body { font-size: 10px; }
h1 { font-size: 2.4em; }
h1 span { font-size: 0.9167em; }
h1 span { font-size: 2.2rem; }
The rem unit is always relative to the root font-size, not that of its parent as em is.
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vh, vw, vmin
div { width: 25vw; }
vh = viewport height, vw = viewport width, vmin = either vh or vw, whichever is smaller. It’s
a length measure that’s relative to the viewport, not the parent.
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attr(data-color color)
The attr() value will now accept more than strings, as it currently does. You can specify the
type to be color, url, number, and more.
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div::before { content: 'foo'; }
div { content: replaced 'foo'; }
It’s proposed that you be able to replace content in any element, rather than just ::after
or ::before.
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width: calc(75% - 20px)
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em { font-style: cycle(italic,normal); }
Will cycle through the values depending on inherited values. For example, em will be have
font-style: italic if its parent is normal, or normal if its parent is italic.
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e { color: #F00; }
e:target { color: #00F; }
:target is applied to an internal link which the user has followed; e.g.
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e:dir(rtl) {}
Used for internationalised sites; rtl, ltr.
:link, :visited
:any-link means any link, regardless of its visited state; :local-link is for links on the same
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Applied to, for example, tables. Will possible work for grid layouts too.
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Selectors based on temporal position, such as combined with audio, video, screen readers.
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label:hover /for/ input
E /x/ F
A bit complicated this; the x value is an attribute of E which is equal to the id value of F. Best
example is
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$E > F
The parent selector!!! The element E has styles applied if it contains element F.
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:root { data-foo: #F00;}
h1 { color: data(foo);}
CSS Variables. Uses the data- pattern from the HTML5 data attributes. Scoped by applying to
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Boring = Exciting
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Still available.
Still not boring.