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fringe.js An introduction to ExtendScript

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fringe.js An introduction to ExtendScript Not an actual library!

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[Show of Hands]

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Complexity Macros & Actions Scripts Plugins

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Complexity Macros & Actions Scripts Plugins Automation Additional functionality

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= Automation on steroids

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Why care? (Why do I care?)

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Personal background PS & AI are constants in personal toolkit

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Time Task size “Manual” labor

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Time Task size “Manual” labor

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Time Task size Frustration

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Time Task size Write script

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Time Task size Run script

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Time Task size

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“ “Scripting isn’t programming. You don’t need a degree in computer science or mathematics to write basic scripts that automate a wide variety of common tasks.” — ADOBE, Introduction to scripting

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Why care? (Why could you possibly care?)

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Low hanging fruit

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VBScript Javascript AppleScript Javascript

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Didn’t your mom tell you…?

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The user’s perspective

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The toolkit

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Document window

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Document window Console

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Target application

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Engine of target application

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Run script

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Control execution

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Export as binary

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“ “In addition to implementing the JavaScript language according to the ECMA JavaScript specification, ExtendScript provides certain additional features and utilities.” — ADOBE, Javascript Tools Guide

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Application Document Pages Channels Layers Text frames …

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Illustrator (Scripting Guide)

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var doc = app.activeDocument, sel = doc.selection;

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doc.textFrames[0].parents // -> returns layer or group

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File system access

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File([path]); //can return a Folder object new File([path]); //always returns a File object Folder([path]); //can return a File object new Folder([path]); //always returns a Folder object

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// export from AI to PS function exportFileToPSD (destination) { if (app.documents.length > 0) { var options = new ExportOptionsPhotoshop(), type = ExportType.PHOTOSHOP, file = new File(destination); exportOptions.resolution = 150; doc.exportFile(file, type, options); } }

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Inter–application communication

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Limited set of cross DOM functions // e.g. open file in ID from PS // script {String} photoshop.executeScript(script);

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BridgeTalk #target "photoshop-10.0" // app available? var targetApp = BridgeTalk.getSpecifier("bridge-2.0"); if(targetApp) { // construct a message object var bt = new BridgeTalk; // the message is intended for Adobe Bridge CS3 = targetApp; // the script to evaluate bt.body = "new Document('C:\\BridgeScripts');" + ";"

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// define result handler callback bt.onResult = function(returnBtObj) { // .processResult() is defined elsewhere processResult(returnBtObj.body); } // send the message asynchronously bt.send(); }

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External communication

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FTP var file = new File('/c/Photo.jpg'), ftp = new FtpConnection('ftp://server'); ftp.put(file,'Photo.jpg'); ftp.close(); file.close();

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HTTP var http = new HttpConnection("") ; http.request = "foo=bar"; http.method = "POST" http.execute();

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Socket var reply = "", conn = new Socket; // access Adobe's home page if ( ("")) { // send a HTTP GET request conn.write("GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\n\n"); // and read the server's reply reply =; conn.close(); }

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External libraries

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“ “You can extend the JavaScript DOM for an application by writing a C or C++ shared library, compiling it for the platform you are using, and loading it into JavaScript as an ExternalObject Object. ” — ADOBE, Javascript Tools Guide

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var win = new Window("dialog", "Form"); win.orientation = "row"; // label win.add ("statictext", undefined, "Name:"); // input field var nameInput = win.add ("edittext", undefined, "John"); nameInput.characters = 30; = true; ();

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var win = new Window("dialog"); var columns = win.add("group"); columns.spacing = 0; var header = { numberOfColumns: 1, showHeaders : true, columnWidths : [80] };

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header.columnTitles = ["French"]; var col1 = columns.add("listbox", undefined, ["Un","Deux","Trois"], header); header.columnTitles = ["English"]; var col2 = columns.add("listbox", undefined, ["One","Two","Three"], header); header.columnTitles = ["Dutch"]; var col3 = columns.add("listbox", undefined, ["Een","Twee","Drie"], header);;

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No content

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var win = new Window("dialog"), inputField = win.add("edittext", undefined, "Abcdefg"), button = win.add("button", undefined, "Convert to upper case"); win.add("button", undefined, "OK"); button.onClick = function() { inputField.text = inputField.text.toUpperCase(); } ();

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No content

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Slide 78 text scriptui-1-12.pdf

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$ // Object properties, e.g. $.fileName // Name of current file $.os // Operating System $.screens // # of attached screens …

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$ // Object functions, e.g. $.colorPicker // System picker $.sleep // Suspend thread temp. $.write // Log to console …

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// execute script in Photoshop CS3 #target "photoshop-10.0"

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// Include files #include "other/file.jsx"

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Any frameworks?

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extendables by Stijn Debrouwere

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Not actively developed Originally designed for ID Python

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#include "../extendables.jsx"; var ui = require("ui");

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var styling = { 'big': { 'size': [400, 15], 'justify': 'center' } } var dialog = new ui.Dialog("I'm hungry").with(styling); dialog.text('food', 'Food!').using('big') .button('ok', 'Sure thing!') .button('no', 'No thanks'); dialog.ok.on('click').do(function(){ = "Wait a sec, coming up!"; dialog.ok.text = "Hmm..."; });

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var http = require("http"); if (!http.has_internet_access()) { throw new Error("No internet, no recipes."); } var response = http.get("");

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describe('Calculator', function () { var counter = 0 it('can add a number', function () { counter = counter + 2; // counter was 0 before expect(bar).toEqual(2); }); it('can multiply a number', function () { counter = counter * 5; // counter was 2 before expect(bar).toEqual(10); }); });

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var logging = require("logging"); // all logs end up in extendables/log var log = new Log("example.log"); try { throw new Error(); } catch (error) { log.debug("Error! will log a debug message now"); log.critical("Something happened: {error} ({env})", {'error': error, 'env': $.os}); }

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Array#flatten [1,2,[3,4,[5,6]]].flatten() // -> [1,2,3,4,5,6]

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Array#filter #pluck #forEach #map …

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String#format "Hello {}. {}".format("world", "Bye!"); var person = { name: "Flo", job: "Animal wrangler" }; "{name} is a {job} by day".format(person);

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String#trim #startswith …

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Object#is [].is(Array) // -> true

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Object#keys #merge #extend #has …

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File / Folder var documentation = new Folder("doc") .at(Folder.extendables); var here = new File($.fileName); var examples = here.parent.files(); var docfiles = documentation.files("*.md");

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Got some ideas?

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Kiitos! Thanks!