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Using Ruby for Integrated Javascript Development Introducing Iridium Wednesday, August 15, 12

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var Me = { }; • Ich heiße Adam Hawkins • @adman65 • • Lead Code Monkey at Radium • Primarily Ruby guy, now focused on JS Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Goal: Build an Ambitious Ember App Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Ambitious (n) / Ambitioniert (h) • Organized: Directory structure reflects code’s responsibility • Testable: Headless and Automated • Compilable: Coffeescript, Handlebars, and SCSS • Reloadable: Develop in the Browser • Completely separate from any other code. Separate repos. Separate servers. Separate everything--allow per project optimizations. Wednesday, August 15, 12

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• We all have our own native language • Independent frontend and backend • We meet at the API • More frontend guys then backend guys Our Team Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Our Tools Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Javascript ... Verdammt Wednesday, August 15, 12

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• How can we write our code in Coffeescript? • How can we write our CSS in SCSS? • How can we organize & require our code? • How can we unit test? • How can we run integration tests? Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Hard Problems mit Lösungen Wednesday, August 15, 12

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• Organized code has boundaries • Organized code is reusable • Organized code is split into many source files • Organized code can be required or imported • Now you’re thinking.... Organization ... lolwut Wednesday, August 15, 12

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thought = "I’ll just use #{[ "commonjs", "AMD", "requirejs", "E6 Modules" ].rand}!" Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Code Loading Comparison Language Example Uses HTML C #include No :) Ruby require ‘socket’ No :) Python import fibo No :) JavaScript Yes :( Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Solutions ? • Accept it sucks & use a module loader • Wait for ES6 Modules. This will only take 5 lifetimes. • Use a Polyfill • Approach the problem from a new angle Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Loading JS: Minispade • tags...<script> tag’s everywhere • Works when you have a small number of files • Blows up when you have hundreds or thousands • Use Minispade to wrap all individual source files in functions and dump them into a single file during compilation Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Compilation Wednesday, August 15, 12

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$ cat **/*.coffee | coffescript > application.js Wednesday, August 15, 12

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That Was Easy Right? • ... but I need to combine them into one file • ... but I need to load extra JS depending on environment (test/development/production) • ... but I want to minify it in production • ... but I only want something when I’m developing • ... but what about images and other assets? Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Coffeescript Concatenation Minification Compression application.js Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Rake::Pipeline • I know Ruby. Let’s use Rake::Pipeline to compile the application • It’s a series of tubes • Input files mapped to output files • It can do everything we need Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Slide 20 text input "app" output "site" match "javascripts/**/*.coffee" do coffeescript end match "stylesheets/**/*.scss" do scss end match "**/*.js" do contact "application.js" uglify if production? end match "**/*.css" do contact "application.css" yui_css if production? end end Wednesday, August 15, 12

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What About Red, Green, Refactor? Wednesday, August 15, 12

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// simplest possible test test("true", function() { ok(true, "True is true"); }); Let’s just fire this test up... Wednesday, August 15, 12

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1. Ensure we have the correct application.js loadable 2. Make an HTML file 3. Add a tag for qunit 4. Add a <script> tag for our test(s) 5. Write <script> tags for any other files we need 6. Human opens the HTML file using a browser 7. Human verifies results After We Do All This: Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Integration Tests • Use a server to serve and boot the app • Use something to simulate user seriously what do you use? • Report Results Wednesday, August 15, 12

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What’s the Problem • We need HTML (this makes me sad) • Humans are involved • No unified test runner from the command line • How does this process map to CI? • Hard to run individual tests Wednesday, August 15, 12

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#77 - Iridium (It’s an Element) Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Iridium: Dev Faster • Unified test runner for integration and unit tests -- all from CLI • Sensible defaults for asset compilation with Rake::Pipeline • Code “modularization” with Minispade • Configurable based on environment (development, test, production) • Make it all work seamlessly Wednesday, August 15, 12

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Architecture • Written in Ruby & designed for Javascript • Rake::Pipeline for asset compilation • PhantomJS, CasperJS + Patches for automated tests • Minispade for JS module loading • Preload jQuery and Handlebars • Preload Qunit and Sinon for testing • Not framework specific. Can use Ember, Backbone, etc Wednesday, August 15, 12

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$ cd projects/todos $ iridium server >> Thin web server (v1.4.1 codename Chromeo) >> Maximum connections set to 1024 >> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop Relodable ... now hit Refresh Wednesday, August 15, 12

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// app.js - loads all the code Todos = Ember.Application.create({ VERSION: '1.0', storeNamespace: 'todos-emberjs', }); require('todos/router'); // app/javascripts/router.js|coffee require('todos/models'); // app/javascripts/models.js|coffee require('todos/controllers'); // you get require('todos/views'); // the point require('todos/templates'); // by now Organized Wednesday, August 15, 12

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$ iridium test Testable Wednesday, August 15, 12

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$ iridium test integration/ # integration test with CasperJS # test/integration/ casper.start 'http://localhost:7777/', -> @test.assertExists('#new-todo', 'todo form found') -> @test.done() Fullstack Tests Wednesday, August 15, 12

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$ iridium test test/ # test/ test "should default to not done", -> equal Models.todo.get('isDone'), false, "todo is not done" test "should set todo title", -> Models.todo.set 'title', "A todo" equal Models.todo.get('title'), "A todo", "todo title is set" test "should be able to signify isdone", -> Models.todo.set 'isDone', true ok Models.todo.get('isDone'), "Todo is done" Unit Tests Wednesday, August 15, 12

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class Todos < Iridium::Application config.load :minispade config.load :jquery config.load :handlebars config.load :ember end Dependency Management Wednesday, August 15, 12

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$ iridium compile # production $ iridium compile ENV=staging Compilable Wednesday, August 15, 12

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$ iridium lint If You Have OCD Wednesday, August 15, 12

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