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For Objective-C Web Developers Addam Hardy

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@addamh this guy Ruby on Rails Javascript Developer iOS

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No content

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web developer? it’s time to evolve

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tablet sales to surpass desktop sales by 2015

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demand supply

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demand supply profit

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No content

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the run down

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strict superset of C Objective-C

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strict superset of C compiled language Objective-C

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strict superset of C compiled language object-oriented Objective-C

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strict superset of C compiled language object-oriented dynamic Objective-C

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strict superset of C compiled language object-oriented dynamic strictly typed Objective-C

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strict superset of C compiled language object-oriented dynamic strictly typed smalltalk style messaging Objective-C

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strict superset of C compiled language object-oriented dynamic strictly typed smalltalk style messaging very verbose Objective-C

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difficulties for web developers

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C bummers

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C compiling! so much time! bummers

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C compiling! so much time! the dynamic-ness. sort of. bummers

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C compiling! so much time! the dynamic-ness. sort of. asynchronous/threading bummers

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C compiling! so much time! the dynamic-ness. sort of. asynchronous/threading memory management bummers

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C compiling! so much time! the dynamic-ness. sort of. asynchronous/threading memory management bummers

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C compiling! so much time! the dynamic-ness. sort of. asynchronous/threading memory management static typing bummers

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C compiling! so much time! the dynamic-ness. sort of. asynchronous/threading memory management static typing errors bummers

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typing Ruby PHP Objective-C $var = 21; $variable = “This is a string”; var = 21 variable = “This is a string” (int) var = 21; NSString *variable = @“This is a string”;

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typing C Primitives Common Classes char short long unsigned char unsigned int int float double bool NSString NSNumber NSArray NSDictionary NSMutableArray NSMutableDictionary UIView UIButton id and 20,000 others..

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header files implementation files wat?

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headers / implementation class.h The public API for the class @interface Student { NSNumber *age; NSString *name; } @end

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headers / implementation class.h class.m The public API for the class The instructions for the class @interface Student { NSNumber *age; NSString *name; } @end @implementation Student - (NSString *) name { } @end

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creating classes

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classes Ruby PHP class HelloWorld { // instance variables go here // methods go here public function sayHI() { print("Hello World!”); } } class HelloWorld // instance variables go here // methods go here def sayHI puts "Hello World!” end end

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classes Objective-C @interface HelloWorld { NSString *statement = @”This is a string” } -(void) sayHI; @end

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classes Ruby PHP class cat extends animal { public function be_cute() { print("I am teh cute”); } } class cat < animal def be_cute puts "I am teh cute” end end

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classes Objective-C @interface Cat : Animal { } -(void) beCute; @end

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properties @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *title; @property (nonatomic, assign) int number;

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properties @synthesize title; @synthesize number; [object setTitle:@”This is my title”]; NSLog(@”%@”, [object title]);

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object instantiation

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object instantiation Ruby PHP include_once('HelloWorld.class.php'); $hw = new HelloWorld; $hw->sayHI; require ‘HelloWorld’ hw = hw.sayHI

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Objective-C #import @interface HelloWorld : NSObject { } - (void)sayHI; @end object instantiation header

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Objective-C #import “HelloWorld.h” @implementation HelloWorld - (void)sayHI { NSLog(@”Hi.”); } @end object instantiation header

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Objective-C #import #import "HelloWorld.h" int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { HelloWorld *hw = [[HelloWorld alloc] init]; [hw printHelloDate]; return 0; } object instantiation main.m

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methods /selectors

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methods / selectors Ruby PHP function buyItem(item) { $cart = new ShoppingCart; $cart->purchase(item); } def buyItem(item) cart = cart.purchase(item) end

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Objective-C - (void)buyItem:(ItemObject*)item { ShoppingCart *cart = [[ShoppingCart alloc] init]; [cart purchase:item]; } methods / selectors

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def addObserver(key_path, options, context) end methods / selectors

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def addObserver(key_path, options, context) end methods / selectors addObserver(key_path, options, context)

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-(void) addObserverForKeyPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath WithOptions:(NSDictionary*)options AndContext:(void*) { } methods / selectors

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-(void) addObserverForKeyPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath WithOptions:(NSDictionary*)options AndContext:(void*) { } methods / selectors [object addObserverForKeyPath:indexPath WithOptions:options AndContext:nil]

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common pitfalls

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common pitfalls NSString *this = @”kitty”; NSString *that = @”kitty”; if(this == that){ NSLog(@”This will not happen”); } if([this isEqualToString:that]){ NSLog(@”This will happen!”); } NO YES

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common pitfalls @synthesize this; @synthesize that; @synthesize those; @synthesize this, that, those; NO YES

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common pitfalls @interface MyNewClass @end @interface MyNewClass : NSObject @end NO YES

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common pitfalls start writing implementation right away always declare methods in header first then implement NO YES

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just do it!

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