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typo graphy r ctic l ri er for eo le ki thi s

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Daniel Kahneman The general principle is that anything you can do to reduce cognitive strain will help you [be persuasive], so you should first maximize legibility.

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abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Georgia abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Helvetica abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Trebuchet abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Comic Sans abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Baskerville

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1.5% Baskerville had a “agreement” advantage

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682 with a sample size of 45,524 that’s more people who are convinced

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SCIENCE it works, bitches

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the art and science of presenting textual information

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Philip Johnson All architecture is shelter, all great architecture is the design of space that contains, cuddles, exalts, or stimulates the persons in that space.

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Oliver Reichenstein, iA Web Design is 95% Typography 100% Easy-to-Read Standard

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for Legibility for Beauty

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for Legibility for Beauty for Practicality

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& micro macro

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& micro macro

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phi, the golden ratio 1.618 : 1 φ

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A + B A B

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A + B A B A is to AS is to 1 1.618 1 1.618

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size measure leading the three primary factors of legibility are

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size measure leading Aa The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by t selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of los

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M 1 em

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the typographical scale a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 21 24 36 48 60 72 96 +1 +2 +3 +12

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M M The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. TIMES GEORGIA

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GOOD BAD Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show’s called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they’re going to make more shows. Some pilots get picked and become television programs. Some don’t, become nothing. She starred in one of the ones that became nothing. Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show’s called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they’re going to make more shows. Some pilots get picked and become television programs. Some don’t, become nothing. She starred in one of the ones that became nothing.

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Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show’s called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they’re going to make more shows. Some pilots get picked and become television programs. Some don’t, become nothing. She starred in one of the ones that became nothing. Saccade (Eye Movement)

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PRO TIPS Stick to a measure of about 66 characters (~33em)

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GOOD BAD Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show’s called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they’re going to make more shows. Some pilots get picked and become television programs. Some don’t, become nothing. She starred in one of the ones that became nothing. Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show’s called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they’re going to make more shows. Some pilots get picked and become television programs. Some don’t, become nothing. She starred in one of the ones that became nothing.

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PRO TIPS Body text should have about 1.3–1.6em of leading

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PRO TIPS longer lines need more leading

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PRO TIPS really large text usually needs to be hand-kerned to look good

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& micro macro

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Serif versus Sans-Serif

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q 2 A q 2 A serif sans-serif

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serif sans-serif q 2 A q 2 A

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but what about fonts?

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The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the sel sh and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the nder of lost children.

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GOOD BAD Jackdaws Love My Quartz Sphinx The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. by Stiv Hamburger Jackdaws Love My Quartz Sphinx The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. by Stiv Hamburger

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GOOD BAD Jackdaws Love My Quartz Sphinx The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. by Stiv Hamburger J ckd ws Love My Qu rtz S hi x The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. by Stiv Hamburger

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PRO TIPS choose at most one or two typefaces

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PRO TIPS pair for contrast too similar isn’t good

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GOOD BAD Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac magna non augue porttitor scelerisque ac id diam. Mauris elit velit, lobortis sed interdum at, vestibulum vitae libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque iaculis ligula ut ipsum mattis viverra. Nulla a libero metus. Integer gravida tempor metus eget condimentum. Integer eget iaculis tortor. Nunc sed ligula sed augue rutrum ultrices eget nec odio. Morbi rhoncus, sem laoreet tempus pulvinar, leo diam varius nisi, sed accumsan ligula urna sed felis. Mauris molestie augue sed nunc adipiscing et pharetra ligula suscipit. In euismod lectus ac sapien fringilla ut eleifend lacus venenatis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac magna non augue porttitor scelerisque ac id diam. Mauris elit velit, lobortis sed interdum at, vestibulum vitae libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque iaculis ligula ut ipsum mattis viverra. Nulla a libero metus. Integer gravida tempor metus eget condimentum. Integer eget iaculis tortor. Nunc sed ligula sed augue rutrum ultrices eget nec odio. Morbi rhoncus, sem laoreet tempus pulvinar, leo diam varius nisi, sed accumsan ligula urna sed felis. Mauris molestie augue sed nunc adipiscing et pharetra ligula suscipit. In euismod lectus ac sapien fringilla ut eleifend lacus venenatis.

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PRO TIPS use a serif for body or “running” text

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PRO TIPS use a sans-serif for titles or “display” text

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PRO TIPS mostly a matter of convention and expectations

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A few examples in action

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go ahead make something beautiful

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