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Sinatra in 8 Lines How to do crazy stuff with ruby %w.rack  )lt  backports  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l} ${extend  Rack;a,D,S,$p,q,Applica),Object.method(:define_method),/@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m,4567,a %w[get  post  put  delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){[200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0].new(*o){n.to_s==n  ?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}};END{Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$p){|s|$r=s}} %w[params  session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send  m}};a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} puts  "==  almost  #$n/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on  #$p  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick" Saturday, August 18, 12

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Konstantin Travis CI @konstan(nhaase  aka  rkh Saturday, August 18, 12

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Sinatra Rack,  Tilt,  Rubinius,  ... Saturday, August 18, 12

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“second to K&R, the most lagom technical book I’ve read.” Peter  Cooper  (Ruby  Inside) discount code: AUTHD 50% off ebook ($6.50) 40% OFF PRINT Saturday, August 18, 12

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Prepare for strange code slides also,  no  memes  this  4me Saturday, August 18, 12

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Obfuscation Saturday, August 18, 12

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Until programmers stop acting like obfuscation is morally hazardous, they’re not artists, just kids who don’t want their food to touch. why  the  lucky  s(ff Saturday, August 18, 12

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!?! Saturday, August 18, 12

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!?! # => false Saturday, August 18, 12

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?:??::?? Saturday, August 18, 12

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?:??::?? Saturday, August 18, 12

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?:??::?? # => “:” Saturday, August 18, 12

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eval \ '51966'+[46,1935634292,32,49,54].pack('clC3') Saturday, August 18, 12

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eval \ '51966'+[46,1935634292,32,49,54].pack('clC3') # => “cafe” Saturday, August 18, 12

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eval \ '51966'+['.',1935634292, ' ', '1', '6'].pack('ala3') # => “cafe” Saturday, August 18, 12

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eval \ '51966'+['.', 'to_s', ' ', '1', '6'].pack('A4') # => “cafe” Saturday, August 18, 12

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51966.to_s(16) # => “cafe” Saturday, August 18, 12

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0xcaFE # => “cafe” Saturday, August 18, 12

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enter the heredocs Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Distraction Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Slide 25 text / rkh / almost-sinatra more  popular  than  a  pair  of  socks Saturday, August 18, 12

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As little code as possible just  eight  lines Saturday, August 18, 12

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Obfuscation was never the goal just  a  by-­‐product Saturday, August 18, 12

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%w.rack  )lt  backports  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l} ${extend  Rack;a,D,S,$p,q,Applica),Object.method(:define_method),/@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m,4567,a %w[get  post  put  delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){[200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0].new(*o){n.to_s==n  ?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}};END{Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$p){|s|$r=s}} %w[params  session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send  m}};a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} puts  "==  almost  #$n/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on  #$p  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick" the code Saturday, August 18, 12

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What works? Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Simplify and compress Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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Saturday, August 18, 12

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%w.rack  )lt  backports  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l} ${extend  Rack;a,D,S,$p,q,Applica),Object.method(:define_method),/@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m,4567,a %w[get  post  put  delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){[200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0].new(*o){n.to_s==n  ?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}};END{Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$p){|s|$r=s}} %w[params  session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send  m}};a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} puts  "==  almost  #$n/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on  #$p  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick" the code Saturday, August 18, 12

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Fake it ‘till you make it Saturday, August 18, 12

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%w.rack  )lt  backports  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l} ${ extend  Rack; a,D,S,$p,q,Applica)on, Object.method(:define_method),/@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m,4567,a %w[ get  post  put  delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){ [200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"}, [a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0].new(*o){n.to_s==n  ?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}};END{Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$p){|s|$r=s}} %w[params  session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send  m}}; a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} puts  "==  almost  #$n/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on  #$p  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick" Saturday, August 18, 12

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%w.rack  )lt  backports  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l} ${extend  Rack;a, D,S,$p,q,Applica)on, Object.method(:define_method) ,/@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m,4567,a %w [get  post  put  delete].map{|m| D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){[200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v| D.(k){|n,*o| $t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0].new(*o){n.to_s==n  ?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[ set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register]. map{|m| D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}};END{Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$p){|s|$r=s}} %w[ params  session].map{|m| D.(m){q.send  m}};a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b}; before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} puts  "==  almost  #$n/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on  #$p  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick" Saturday, August 18, 12

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%w.rack  )lt  backports  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l} ${extend  Rack;a,D, S,$p,q,Applica)on,Object.method(:define_method), /@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m,4567,a %w[get  post  put  delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){[200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o| $t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]) .scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h); v[0].new(*o){n.to_s==n  ?n:$t[n.to_s]}. render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}};END{Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$p){|s|$r=s}} %w[params  session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send  m}};a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} puts  "==  almost  #$n/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on  #$p  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick" Saturday, August 18, 12

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%w.rack  )lt  backports  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l} $ {extend  Rack; a,D,S, $p,q,Applica)on, Object.method(:define_method),/@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m, 4567,a %w[get  post  put  delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){[200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0]. new(*o){n.to_s==n  ?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}}; END{Handler.get("webrick"). run(a,Port:$p){|s|$r=s}} %w[params  session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send  m}};a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} puts  "==  almost  #$n/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on #$p  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick" Saturday, August 18, 12

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It’s all about fun! Saturday, August 18, 12

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“From now on, I’ll start quoting myself.” Konstan(n  Haase Saturday, August 18, 12

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“If your app does not run with Almost Sinatra, please open a Sinatra issue.” Konstan(n  Haase Saturday, August 18, 12

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“Versions are to Software what Subversion is to Git.” Konstan(n  Haase Saturday, August 18, 12

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“don't include tests. tests just bloat the code base. just commit, the users will complain if you break anything.” Konstan(n  Haase Saturday, August 18, 12

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BEARS or Horses this  slide  is  for  James  Coglan Saturday, August 18, 12

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Thank You @konstan(nhaase Saturday, August 18, 12