig for food, such as grubs, and to dig dens. The nine-banded armadillo prefers to build burrows in moist soil near the creeks, streams, and 320px

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While in beta, Typecast lets you do all of this for free

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Then you just pay the font providers when you’re ready to publish on your own website

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Style guide Team Working Hosted CSS PLU S LOTS MORE HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON!