Slide 48
Slide 48 text
b1df5f0 HEAD@{0}: commit:
how to connect to the channel
643f106 HEAD@{1}: commit:
added timezone support
26cf918 HEAD@{2}: commit:
links to more advice
dd71a0e HEAD@{3}: commit:
641ac84 HEAD@{4}: commit:
minor header style changes
These descriptions are MUCH more useful.
With a version control system, when you save a revision by making a so-called commit.
With each commit you must describe the change in words and save that description along
with the change itself. The description of the change is called the "commit message".
A commit is the *change* between revisions plus the *description* of that change.
Additionally, it includes the author of the change (you, in our discussion), when it was made.
Each commit knows what its parent commit is. And the parent knows its parent. And so on.
And so the collection of commits is a history of the project up to that point in time.
Then you can read through the commit messages and know the history of the repository.
In this way, you should not have to look at the changes directly in order to understand what
was done, or why, or by whom.