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Source Control The History of

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Static Files The History of Source Control

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FTP The History of Source Control

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SFTP/SSH The History of Source Control

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Centralized Version Control The History of Source Control

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One Repository, Lots of Clients Centralized Version Control

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CVS Centralized Version Control

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SVN Centralized Version Control

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Distributed Version Control The History of Source Control

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Lots of Repos, Lots of Clients Distributed Version Control

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Faster Distributed Version Control Benefits

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No Internet No Problem Distributed Version Control Benefits

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Inherit Backups Distributed Version Control Benefits

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Mercurial (hg) Distributed Version Control

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GIT Distributed Version Control

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GIT Install

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Slide 19 text Install via package files. Available for Mac, Windows, Linux & Solaris Install - Option 1

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Slide 20 text Easiest way to install GIT on Windows Install - Windows Only

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Slide 21 text Homebrew – package manager for OSX Install - Option 3 (Homebrew)

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$ ruby <(curl -fsSkL Step 1 Install - Option 3 (Homebrew)

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$ brew install git Step 2 Install - Option 3 (Homebrew)

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Config Settings

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$ git config --global "" Config Settings

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$ git config --global "" Config Settings

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Actual files you work on. Working Directory Workflow

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Staging area. Index Workflow

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Points to the last commit made. HEAD Workflow

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New Repository

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$ cd ~/Sites Make a New Repo

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$ mkdir Make a New Repo

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$ cd Make a New Repo

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$ git init Make a New Repo

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Clone Repository Copies an existing repository

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$ cd ~/Sites Clone an Existing Repo

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$ git clone charlotte-front-end-developers/ git-tutorial.git Clone an Existing Repo

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$ cd git-tutorial Clone an Existing Repo

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Status Check

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$ git status Status Check List all of the changes that have been made but not committed.

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Add Changes

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$ git add .txt Add Changes Adds an individual file and stores them in the Index until you’re ready to commit.

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$ git add . Add Changes Add all changes.

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Commit Changes

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$ git commit -m “Message” Commit Your Changes Commits your changes and updates the HEAD.

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$ git log Logs Lists the recent history of a repo.

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$ git log --pretty=oneline Logs Lists the recent history of a repo in a slightly more readable format.

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$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %ad | %s%d [%an]' --graph --date=short Logs Lists the recent history of a repo in an extremely more readable format.

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$ git log --graph -- pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset - %C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an> %Creset'--abbrev-commit -- date=relative Logs Lists the recent history of a repo in an extremely more readable format.

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Adding Remotes

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$ git remote add origin Adding Remotes Useful for adding a remote to a new GIT repo.

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$ git remote add Adding Multiple Remotes Creates another remote that you can pull and push too.

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Push Changes

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$ git push origin master Push Your Changes Pushes your changes to the remote. Typically a server or service like Github. Origin is an alias to a URL. Master is simply the default branch.

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Pulling Changes

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$ git pull origin master Pulling Changes A pull is two GIT commands in one. It will fetch changes from the remote, then attempt to merge them into your local repo.

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$ git checkout -b Branches Creates a new branch.

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$ git branch Branches Lists all branches.

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$ git checkout Branches Change to your newly created branch.

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$ git checkout master $ git merge Branches Merge a branch back into your master branch.

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$ git push origin Branches Push your branch to the remote.

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$ git branch -d Branches Delete a branch.

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Revert Commits

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$ git checkout -- Revert Commits Undo your changes to an individual file.

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$ git checkout Revert Commits Detach you from what’s in HEAD.

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$ git checkout -b Revert Commits Detach you from what’s in HEAD and create a new branch

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$ git stash $ git reset --hard $ git stash pop Revert Commits Stash your current changes and then reset.

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$ git reset --hard origin/master Revert Commits Scorched Earth.

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$ pico ~/.gitconfig Aliases Aliases are stored in a global .gitconfig file in your $HOME folder.

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[alias] ci = commit cm = commit -am br = branch co = checkout lp = log -p who = shortlog -n -s --no-merges undo = reset --hard lc = log ORIG_HEAD.. --stat --no-merges lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset - %C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative lf = log --pretty=fuller cleanup = !git gc && git remote prune origin fork = remote add -f Aliases

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$ git lg Aliases

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